Cat bite
Many believe that rabies can only be contracted through the bite of a stray dog, but cats are usually not included in the list of disease carriers. We will tell you if a cat bite is really so harmless and how to help if you are bitten

Tell me, do you often feel like stroking it, scratching behind the ear when you see a cat? But, unfortunately, we forget that a cat is a predatory animal that can not only purr and caress, but also scratch and bite painfully. In this case, often bites and scratches can heal for a long time and painfully, become inflamed and suppurate. And sometimes a cat can even be a carrier of infectious diseases, such as rabies, and then after a bite, a course of preventive vaccinations awaits you.

Consequences of a cat bite

In general, a cat bite in itself is very painful, because the cat’s teeth are small and very sharp. This structure of the teeth helps the cat to easily tear the meat of the prey. And although the bite marks seem insignificant, in fact, the wounds are quite deep, and therefore the infection can penetrate deep into the tissues. Also, do not forget that cat saliva contains a huge amount of pathogens that, when entering the bloodstream (and with it into the nerves, blood vessels, organs), can cause serious inflammation in a person, up to an abscess. So, if you notice swelling and redness at the site of the bite, you have a fever, or ichor or blood flows out of the wound, lymph nodes have enlarged, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Most often, through a cat bite, you can become infected with pasteurellosis, which can lead to the formation of phlegmon (skin form), sluggish pneumonia (pulmonary form), and even purulent meningitis, endocarditis, brain abscess (septic form), etc. You can also become infected with leptospirosis through a bite, salmonellosis, streptococcosis and tetanus.

Of particular danger are cats suffering from rabies, an acute viral infectious disease that is equally dangerous for both animals and humans. The disease is very severe and without treatment inevitably leads to death. To avoid dangerous consequences for life and health, it is necessary to administer the rabies vaccine, and no later than 14 days from the moment of the bite. It is also worth remembering that a cat not always infected with rabies looks aggressive and rushes at people.

“The normal behavior of a cat is very different from that of a cat infected with rabies. This virus infects different parts of the animal’s brain, and leads to completely unnatural behavior. This is not always aggression, it can be, on the contrary, fearfulness, explains felinologist, member of the Felinological Federation of Bashkiria Sergey Zabolotny.

What to do after a cat bite

If you have been bitten by a cat, the first step is to thoroughly wash the bite area with running water and soap (preferably household soap) to wash off saliva with bacteria. You need to rinse for a long time – at least 15 – 20 minutes. If there is no water source nearby, at least use wet wipes.

After that, you need to treat the wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide or a solution of chlorhexidine (in extreme cases, alcohol), and then lubricate with iodine, cover with a sterile napkin and bandage.

– Next, you need to go to the hospital, where the doctor will examine the wound, assess its depth and decide how to carry out the primary surgical treatment. If the wound is extensive, lacerated, a decision will be made to suture it, but suturing is rarely performed for infected wounds. After that, the doctor will prescribe a course of vaccine and a tetanus shot, and then he will monitor your condition, – says traumatologist Vadim Fadeev.

How to treat a cat bite

Treatment for a cat bite may include vaccination against rabies, tetanus, administration of medicinal sera, debridement, antibiotic therapy, and other medical measures.

If rabies is suspected, the KOKAV vaccine or a vaccine plus a specific immunoglobulin is administered (depending on the site of the bite – if the cat has bitten the face, hands, neck, perineum, the virus spreads much faster). The course of emergency vaccination in Russia consists of 6 doses, which are administered on the zero – third – seventh – 14th – 30th and 90th days.

At the same time, it is important to observe the animal (if possible, of course): if after 10 days it is alive, it means that it does not suffer from rabies, and the vaccination course can be interrupted. If it is not possible to observe the condition of the cat, you will have to complete the entire course.

As for the tetanus vaccination, it is given to both children (DPT) and adults (revaccination every 10 years), as well as for emergency indications for bites, injuries and cuts. If you missed revaccination, then you won’t have to count on strong immunity, which means you will need to be vaccinated against tetanus.

Popular questions and answers

How to avoid a cat bite?

– If you see an adorable stray kitten on the street, you should not immediately stroke it. And in general, you should not touch a cat (it doesn’t matter if it’s your friend’s cat or a stray one) if it’s not your pet. You never know what to expect from an animal. So the first piece of advice is to stay away from other people’s animals. So that your cat does not inadvertently bite you, try not to let the animal feel fear. Bathing, traveling somewhere out of town in a carrier, going to the veterinarian, exhibitions – this can cause stress for the animal, so it is worth accustoming it in advance to avoid scratches and bites, explains felinologist Sergei Zabolotny.

Why do cats bite?

– Cats bite in two situations: during the game (which is unacceptable, this is a lack of education), or in a stressful situation, when they are hurt or very scared. For example, even the most good-natured cat can bite hard on a beloved owner during some painful veterinary procedure. Also, cats can bite in a state of stress, when they are taken out from somewhere, carried to the street, where there are a lot of extraneous sounds and are held by force. This reaction is normal, it can be predicted and controlled. Therefore, cats are accustomed to exhibitions and trips, for example, gradually, as well as to the bathing procedure.

The options when an adult animal attacks its owner or guests at home is either an early weaning from the mother (the kitten was taken before 2 – 2,5 months and its socialization was disturbed). Or a sign of illness, most often severe pain, for example, with oncology, explains felinologist Sergei Zabolotny.

What cat breeds attack more often?

– I would not say that any particular breed is prone to aggression more than others. It is rather a lack of education of a particular cat. It’s just that some will express their dissatisfaction loudly and for a long time (Bengal cats, for example), and some will silently endure everything. But in severe stress, absolutely any cat can bite. Although under normal home conditions they do not have such stress, the felinologist emphasizes.

Do I need a rabies vaccination after a cat bite?

– Vaccination against rabies after a cat bite is mandatory, because rabies is a deadly disease, and today there are no drugs to treat it, explains traumatologist Vadim Fadeev.

What signs of rabies can a person have after a cat bite?

– The incubation period for rabies is quite long, up to one year, so a person may not even suspect that he is infected for a long time. At the first stage, the infected may notice redness at the site of the bite, swelling and burning. Mood changes appear – anxiety, apathy. The patient complains of headaches, depression. The temperature may rise slightly.

At the next stage (stage of hyperexcitation), the patient manifests increased arousal, aggression, fear of water, bright light and loud sounds. Convulsions, respiratory disorders, laryngeal spasms may join. The patient complains of severe salivation, weight loss, dehydration and metabolic disorders.

At the last stage, the stage of paralysis, mental disorders subside, hyperexcitation is replaced by immobilization, paralysis of cardiac and respiratory activity occurs – and, as a result, the death of the patient. That is why it is important to get vaccinated against rabies in a timely manner after being bitten by an infected animal, explains traumatologist Vadim Fadeev.

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