Cat vomiting: what to do about cat vomiting?

Cat vomiting: what to do about cat vomiting?

In cats, many conditions cause vomiting. While most of the time these are harmless and disappear spontaneously, they can also be the first signs of serious illnesses, which should be detected as early as possible.

Vomiting in cats, where does it come from?

Vomiting is the body’s natural defense mechanism that tries to push the source of the problem out of the body. Regurgitation and vomiting should not be confused. Regurgitation is a voluntary act of the cat, which reflects an affection in the throat or esophagus of the cat. In contrast, vomiting is a cat’s reflex act, which it does not control and which reflects an affection on the parts further downstream of the digestive tract (stomach and / or intestine).

Vomiting is not a disease in itself, but rather symptoms that should point us to a more or less serious condition. The color of the vomit can be an important criterion in assessing the severity of the condition. Normally, when the stomach is empty, the vomit is white and frothy. If the animal has just eaten then there is food content mixed with gastric juice. On the other hand, if the vomiting is pink, red or brown, it may indicate the presence of blood in the stomach. On the contrary, if the vomiting is yellow or green, it indicates the presence of bile juice in large quantities, and therefore often a condition of the lower part of the digestive tract such as an obstruction, or a liver problem.

The main causes of vomiting

As mentioned previously, the causes of vomiting are very numerous, and it would be difficult to make an exhaustive list. Nevertheless, among the most common causes, we find:

  • The cat who eats too quickly, which triggers reflex vomiting. Vomiting then takes place within minutes of food intake and the gastric contents are not digested at all. To avoid this, you can slow down your cat’s food intake with an anti-glutton bowl;
  • Food indiscretion: by this we mean the cat who will swallow a small foreign body, often a string, which causes an obstruction in the stomach or intestine and vomiting. Other more serious causes of occlusion exist;
  • Significant parasitism: when your cat is heavily infested with worms, it can cause vomiting. These are not always visible, which is why it is recommended to deworm your cat regularly, whatever his lifestyle;
  • Poisoning: Cats tend to chew on a lot of things, which can sometimes get them in trouble. Many houseplants are particularly toxic to cats and can cause vomiting if swallowed.

When to see your vet?

In the event of vomiting, you should consult your veterinarian promptly if:

  • Vomiting is sudden onset and repeated, which may be a sign of intoxication or obstruction;
  • Vomiting is frequent, that is to say that the cat vomits several times a week;
  • The vomiting is abnormal in color, or if other clinical signs are present such as depression, hypersalivation, hyperthermia, etc.

Contrary to what one might think, food allergies are relatively infrequent in cats and manifest themselves little by vomiting but more often by dermatological symptoms.

Depending on his clinical examination, your veterinarian may choose to implement symptomatic treatment or may need to perform additional examinations (blood test, ultrasound, endoscopy, etc.).


  1. बिरालाे लाई उल्टि हुन्छ 4 घन्टा यक चाेटि हुन्छ खाना खादैनन

  2. mani mushugim xozir qusiwni bowladi tuğulganiga 1 oy boldi xali juda kichkina man judayam qorqayamma olib qomidimi oq ramgda qusyapdi

  3. Assalamu alaykum mushugim tinmasdan qusvoti suv ichsayam qusvoti nima qilsa boladi

  4. Mushugim tug’ganiga 3 kun boldi sariq qusyabti nima qilishimiz kerak

  5. assalomu aleykum mushugim 10 oylik sariq qusdi ham axlatida qon ham bor nima qilish kerak

  6. Assalomu aleykum yahwimisz mni muwugim notogri ovqatlanishdan qayt qilepti oldini olish uchun ichini yuvish uchun nima qilash kerak javob uchun oldindan rahmat

  7. Assalomu alekum yahshimisiz meni mushugum qurt qusyabdi oq kopikli va qurt chiqyabdi nima qilsam boladi nima sababdan qurt qusishi mumkin yangi olgandim bu mushukni

  8. Mushuk sariq rangda qusib xam ichi ketvoti ishtaxasi yoq onasiniya emmayapti 2oyli nima qilsa yoki bersa boladi

  9. assalomu alaykum mushugim tinmasdan qusvotti ozb ketgan ovqatiniyam yemayabdi kunduz kuni umuman hovliga chiqmid kechasi miyovlab chiqadi qusganiniyam rangi toʻq rangda suyuq nma qsam bolad

  10. mushugim tabaka yegandi suyelari bn ertansi kuni kun buyi tashadi mayda suyechalar chiqti usha kundan buyon qusyapti, arada ichi xam utdi, 3 4 kun buldi.
    bugundan ishtahasi yuq ozip ketti nima qilsam buladi ovqatini ozgina yidi va ushandegicha tashadi rangsiz. javob uchun oldindan rahmat

  11. asalomalekum mani pisheyim tabaka yigandi ertas kuni suyechala bilan rosa qusti veterenarga obordim ukalla qildi yahshi buldida bir haftachala utti, yana qusepti sariq umman heshnarsa yigani yu hoz boshini kutarishkayam holi qomadi istimasiyam bor veternarga yana obardim ukkalla qildi yana , nima qisam buladi uzim

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