Castor oil for weight loss: benefits and contraindications. How to drink castor oil properly
Castor oil boasts an ancient history – the beneficial properties of squeezing the fruits of a bright annual plant have been used by healers since pre-Christian times. The scope of application of castor oil was not limited to the hospital ward: with its help, temples were illuminated, the density of tissues was improved, and the service life of the first mechanisms invented by man was increased. And, although for some time castor oil turned mainly into a children’s horror story, promising an unpleasant punishment for pranks, nowadays castor oil regains its former glory and respect, becoming a popular remedy for cleansing, losing weight and beauty.
The famous castor oil (which is castor oil) is squeezed out of the fruits of the castor bean plant: this bizarre-looking tall bush, decorated with brushes of catchy thorns, we have all seen in city squares and in personal plots. Once the castor oil plant was called “the palm of Christ” – its carved leaves really resemble a protecting hand. Well, castor oil really has plenty of protective properties – in its unique composition, scientists now and then discover new active and necessary qualities for health.
At the same time, castor oil plant is not at all safe. Its seeds contain the extremely dangerous poisons ricin and ricinin, which, fortunately, remain completely in the cake when the oil is made. However, it is important in no case to replace castor oil for weight loss with its seeds or try to extract oil on your own – such experiments are fraught with the most sad and, importantly, irreversible consequences (castor bean poisons change the protein structure of cells).
Getting rid of toxic active substances makes castor oil healthier, but not more enjoyable. Its peculiar organoleptic properties (castor oil is very viscous; it does not dry out and does not form a film, and for this it is valued in the industry, widely used as a lubricant and impregnating material) and its unpleasant taste do not open the way for oil to the dining table, leaving it among the medicines, take which can only be strictly dosed, like a medicine.
The secret and feature of castor oil for weight loss is the high (up to 90%) content of ricinoleic (ricinoleic) acid triglyceride. Also, the oil contains equally useful, but not such rare triglycerides of linoleic and oleic acids. Ricinoleic acid is the main carrier of the unique qualities of castor oil, including those in demand for weight loss. This substance has a wound healing, antioxidant, bactericidal effect, and also causes a laxative reaction in the small intestine, which provides the main effect that has earned castor oil fame as a reliable assistant in the fight for a slim figure.
Its Russian name – castor oil plant – the ricinus plant got due to some similarity of mature seeds with mite insects. Castor oil is also called Turkish hemp, and paradise tree, and, of course, castor oil.
5 superpowers of castor oil: for weight loss and more
Due to its rich composition and laxative effect, castor oil has a detoxifying effect, stimulating, among other things, liver function and lipid metabolism, and helping to get rid of “deposits” of toxins. Castor oil cleansing with the right approach gives exceptional results.
Castor oil for weight loss can be used not only internally, but also externally – wraps and massage with this substance improve the condition of the skin, making it healthier, more toned and more attractive. In addition, castor oil is known for its ability to “dissolve” lymph congestion and improve the local flow of fluids in the tissues, which is an effective means of fighting cellulite.
The disinfecting effect of castor oil has been known since ancient times in Ayurveda: it is important that castor oil is one of the auxiliary agents in the treatment of fungal infections, including candidiasis, which, as studies have shown, often provoke the appearance of excess weight, affecting metabolism.
Castor oil has anti-cancer activity, which is provided, oddly enough, by traces of toxic substances in its composition.
Taking castor oil for weight loss internally improves the condition of the blood vessels and relieves pain in the limbs. This allows you to move more actively, which means faster to deal with unnecessary excess weight!
How to drink castor oil for weight loss to get results, not a problem
The laxative effect of castor oil makes it possible with the help of this oil to achieve certain success in the fight against excess kilos, but it would be a dangerous mistake to consider castor oil as the main means for losing weight and use it constantly for a long time. Be sure to check with your doctor before consuming castor oil and refrain from taking oil during menstruation and pregnancy.
