Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

Chebak inhabits water bodies located in the northern regions. Therefore, it is an object for fishing in the northern regions. At the same time, such fishing is quite a popular pastime.

Chebak belongs to one of the subspecies of roach, although individual characteristics are observed in its behavior. This fish is caught both in summer and winter. This is not because the chebak is the dominant species of any water body. At the same time, a chebak can have a weight of about 3 kg. This is due to the fact that it grows and multiplies rapidly.

He is caught on any gear. The main thing is to find a place for its parking, especially in winter, and also to choose the right bait.

Time to catch chebak in winter

Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

In winter, it is very important to determine the conditions under which the chebak will actively peck, otherwise fishing will not take place, as anglers like to say.

Chebak begins to peck actively at the first appearance of ice on the pond. At the same time, it should be remembered that ice fishing is an unsafe activity. On the ice should go out only when it gets stronger. At the same time, the “hunt” for the chebak should not be postponed if there is a desire to catch it. The fact is that with the advent of real cold weather, and whatever one may say about the northern regions, fishing becomes problematic. This happens in the wilderness, with the advent of the month of January. Chebak during this period loses its activity and its bites can be very rare.

This period does not last long and already at the beginning of February the chebak begins to revive again. You can safely go fishing, because the ice becomes very strong and thick, so it is almost impossible to fail. At the same time, you will have to work hard when drilling holes, since the thickness of the ice can reach 1 cm, or even more. And yet, safety measures should always be observed. This period of active fishing for chebak continues until the ice melts.

Chebak shows the main activity early in the morning and right up to lunch, when he goes to “rest”. Toward evening, the activity of this fish is restored again and continues until sunset. As soon as it gets dark, you can safely collect gear and go home. No one practices night fishing for chebak, since this is impossible, due to his ignoring baits.

Almost all types of fish have a significant dependence on weather conditions, and chebak is no exception. It has been noticed that in cloudy weather the biting of the chebak sharply decreases. He continues to take the bait, but, as they say, without much enthusiasm. In clear sunny weather, its bite is simply amazing, which brings a lot of pleasure to anglers.

Where to catch chebak in winter

Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

Like any other fish, the chebak chooses deep-sea places for wintering. Where there are the deepest parts of the water area, this is where you should look for this fish. Naturally, finding such places is not easy if you have to fish in an unknown reservoir. As a result, you will have to spend some of your precious time to find a catchy place. To do this, you need to drill as many holes as possible (at least 10) at a distance of 10-15 meters from one another. When fishing each hole, you need to remember the depth. At the same time, you should not linger for more than five minutes near each hole. This approach will allow you to determine the topography of the bottom. If the depth in all holes is almost the same and there is no difference in depth, then you can safely move to another place and start drilling holes. If you find a promising place and in the absence of a bite, you can use bait. If the chebak bites without it, then it makes no sense to use bait.

With the approach of spring and the onset of thaws, the chebak begins to leave the pits and begins to spread throughout the reservoir. During such periods, you can not particularly look for it, since it can be caught anywhere in the water area, especially since there is always plenty of it in the reservoir. And if you consider that he moves around the reservoir in flocks, then by catching one fish you can count on a good catch.

Tackle and bait for winter fishing

Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

In winter, the chebak is caught on winter float gear, using jig-less mormyshkas. You can fish with several rods at once. Usually it is 2-3 rods. It is not recommended to install more fishing rods due to the activity of his bite. It’s just that the fisherman will not be able to physically service the rods. Therefore, the best option is 2-3 fishing rods, no more. At the same time, each installed fishing rod has its own depth set to determine the location of the fish. As a rule, the chebak pecks at the very bottom, but under certain conditions it rises into the water column.

Floats weighing about 1,5 g are suitable for winter fishing for chebak. Each angler should take with him a whole set of mormyshki that differ in color. Usually chebak does not over-bait, but there are times when you need to change one lure for another to get the fish interested. As practice shows, this fish responds well to white or yellow mormyshkas.

Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

This does not mean at all that the chebak will refuse to take mormyshki of a different color. For each reservoir, this factor can have a different value, which indicates the possibility of experiments. The area of ​​experiments also includes the shape of mormyshkas. It is not at all excluded that the chebak can actively attack the bait of a completely non-traditional shape. Despite this, the chebak, as a rule, does not go over either the colors or the shapes of the baits and pecks at everything that is offered to him. When catching a chebak, you can also use nozzles as an additional attracting element:

  • mormyshka;
  • bloodworms;
  • maidservant;
  • dough;
  • bread.

Catching a chebak in winter with a mormyshka, where to catch and at what time

Naturally, when using bait, the number of bites can increase significantly. Apply ordinary cereals with the addition of feed elements used as a nozzle.

And yet, the chebak is better caught on bait-less mormyshkas. Most of the large specimens were caught on such mormyshkas.

It has been established that the chebak is not indifferent to sweets, therefore, honey, vanilla, biscuits, etc. can be added to the bait.

Supplements of garlic juice or hemp extract work well. In other words, if the bait is prepared correctly, then the result will definitely be. One way or another, bait will allow you to collect chebak in the fishing area, which will certainly affect the number of bites.

It is not necessary to prepare bait from expensive ingredients, but it is enough to take breadcrumbs. Alternatively, you can purchase a ready-made bait mixture and not spend expensive time preparing it.

Whatever it was, but the process of fishing occupies the minds of a strong half of humanity. And no wonder, because fishing is an exciting process that allows you to escape from the daily hustle and bustle.

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