One of the most exciting ways to fish on the river is chub fishing with the help of a beetle. Such fishing is possible only once a year, when the Khrushchev goes on a massive flight. Of course, dragonflies, grasshoppers and caterpillars are also used by anglers throughout the summer, however, according to the experience of seasoned cockchafers, the cockchafer is the most effective bait.
The subtleties of fishing for a beetle
Khrushch flies closer to mid-April. From year to year, the time of its reproduction varies, but as a rule, it falls in the second half of spring. The Maybug can be found until the end of June on city streets or in acacia thickets.
The departure of insects affects underwater inhabitants. The cockchafer is a favorite delicacy of the chub, which, with its appearance, rises to the upper layers of the water column. In large numbers, beetles get into the water, falling from bridges and trees hanging over the river. It is in such places that it is worth starting fishing.
The nuances of fishing for a beetle:
- As a rule, angling goes on vacation gear, anglers do not use direct casting so often.
- With a good bite for fishing, you can get up to several dozen bites.
- Fish of different sizes come across the hook, so a meeting with a trophy is always possible.
- The best time for fishing is day and evening, in the morning the chub is inactive and is in the lower layers of the water.
- It is better to stock up on a nozzle in advance, because in cold weather the beetle does not fly out, and in some places it may be completely absent.
- Keep the bait needed alive. To do this, anglers use glass jars with holes in the lid for air to enter.
- On the hook, the beetle must also remain alive; for this, it is planted using special equipment.
The chub inhabits the rivers in large numbers, so it can be caught everywhere. In some areas, only small individuals can be found, for example, near coastal edges, on beaches and sandy rifts. Other areas, such as narrowing areas with increasing current speed, areas with tree blockages, or large bridges across the river, attract fish of various sizes. It is worth remembering that the chub walks in flocks and responds well to a splash. The first meters after the bait is given is the best time for a bite.
To prevent the beetle from rising above the water level, its wings are cut off or clipped. It is important to maintain the integrity of the insect and its mobility.
Tackle and subtleties of installation
For fishing on a handsome redfin, you need a hard rod. Fast action blanks and extra fast action blanks will not work because they have a very sensitive tip. For fishing, you need to select a rod for the specifics of the reservoir. If fishing is carried out by casting, then the length of the blank must be at least 3 m. On the rafting, when the beetle is sent downstream without casting, short models with a height of up to 2,4 m can be used.
Rod test and blank stiffness are not the most important, so for downstream fishing, you can use more powerful tackle that can fight back big fish. Another thing is that it will be difficult to enjoy playing a brisk predator with a heavy rod, the more delicate the tackle, the more pleasant it is to play the fish.
A reel must be purchased with the rod. This type of fishing does not involve power casting or any complex manipulations that load the mechanism, so you can take an inexpensive model with a spool size of 1000 units according to the Japanese classification. It is important that the reel be properly stowed if a cord is to be used.
For fishing, cords of dark and green shades are used, which are not so noticeable on the water. Between the braid and the hook there should be a long leash of fishing line. In chub fishing, it is not necessary to use fluorocarbon, you can get by with soft nylon with a cross section of 0,16-0,25 mm.
Mounting on the cockchafer consists of three parts:
- leash from 1 to 2 m;
- transparent float sbirulino;
- hook, matched to the size of the bait;
- live bait without wings.
Sbirulino serves not only as a bite signaling device, but also allows you to throw tackle farther away. The distance between the bait and the float must be adjusted while fishing. If the fish is cautious, the bombard should be moved further away; with high activity, the free gap is reduced.
Some anglers use a popla popper with a longer and thicker leader. In some places, the chub is wary of a bright float on the surface, in others it is effectively caught with this rig.
You can also use a rig with a pixel – a round transparent float, which is used for pike fishing on live bait. When casting or descending, it is important to observe where the bait is, whether it sinks, whether the leash is tangled. If the line is often tangled, it is necessary to change it to fluorocarbon. Its texture is more rigid and not as prone to knotting.
Some anglers prefer the beetle to float on the surface. To achieve this effect, you can use a piece of foam painted in a dark color. Before putting the bait on the hook, thread the floating foam.
You can catch the Maybug at any time of the year if you stock up on a nozzle for future use. Shock freezing of the insect preserves its structure and the beetle can be used both in summer and autumn. The effectiveness of a dead bait is much lower, but the chances of seducing a handsome redfin still remain. Sometimes the beetle works great in late summer and September, when there are fewer insects, and the chub needs to stock up on fat before the freezing season. The beetle must be thawed before using.
Fishing with an artificial beetle
Like live bait, the artificial beetle attracts the chub with its look and movement. However, in this case, a simple alloy will not give results, the insect needs additional animation.
For fishing, a light tubular type rod with a hollow tip is suitable. The spinning test should not exceed 15 g. The rod is equipped with a reel and a cord with a diameter of 0,08 mm.
Artificial imitations of the cockchafer can be divided into two broad categories:
- wobblers and hard baits;
- edible silicone and soft tips.
In the first case, anglers use small wobblers made of high-quality plastic, which fully convey the anatomical structure of the insect’s body. Wobblers are painted under a beetle and have a similar appearance. A small blade in the front part deepens the bait up to half a meter, where most often there is an active predator who is looking for prey.
The size of the lures varies between 2-5 cm. Products are equipped with single or triple hooks suspended by a small ring. Wobblers in the form of a beetle are used not only in spring, but also in summer, when the fish are less active and bite only at certain hours.
Along with solid imitations, there is an analogue of the beetle made of edible silicone. This type of bait is referred to as passive baits that do not have their own game. For fishing on a silicone beetle, a fast action rod is used, which is able to give the bait animation from the “stick” whip.
Artificial beetles also repeat the shape of their live counterparts, they are painted in dark colors: black, green and brown. Some models have glitter, almost all products have paws and eyes, front antennae and outlines of wings.
Such a bait can be caught on drift, sometimes supporting it with a rod, imitating the movement of an insect in the thickness. Silicone is floating and sinking. For chub fishing, the first option is preferable, since such a nozzle is kept in the upper layer and does not fall below. It is important to choose a hook for swimming properties. A well-equipped bait is neutrally buoyant because the metal part gives it balance in the water. Also, many companies add flavors to their products. Salty and meaty smells make the bait more edible for the white predator.
Silicone Maybug wiring can be smooth and twitching. It is worth remembering that without the participation of the angler, the artificial bait does not move, so the constant shaking of the rod tip, light jerks and dribbling make the silicone “come to life”.
Chub Activity and Best Time to Fish
In May, when the chub begins to fly out, the chub pecks throughout the daylight hours. If the night temperature drops to zero, you should go fishing no earlier than 10 am. Closer to summer, the activity of the white predator decreases, now it pecks in the morning before the onset of heat, and also in the evening, before sunset. Some anglers use artificial beetles for night fishing, which comes into fruition in June.
Throughout the summer, the chub pecks with varying degrees of success, increasing its appetite with the approach of autumn. September is one of the most active fishing months. During this period, the red-finned predator responds well to surface baits and near-surface imitations.
The predator is affected by a sharp change in the atmospheric front, a drop or increase in pressure. On “bad” days, the chub can lie on the bottom, practically not eating. Summer rain does not activate the fish, stable sunny or cloudy weather is the best time to go to the river.