Castor oil is one of the fast-acting remedies – the characteristic urge to go to the toilet will visit you within 1 hour to 6 hours (depending on the amount of castor oil consumed). Take this indicator into account when choosing the optimal time for reception. Taking oil for weight loss for the first time is best on a free day off, when you can stay at home and analyze the body’s reaction so that you know what and when to expect from yourself next time.
The most popular way to take castor oil for weight loss can be considered a weekly “cleansing”: in the morning or in the evening you should drink 1-1,5 teaspoons of castor oil on an empty stomach. You can’t eat after that; if you drank the oil before bed and after a while it had the desired effect, eat a light breakfast (a little oatmeal, yogurt, tea). When taking oil in the morning, take care of a light unloading menu for the day and do not forget to drink plain non-carbonated water (start drinking no earlier than an hour after taking the oil) to avoid dehydration and loss of electrolytes, which are fraught with relaxation.
The specific flavor of castor oil can be balanced with flaxseed oil, which is also well known as a weight loss aid. The mixing ratio is 1: 1, the mix of oils will be more convenient to use if you first stir it in a glass of warm water.
Pharmacy capsules with castor oil are a real find for those who cannot stand the taste of castor oil, but want to use its help in losing weight. Strictly follow the capsule dosage recommendations!
If you find that you can tolerate castor oil normally and are able to control its effect in the name of losing weight, try taking castor oil in the following course: daily for a week – 0,5 tablespoons of oil on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast, a week off, another “castor” week …
You can diversify the “diet” and at the same time take care of a decrease in appetite during the day by mixing the specified amount of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of ground chicory that lowers blood sugar levels and filling it with half a glass of water. Such a mixture, in addition to helping the figure, helps to get rid of the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, normalize stools, cope with flatulence and other “side effects” of office inactivity. But do not forget that this tool is purely optional and in itself does not cancel the need to make changes in the way of life!
Castor-citrus emulsion for weight loss assumes an extremely pronounced effect, which should not be abused, but in some cases such a drink can become a “last minute remedy” before an important event. To make an emulsion, you should take castor oil at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of its own weight and lemon or orange juice in a ratio of 2 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink the potion in small sips. After 1-2 hours, your weight will change in a pleasing way, but do not rush to leave the house – most likely, you will have to visit the toilet room several times.
The maximum dose of castor oil for a person of average build is 100 ml. It is unlikely that someone will want and will be able to drink half a glass of this unpleasant-tasting remedy in one sitting, but you need to know that the more castor oil you consume, the higher the risk of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Castor oil abuse causes weakening of the obstructing intestinal muscles.
Castor oil for weight loss is one of the natural products that initially have practically no contraindications. However, it has the same risk as other substances used to combat extra pounds: having received the first result, losing weight often carelessly increase the dose, which can lead not only to physical, but also to psychological problems. Nutritionists recommend using any means for losing weight only as a mild incentive: a healthy diet and adequate physical activity should do the main job of losing weight.
Do not forget to consult your healthcare professional!
Poll: Have you drunk castor oil for weight loss?
No, and would never!
No, but I want to try.
Yes, and I’m happy with the result!
Yes, but I expected more effect.
Jamais on devrait boire l’huile de ricin comme un boisson, car celui-ci est un aliment naturel spécial. Comme la nourriture l’huile de ricin devrait être salivé dans la bouche un certain temps avant de déglutir cela. Moi je préfère 20 à 30 minutes pour le dosage 15 ml (une profonde cuillère à soupe) de l’huile de ricin, cela tôt le matin à jeun. Alors vous n’aurez pas des problèmes avec le goût désagréable de l’huile de ricin car celui-ci va disparaître et les nerfs concernant le goût de l’huile de ricin sont dans l’arrière partie de la bouche. En plus l’huile de ricin va perdre la haute viscosité et la mucosité de l’estomac ne sera pas irritée.