Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Several centuries ago, fishing was a way of getting fish. In some parts of the world, it is still a means of survival. Nowadays, fishing is considered one of the most beautiful forms of recreation. At the same time, fishing is distinguished both in summer and in winter. If summer fishing does not carry extreme sensations, then winter fishing can be safely attributed to an extreme type of recreation. And this is not surprising, because the process of fishing is carried out in conditions of low temperatures, snow drifts and cold water. In addition, winter fishing is fraught with dangers associated with insufficient ice thickness.

Most winter fishing enthusiasts prefer to use handmade lures. What are these baits and how to use them will be described in this article.

What is a lure?

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

A spinner is an artificial fish bait equipped with a hook or several hooks. Spinners are made of metal, such as copper, brass, stainless steel and others. As a rule, the shape of the spinner resembles a small fish and can be painted to match the color of a certain type of fish: pike, bleak, etc. Recently, you can find artificial baits that imitate small animals, such as a mouse, a frog, a leech, and crustaceans.

Types of spinners

Artificial lures (baits), depending on the fishing season, are divided into:

Summer. These are basically oscillating and spinning baubles. Winter. They have several subspecies:

  1. Spinners for vertical sparkles.
  2. Spinners in the form rocker arms – balancers.
  3. Shining «The Dragon“. This is a spinner, which is often used by poachers, and the fishing method can be safely called “draconian”.

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Summer and winter have a significant difference related to the nature of the application. If in summer the lure is held horizontally, then in winter it is only vertical, since you have to fish from the ice.

Depending on the characteristics of fishing, a winter fishing rod is also selected. When fishing with a mormyshka, it is desirable to have a winter fishing rod with a sensitive nod. When fishing with a lure, a nod is not required. Although, if you look from the other side, then a winter fishing rod is a very primitive tackle, no matter what type of bait is used.

Finnish spinners

Finnish spinner manufacturers produce excellent models that have proven themselves from the best side. These models can be considered:

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

  • Nautilus, has a peculiar shape, in the form of a narrow pear.
  • Alaska, has a narrow purlin shape.
  • Veteran, there is a blade at the back of this lure.
  • Caravelle, somewhat reminiscent of a squid because of the wings located at the back of the spinner.

Finnish spinners are characterized by excellent play and a peculiar shape, as well as a peculiar tee fastening.

It is necessary to single out the spinners of the Williams form separately. It was organized in 1916 by the Williams brothers. These spinners have no analogues, therefore they can be recommended for a wide range of winter fishing enthusiasts. The body of the spinner is made of polished brass, after which a thin layer of gold or silver is applied to it.

When is the best time to lure

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Fish respond well to the game of baubles at the beginning and at the end of winter. On the lure, mainly large specimens are caught. If there are no bites, then this is a signal indicating the transition to the next hole. There can be 10 such holes, depending on the nature of the reservoir. This is especially true when fishing is carried out on an unfamiliar body of water. Sometimes, to find fish, you have to drill a large number of holes. Unfortunately, this is the specificity of winter fishing.

Fishing for pike, perch, zander

Catching pike on a winter lure

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Tackle for winter pike fishing is somewhat different from gear used for catching other types of fish. First of all, it should be noted that this is a toothy predator that can easily bite the fishing line.

Winter pike fishing on the lure ULYANKA

Therefore, the presence of a metal leash is mandatory. A pike of any size can bite, which must be taken into account. Based on this factor, you should select the main elements of tackle, such as a fishing rod and fishing line. The rod should be powerful, to which the fishing line is attached, 0,3-0,4 mm thick. When fishing for pike, the bite can be determined with the help of the hand.

Winter pike fishing is possible on various spinners, differing from each other in:

  1. Constructions.
  2. The size.
  3. Form.
  4. Blossom.
  5. The nature of the game.

The principle of winter lure fishing is based on the imitation of a small fish that can attract any predator, including pike. Hooks are fixed on the lure. For pike fishing, triple hooks (tees) are more suitable, as they are more reliable and catchy.

Not the last role is played by the size of the spinner. Usually, these are spinners, from 6 to 12 cm long.

Before you can catch a pike in winter, under a layer of ice, you have to find it. To do this, it is necessary to drill a certain number of holes and try to determine the nature of the bottom topography. The task can be greatly simplified if you use an echo sounder. But this does not mean that you do not have to drill holes. Holes will have to be punched, although there may be much fewer of them.

Lure perch fishing

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

The perch prefers to be in a flock, therefore, having caught one striped robber, you can count on a serious catch. But you can’t hesitate, so the spinner will help you quickly carry out the process of fishing. Spinner attracts perch due to its game, shape and size. The action of the bait resembles the movements of a small fish, and its brilliance provokes a perch to attack.

Perch fishing with baubles in winter

Perch, like other types of fish, tries to find a deep-sea place in order to survive the winter without any problems. Here he is chasing the “trifle”, which is a source of food. Perch can be safely called a smart predator. Before he decides to attack, he can study potential prey for a long time and only then rush at it and swallow it. Therefore, the game of spinners must be believable and natural.

The game of the lure comes down to the fact that it is lowered to the bottom, after which, with a sharp movement, the lure rises to a height of 30-35 cm. When you reach the bottom, you need to take care of the pause. The key to effective winter fishing depends on the organization of constant pauses.

Winter lure fishing for zander

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Particular attention deserves catching pike perch in winter. It’s interesting and entertaining. At the same time, it does not require a special leash, as in pike fishing, despite the fact that a serious specimen can bite, unlike perch fishing.

Despite the fact that the winter pike perch is not as active as the summer pike, a good catchy lure will always be able to interest such a predator as pike perch. Very often, to catch him, they use a lure-balancer, with a peculiar game. The spinner is made in the form of a fish, which has a different coloring. The question is which coloring he will prefer. The balancer is carried out in the same way as when fishing for perch: it is sharply lifted up, by 40 centimeters, after which it is allowed to smoothly lower to its original place. The game of the balancer in free fall is very important. Just then, his movements resemble those of a small fish. Attack the lure, pike perch can either during its fall, or at the moment of stopping at the bottom point. Upon reaching the bottom point, you should stop for a few seconds so that the zander does not miss.

Sometimes, pikeperch perceives the lure as an object for the game. At the same time, he can attack the bait at any time. You should always be prepared for this turn of events.

Making winter baubles with your own hands

Catchable winter spinners: varieties and fishing techniques, Finnish spinners

Many, especially experienced anglers, are engaged in independent production of spinners. This process is as interesting as the process of fishing itself. With the proper approach and care, you can make a very catchy specimen. In addition to being interesting, it is also not expensive. Everyone knows that all catch models are not cheap and most anglers cannot afford such a luxury. There is also such a fact as the lack of catchability of many cheap models. Very often, homemade spinners easily compete with their expensive originals. It all depends on the skill and skill of the one who makes the bait.

DIY baubles for winter fishing

It is quite simple to make such a spinner as “Torpedka”. She is capable of several interesting movements. For its manufacture, strips of copper, 0,2 mm thick, are suitable.

“Torpedo” is made by extrusion, after which the cavity is filled with solder.

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