The first symptoms of cataracts are usually reduced visual acuity. Patients say that the image becomes blurry, blurry, hazy. There are problems with judging distance and colors. Although the risk of developing the disease increases with age – after the age of 70, virtually everyone gets sick – it does not have to be the case. We can counteract this disease much earlier and enjoy good eyesight even at a later age.

We are losing sight in the queues

In almost 99 percent. In cases, the cause of the disease is simply the aging process. With age, the lens of the eye becomes more and more flexible, it becomes cloudy, which means that the light reaching the negligible amount diffuses, and we see worse and worse.

In addition to age, cataracts can be caused by other diseases: diabetes, galactosemia (the body does not convert galactose – simple sugar – into glucose), glaucoma or retinitis pigmentosa, as well as injuries or the use of steroids. Sometimes we hurt our eyes ourselves. The rapid appearance of cataracts is favored by smoking or prolonged exposure to the sun without eye protection.

It is estimated that 800 people suffer from cataracts in Poland. Half a million Poles sign up for long queues for surgery to improve their vision, and the average waiting time for it is up to four years. The procedure itself takes an hour and involves implanting a new lens in the patient. However, the less advanced the disease, the more effective the surgery, and within a few years the eyesight may deteriorate dramatically and the chances of recovering it may be completely lost. Even after a successful operation, many patients still need to wear glasses in order to see well.

At Medonet Market you can buy a cataract treatment tailored to your needs – click and see the offer. Before the surgery, you will need to qualify for the surgery. You can check the Eyemed offer for qualification for cataract surgery here.

Cataract prevention methods

While cataracts may seem inevitable, there are ways that can delay its onset or minimize symptoms. One of them is ensuring a high level of vitamin C in the diet. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that it can reduce the risk of eye disease by as much as 64 percent. It is hard to find a better reason to increase the daily portion of citrus and other fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C. Remember that it is also found in parsley, currants, strawberries and peppers.

Another way to reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts is to drink black and green tea. Although the theine contained in it has its dark sides, and its excess may lead to the formation of kidney stones, edema or impede the absorption of iron, a cup of good tea a day has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision. This information should be taken to heart, especially by genetically burdened people. Cataracts in 1/3 of cases are hereditary. So if our parents were ill because of this, it is worth taking a liking to tea, as it can bring us more benefit than the alleged harm.

Carbohydrates, in turn, are part of the diet that should be definitely limited to counteract cataracts. An extensive study on the subject has appeared in the journal Investigative Ophtalmology & Visual Science. The conducted research proved that people who consumed large amounts of carbohydrates suffered from cataracts three times more often. Although it is impossible to eliminate them from the diet, because they are the most important and necessary source of energy for our body, it is worth adjusting their presence on the plate. So let’s switch from white bread to dark bread, choose wholemeal pasta and natural rice, and most of all avoid white flour and sweets.

Hope in stem cells

Scientists from the University of California have been working for a year on a method that could revolutionize the fight against cataracts. They managed to grow a new lens from the patient’s stem cells in his own eye. His vision returned to its pre-cataract state in the next three months. This is another discovery confirming the remarkable regenerative action of stem cells for the body. In addition, scientists emphasize, much safer than standard surgery. It will take at least a few more years before it is considered the standard treatment for patients worldwide. During this time, it is worth taking care of your diet, protecting your eyes and reporting the first vision problems to the doctor.

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