Catatonia – causes, symptoms, types. What is the treatment of catatonia?

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Catatonia is an increase in muscle tension while resting. Its appearance is caused by infections of the central nervous system, especially herpetic encephalitis. People with Catatonic Syndrome usually place their bodies in an unnatural position or hold the same posture all the time.

The causes of catatonia

Catatonia is defined as resting growth muscle tension. It disappears during active and passive movements. In a large group of patients catatonia it has its origins in organic diseases of the brain. It also often occurs in the course of homocystinuria, metabolic acidosis, hypercalcemia, central nervous system infections, general infections, after carbon monoxide poisoning, and advanced circulatory failure.

Types of catatonia

Catatonic syndrome most often it manifests itself as hypokinetic catatonia and hyperkinetic catatonia. Despite different symptoms oba types of catatonia can occur in the same patient. There is also a rare acute one catatonia a functioning (malignant), lethal hyperkinetic variety catatonic. It is accompanied by vegetative disorders, metabolic disorders, sweating, high fever. Deadly variety catatonic it is usually the result of metabolic disorders, poisoning with psychoactive substances, infections and injuries of the central nervous system.

Hypokinetic figure catatonic characterized by the fact that the patient’s motility is slowed down. Gradual escalation symptoms it results in complete immobility, that is, stupor catatonic. The sick person speaks very quietly and slowly or is completely silent. Patient’s consciousness may become confused. Hypokinetic figure catatonic intensifies with varying frequency. There is a risk of hallucinations, but these will pass quickly.

Hyperkinetic figure catatonic It is characterized by excessive motor activity, often accompanied by disorganization. The sick person behaves erratically and his actions seem pointless. It happens that people suffering from a hyperkinetic form catatonic they scream and are aggressive during physical activity. Their facial expressions and gestures are often perceived as bizarre. With this character catatonic delusions and hallucinations of varying severity often occur. Patients with this condition do not control their body, they fall into catatonic shawl.

Symptoms of catatonia

Katatonia is a group of systemic disorders that are mainly associated with changes in motor activity and accompany mental disorders. Among the most common symptoms diseases are listed as:

  1. catatonic posture – characterized by an unnatural body position. The sick person stays there for a long time;
  2. catatonic stiffness – keeping the body in one position;
  3. wax flexibility – keeping the body in a position imposed by other people;
  4. catatonic stupor – standing still, complete numbness, accompanied by a lack of verbal contact;
  5. echo symptoms – repetition of other people’s movements or words;

Catatonia is not treated as a disease entity. Catatonic symptoms they occur in the course of: schizophrenia, affective diseases, inflammation of the central nervous system, intoxication with drugs and psychoactive substances, metabolic disorders, dementia.

Treatment of catatonia

Treatment of catatonia depends on the diagnosis of the disease it accompanies catatonic syndrome. For patients with schizophrenia catatonic, the methods of therapy rely on the use of pharmacological agents. They contribute to a visible improvement in a person’s health.

When the symptoms of the disease worsen, it is necessary to administer benzodiazepines, followed by antipsychotic neuroleptics. There are also cases of patients whose electroconvulsions save lives.

Treatment patients with catatonia takes place in a psychiatric or somatic diseases ward. It is very important to provide the patient with appropriate care and safety.

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