Catching a catfish for a frog from the shore and from a boat – video lesson

Catching a catfish for a frog from the shore and from a boat - video lesson

As far as we know, catfish can grow to large sizes, while it leads a sedentary lifestyle and has incredible voracity.

His diet includes almost everything that gets his eye, including carrion. However, he may prefer frog, which occupies not the last place in his list.

How to catch and where to get a frog?

To organize such fishing, you need to stock up on frogs, and they are not so easy to catch. But with certain skills and proven technology, it will not be difficult. Frogs are very curious and can be interested in literally everything. Surely many anglers are familiar with the picture when the frog interfered with fishing, constantly jumping on the float. This interest of the frog can be used by using a regular fishing rod with a hook. You can put a leaf or a blade of grass on the hook and manipulate it in the immediate vicinity of the frog. Somewhere, in an hour it will be possible to rejoice at the catch, but for this you need to have patience and endurance.

You can get a few frogs in this way. In the immediate vicinity of the reservoir, a hole about a meter deep breaks out, and the next day, looking into it, you can find several frogs. The most important thing is that they cannot get out of the pit and, being on a fishing trip for several days, they can be taken as needed.

Where and how long can a frog be stored?

Unfortunately, keeping these amphibians for a long time will not work, because after they stay in an unnatural habitat, they lose their mobility, which will undoubtedly affect their attractiveness. Moreover, they can lose their natural color, which will also have a negative impact on fishing results.

If you plan to keep them at home for some time, then you need to be prepared to feed them every 2 hours with all kinds of insects, because they have a very good appetite.

They can be stored for a short time in a large plastic bucket, after filling it with 15-20 cm of water so that they feel more comfortable.

Catfish Catching Technique

The frog is very good for catching catfish, but absolutely not suitable for catching other predatory fish. This is due to the fact that after 40 minutes of being under water, she dies from a lack of oxygen. No other fish, except catfish, will want to swallow such a bait after that. Therefore, classical frog fishing involves constantly pulling the frog out of the water so that it replenishes its air supply. That is, every 20-25 minutes, you will have to check the bottom gear to see if the frog is alive. This is not very convenient, and no one is going to engage in such fishing.

Catching a catfish for a frog from the shore and from a boat - video lesson

As a rule, catfish are caught on a vent if a frog is used for this. Such tackle is not difficult to make yourself or buy in a fishing store. It consists of an ordinary stick, to which a thick fishing line or fishing cord is attached, with a corresponding hook at the end.

The fishing line is fixed on the shore, and a frog is put on the hook and thrown away from the shore. As a rule, catfish’s favorite places are pits, where he eats. At the same time, he is able to leave them, especially at night, when his search for food is activated. The fishing line or cord must be strong enough to withstand a large catfish, and it can also bite, while the tackle must be securely fastened to the shore. Sometimes fishermen tie tackle to a tree, which guarantees the retention of a large specimen.

The method of catching catfish on “quok“. This is a special device that allows you to make sounds (kvoki) that attract catfish. Moreover, on the “kwok” you can catch catfish, both at night and during the day.

With this method of fishing, it is imperative to have a boat, since it will not work to catch the “kwok” from the shore.

The kwok fishing technique is as follows: first you need to put the frog on the hook. It is mounted on a hook by the hind leg, but in no case for any other place and lowered into the water. After that, using a special device, you should start to “squeal”. Every 20-25 minutes, the frog is pulled out of the water and allowed to catch its breath for 10 minutes, after which it can be lowered into the water again. One frog can last half a day. For this, medium-sized frogs are selected, which attract catfish the most.

This type of fishing is quite interesting, because the frog is a favorite bait for catfish. Seeing its prey, catfish can easily swim in shallow water. This type of fishing is simple and very affordable due to the huge amount of bait floating around in the waters.


Particular attention should be paid to the hauling of catfish, since the specimen can be significant. There were cases when the catfish easily tore the boat from its place and dragged it, as if in tow. It will not be superfluous to recall that he can easily drag the fisherman under the water if the tackle is not taken correctly. It is not recommended, when playing a catfish, to wind a fishing line or cord around your hand. Catfish is a very strong fish and there were cases when fishermen paid with their lives, ignoring the capabilities of this fish. In such cases, a large landing net or hook should be on hand. In extreme cases, catfish can be stunned with an oar if a head appears above the surface. But in general, in such cases, everything is decided by seconds, so safety precautions cannot be neglected.

You need to see with your own eyes how the frog is used when catching catfish and what result you can get in the end by watching the corresponding video.

Catching Catfish on a Frog. Postavuha on Soma. Astrakhan.

Undoubtedly, fishing is not the last place in a person’s life, given that modern life is a source of stressful conditions. Man is increasingly trying to get into nature in order to somehow forget from everyday reality. Some fishermen go fishing for the catch, while others go fishing for fun. Increasingly, it sounds from the lips of fishermen: “Caught – let go.” This is especially true for small fish that are caught on hooks. At the same time, it is very important to take into account that the 3rd millennium is in the yard and fishing using non-humane methods of fishing should remain in the past. In Europe, the use of live bait as bait has long been banned, which means that this type of fishing is inhumane fishing. The same can be said about catching catfish on a frog. How do you need to mock the unfortunate frog in order to catch a catfish?

Of course, this is everyone’s business, but I still want to keep up with the times, and time says that nature should be protected and treated with care for the same frogs. At the same time, a lot of technologies and gear have been developed, which makes it possible not to resort to such inhumane methods of catching catfish and other fish species.

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