Cataract (cataract)
GEMINI, the center of each, ace Sponsored article

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye and is characterized by deterioration of vision. People struggling with cataracts report that they can see through a foggy window. In general, vision is disturbed and colors are perceived to be less colorful and dull. Cataracts are usually treated surgically by removing the lens and inserting a new intraocular lens. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

What is cataract?

Cataracts, or cataracts, are clouding of the lens and damage your eyesight. The most common cause of this condition is the breakdown of proteins and clouding of the lens. Most patients describe this ailment as looking through a veil or hazy window. In many cases, this haze makes everyday life and activities such as driving, working or reading a book difficult.

What are the symptoms of cataracts?

– Patients often complain of blurred vision

– The so-called the halo effect, i.e. the perception of luminous hoops around light sources

– Problem with vision at dusk and at night

– Double vision in the affected eye

– Far vision deteriorates; Cataracts become myopic as the refractive index of the lens changes.

What causes cataracts?

The cause of cataracts is primarily the aging of the body. From the age of 40, protein breaks down in the eye, making the lens cloudy.

Another factor influencing the occurrence of cataracts is lifestyle. If you smoke or consume alcohol a lot, you have a much higher chance of developing the disease.

Genetics are equally important – if you have this disease in close relatives, it is very likely that you will also suffer from it.

Other factors include excessive exposure to sunlight, a history of eye injuries or surgery, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Cataract treatment options

The most radical and the most common method of treatment is surgery, accompanied by an appropriate preoperative examination to assess whether the patient is fit for surgery. However, before your doctor recommends surgical treatment, cataracts can be prevented, for example by increasing the power of corrective glasses or wearing anti-reflective sunglasses.


Surgery is only performed when the patient has severe vision loss that limits his daily life. To determine the degree of vision loss, a number of preoperative tests are performed, such as visual acuity testing or a slit-lamp test, to rule out the presence of several diseases at once. The main task is to surgically remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a new intraocular lens. The old natural lens is removed through an incision in the cornea and a new artificial intraocular lens is placed in place of the original (natural) lens. The advantage is the so-called biometrics, i.e. the exact calculation of the value of a new intraocular lens. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Cataract prophylaxis

– Increase your consumption of vegetables

– Regularly take vitamin E, carotenoids, vitamins A and B

– Protect yourself from sunlight by wearing sunglasses to prevent UV rays from entering your eye

– Limit your alcohol intake and quit smoking

– Regularly go to eye tests to detect the disease as soon as possible (not only cataracts, but also other diseases).

We restore people’s sharp vision

If you suffer from cataracts, we can recommend a visit to the Gemini Eye Clinic in the Czech Republic. A network of specialized centers equipped with the latest equipment regularly helps restore sharp vision to hundreds of Polish patients. More information can be found on our website. We are happy to answer all your questions.

GEMINI, the center of each, ace Sponsored article

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