Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Planting and caring for catalpa in the Moscow region have a number of characteristic features. Only frost-resistant species are suitable for cultivation in the region, but they are in no way inferior to heat-loving varieties of this plant.

Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Features of growing catalpa in the Moscow region

Catalpa is a heat-loving plant that grows in the form of a tree or shrub with large (up to 25 cm) heart-shaped smooth bright green leaves. North America is considered its homeland. Trees growing naturally often reach a height of 10 to 12 m. The inflorescences may contain up to 50 small creamy white flowers with an apple aroma. The fruits are pod-shaped capsules reaching a length of up to 55 cm, in some regions they can remain on the shoots throughout the winter.

Despite the fact that the catalpa prefers a warm climate, it can also be grown in the conditions of the Moscow region. First of all, before planting, you need to decide on the type and variety of the plant. For cultivation in the Moscow region, only winter-hardy species are recommended, such as:

  • Catalpa beautiful – one of the most frost-resistant varieties, withstands temperatures down to -40 degrees. Her flowers are slightly smaller than those of wild-growing heat-loving species, but this has no effect on the size of the inflorescences and the general decorative appearance;

    Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

  • Bignoniform catalpa Nana – a tree 4 – 6 m high with a compact spherical crown. It is a winter-hardy species, however, in the Moscow region during severe winters it can freeze slightly. Young fragile bushes, as a rule, cover for the winter;

    Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

  • Catalpa is magnificent differs from other species in fragrant creamy flowers about 7 cm long. In favorable conditions, it can reach a height of up to 30 m.

    Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Winter-hardy species of catalpa, when planted in the Moscow region, bloom at the end of June. They do not respond well to hot and dry weather, so in the summer it is extremely important to provide the tree with proper care, which consists in regular abundant watering.

Usually, the height of the catalpa grown in the Moscow region, regardless of the species, does not exceed 4 m. Due to the short stature, the tree is rarely used in separate plantings. Most often, landscape compositions are formed from catalpa, including deciduous magnolias and oaks.

Planting and caring for catalpa in the Moscow region

If you provide catalpa growing in the Moscow region with proper care, its decorative effect will not be inferior to the decorative effect of trees growing in natural conditions. The first step is to purchase high-quality planting material and decide on a place to plant the plant. Follow-up care includes regular watering, top dressing, pruning, as well as annual preventive treatments with fungicides and insecticides.

Preparation of planting material

Planting material is best purchased at specialized nurseries or large gardening stores. When choosing seedlings, first of all, one should build on their winter hardiness, which depends on the growing conditions of the cutting. The best option would be seedlings grown in the Moscow region, as they are more adapted to the climatic conditions of the region.

Advice! The optimal age of seedlings is 1-2 years, height is about 1 m. Seedlings with an open root system take root better when planted together with an earthen clod.

Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Site preparation

In order for the catalpa to feel comfortable in the conditions of the Moscow region, seedlings should be planted on the south side of the site. The place for planting should be well lit and protected from the wind, it is advisable to place the plant away from tall buildings and dense coniferous compositions.

The soil for planting catalpa in the Moscow region should be especially nutritious. Ideal soil mixture containing:

  • humus (3 parts);
  • river sand (2 parts);
  • sheet soil (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part).

Among other things, the soil for planting must be fertilized with ash (7 kg) and phosphate rock (50 g). It is important that the acidity of the soil does not exceed 7,5 pH.

Attention! When choosing a place for planting catalpa, it should be borne in mind that the distance between the seedling and other plants should be at least 4-5 meters.

Rules of landing

Planting seedlings in open ground in the Moscow region is best done in spring, before the start of sap flow, or in autumn, after the end of leaf fall.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Dig a planting hole with a diameter of about 70 cm and a depth of about 100 cm.
  2. Lay a drainage layer 15 cm thick on the bottom of the pit, consisting of crushed stone or broken brick.
  3. Pour about 2/3 of the nutrient soil mixture into the planting hole. The hole should be filled almost to the top.
  4. Carefully place the seedling in the pit, cover with the remnants of the soil mixture.
  5. Compact the soil and water.
  6. Mulch the soil around the trunk with peat.

Watering and top dressing

One of the most important components of tree care is watering, it should be regular. Catalpa grown in the Moscow region must be watered once a week. During a drought, the frequency of watering should be increased to twice a week, if necessary, you can water the plant more often. If the summer turned out to be cool and rainy, then watering is reduced to 2-3 times a month. At the same time, about 20 liters of water are consumed per adult tree.

