cat problem. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy – how to avoid it?
cat problem. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy - how to avoid it?cat problem. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy – how to avoid it?

Toxoplasmosis means infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which does not harm the mother-to-be, but can be very dangerous for the unborn child. It is worth being careful and finding out what the prevention against toxoplasmosis looks like and how the infection occurs.

Let’s start with the fact that the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is quite common – about 200 species of mammals and birds have it. Despite this, the ultimate host of this parasite are our pets – cats.

  • The protozoan begins to reproduce after entering the cat’s body,
  • Oocysts are excreted in the cat’s feces,
  • After the feces dry, they are spread everywhere – on fruits, vegetables, soil.

It is these spreading oocysts that pose a threat to humans. They can get directly into our body or through meat.

Infection occurs as a result of eating contaminated vegetables and fruits or undercooked meat. Sometimes the parasite enters the body through wounds in the epidermis or conjunctiva, but this method of infection mainly affects veterinarians and people who have constant contact with animals.

To the main ones symptoms of toxoplasmosis include malaise, myocarditis, meningitis and enlarged lymph nodes. Sometimes the course of the disease is asymptomatic.

Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy

Precisely because the infection is asymptomatic in most people, it happens that a woman is not aware of the infection. Unfortunately, this is very dangerous for the baby – the parasite can cross the placenta, reach the fetus and damage its developing organs. Toxoplasmosis it primarily threatens the brain, eyesight and liver of the child.

If the infection occurred before pregnancy, the parasite has no chance to get through the placenta to the baby’s body. Then the fetus is not at risk. It is the fresh infection that is the most dangerous.

Profilaktyka toksoplasmosis

First of all, if you are just planning to become pregnant, get tested for the presence of toxoplasmosis antibodies. This will make it easier to see if you have had this type of infection in the past. The prevention itself is mainly hygienic and dietary recommendations. What to do:

  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, preferably peel them,
  • Protect food and water from flies, cockroaches, which can also transmit disease,
  • Avoid contact with strange cats,
  • If you have a cat, ask your partner to empty the litter box. It’s best to scald her with boiling water once in a while,
  • Avoid raw, marinated, grilled, smoked meat. All meat dishes should be subjected to thorough heat treatment,
  • Store meat in the freezer before consumption
  • Drink boiled milk and water,
  • Cut raw meat on a separate glass board. Wash hands and utensils that have been in contact with raw meat thoroughly
  • If possible, keep your cat indoors and feed it canned food or dry food,
  • Wear gloves when working in the garden.

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