After watering, and also after the end of the rains, the soil in the near-stem circle must be loosened, removing in parallel all the weeds that take away the strength of the plant.

Another important component of catalpa care is systematic feeding, which is usually carried out in the Moscow region twice a season. During spring, the tree is fed with nitroammophos. In autumn, the catalpa needs nitrogen more than ever, therefore, during this period, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are fertilized.


Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Complete catalpa care also includes sanitary pruning. In the Moscow region, spring is considered the ideal time for pruning. It is important that the buds do not begin to swell on the shoots. During sanitary pruning, all injured, dry and frozen shoots are removed.

The formation of the crown is not a mandatory element of care and is optional. As a rule, for this purpose, a bole 120–200 cm high is created, over which a sprawling low crown will subsequently form, consisting of 5 skeletal shoots.

Protection against diseases and pests

Catalpa has a high immunity to various diseases and pests. However, if the tree is weakened due to improper care, it can still get sick.

In the Moscow region, catalpa is most often attacked by Spanish flies, the best method of getting rid of which is double treatment with insecticides such as Decis Profi or Fastak.

Pests such as hornets, which look like hornets, pose a great danger to catalpa in the Moscow region. Their larvae, emerging from eggs laid by females in wood, gnaw through passages inside it. As a result, despite all the efforts in the care, the tree withers and weakens every day. A catalpa struck by horntails cannot be saved.

Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Advice! To protect the catalpa from horntails, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment with insecticides after planting. Such a procedure will not harm the plant, but it definitely will not be superfluous in care.

Catalpa growing in the Moscow region can be affected by a dangerous fungal disease – wilt, which is caused by mechanical damage to the root system and improper care, in particular, non-compliance with irrigation standards. Wilt is manifested by yellowing and falling leaves. The disease is curable only at an early stage. The treatment with “Fundazol” and watering with “Maxim” can help a sick plant. For prevention purposes, annual fungicide treatment can be included in the care.

Preparation for winter

Young plantings of catalpa under the age of 2-3 years are especially afraid of cold weather, therefore, during the winter in the climatic conditions of the Moscow Region, they need to be provided with proper care. To do this, the trunk is wrapped with burlap, and the trunk circle is mulched with dry foliage. Then the plantings are additionally covered with spruce branches. When spring comes and the thaw begins, the shelter can be removed.

With proper care, the tree actively grows, develops and becomes more and more frost-resistant over the years. Adult catalpas of some species perfectly tolerate winter in the Moscow region even without shelter: these include Catalpa bignoniform Nana, Catalpa beautiful and Catalpa magnificent.

Reproduction of catalpa in the Moscow region

Catalpa is most often propagated using seeds and cuttings. In the Moscow region, planting seeds for seedlings begins in late February or early March. The seed propagation method is quite easy, since the seeds do not need to be stratified before planting. The only thing that is necessary before sowing is to soak them in water for 8-12 hours. Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out in late spring, after the threat of return frosts has passed.

Propagation of catalpa by cuttings should be done in the second half of summer. Planting material is taken from adult plants, its length should be about 8 cm. In addition, it is important that several healthy buds are present on the surface of the cutting. The rules for caring for cuttings are no different from the rules for caring for seedlings. In the open ground, cuttings in the Moscow region are planted, as a rule, in May.


Catalpa in the suburbs: planting and care, reviews

Planting and caring for catalpa in the Moscow region are quite time-consuming processes, but the result is definitely worth the effort. This plant will serve as a bright accent in the landscape design of the site. Among other things, the tree is highly resistant to air pollution, so it can be grown even in the city.

Catalpa. From sowing seeds to planting.

Reviews about catalpa in the suburbs

Anna Leonidovna Artemova, 55 years old, Kolomna
I have been growing bignoniform catalpa on my plot for 15 years. I can say with confidence that in the conditions of the Moscow region the plant feels great, the main thing is to provide it with good care and cover the seedlings for the first 2-3 years after planting. By the way, to make the crown more magnificent, the upper kidney can be cut off, and the side ones can be pinched.
Marina Litvinenko, 43 years old, Sergiev Posad
Catalpa has been growing on our site in the Moscow region for the sixth year. The husband gave a two-year-old seedling from the nursery. At first I didn’t know anything about caring for this plant, and therefore in the first years I didn’t even cover it for the winter: it’s good that it survived it. This year I want to try to propagate the tree with my seeds.

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