Casting participants for the competition Mrs. Yekaterinburg 2017: photos, details

They sing, dance, compose poetry, knit, embroider with beads, cook incredibly, do well at work … And outwardly they are well-groomed and stylishly dressed. The question arises: how do these women manage to do everything, because most of them are mothers with many children? Woman`s Day attended the casting of the Mrs. Yekaterinburg contest and talked to the brightest participants. We will find out very soon which of them will make it to the final of the show and become the main mother of the city.

Anastasia Buevskaya, 24 years old, artist

– We met my husband Ivan when we entered the theater institute, when we were 17 years old. Almost immediately they began to live together. At the moment we have been together for over 7 years. He is a musician, I am an actress and TV and radio presenter. But now I don’t play anywhere. I chose to start a family and am raising my 1,5-year-old son Artemy.

I have a lot of energy, as a person in a creative profession, I want movement. In addition, after the birth of a child, so much love appeared that I want to give it to everyone around. It doesn’t matter what time you gave birth, at 18 or 35 years old, motherhood changes your mind so much, there is so much kindness that you want to take care of everyone. The competition “Mrs. Yekaterinburg”, it seems to me, is about this. I think here I can get new acquaintances, impressions, communication. In addition, during the preparation there will be no problems with whom to leave the son – the husband works at home, the grandparents do not work, they help.

For the casting, my husband and I prepared the song “Universe” by Anna Sedokova. Ivan plays the keys, I sing.

Yana Vinarskaya, 44 years old, chief accountant

– My husband Igor and I have known each other since childhood, we lived in the same yard. We studied together at school – in parallel classes. As it turned out later, I was his first love, but did not know about it. And a few years later, at an evening of meeting classmates, he invited me to drink coffee, and everything started spinning. Apparently, the first love did not pass.

We have five children. The eldest is already 19 years old, he is studying at the university, independent. And the younger ones are twins, they are 4 years old. Is it hard to manage five children? Once upon a time it seemed to me that three is a lot. And now it is obvious that five is normal. But, of course, the elders are my assistants, they help to cope with the younger ones.

Yesterday I accidentally heard an advertisement about casting for “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” on the radio, I decided to go. I have never participated in any competitions before and thought – why not try it? At the casting, she told about herself, about the children, together with them sang the song “Pink Cloud”.

My husband supports me in everything. Our relationship is quite romantic: despite the fact that we have known each other all our lives, and together for more than 20 years, we got married … on August 11 this year!

Marina Zhiganova, 27 years old, is engaged in insurance of legal entities

– My husband and I met at a shopping center. I went there after working with a friend, saw an acquaintance with a friend – it turned out to be my future husband. We talked and went our separate ways. My friend and I were waiting for a minibus, and she was supposed to come up in a couple of seconds. Then an acquaintance and future husband drove up in a car – they offered to take us home. And we began to meet with him. Before marriage, they lived together for 4 years, married for a year, celebrated in Sochi with children.

We have two of them – daughter Eva is 6 years old, son Artem is a year old. The mother-in-law advised me to go to the competition, she said: “Go, show yourself, you are worthy of the title“ Mrs. Yekaterinburg – 2017 ”! On stage I am confident – I have been doing ballroom dancing for 10 years, and I have a competitive spirit. At the casting she recited a verse and sang the song “On a Big Balloon”.

And during the preparation for the competition, the mother-in-law will help with the kids. My husband also supports me and after work will sit with the kids.

Ruslana Trokhova, 40 years old, individual entrepreneur

– We have been together with my husband for 23 years. We met the students. We met in the evening at a disco, it was the 90s. An ordinary acquaintance, but it grew into a long family life. Children also held us together – first one daughter, then the second, then the third. Now the eldest is 22 years old, the middle one is 14 years old, the little one is 4 years old. We also have a joint business – a store far to the north, 400 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. We used to live there, raising a business, we spent 24 hours a day together.

I came to “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” to overcome myself. I always had stage fright, new people. My children are adapted – they are engaged in vocals, dances. And I myself – no. I want to discover new facets at the competition, to start a new stage in my life. I was very worried before casting. I read poems.

Elena Blinova, 48 years old, realtor

– We met my second husband by chance. Several years ago I took part in the Ekaterinburg Karaoke competition (and became a finalist). I was just preparing for the final – I was rehearsing in a cafe. I was there with my friends to help me choose a song for the finale. She sang the song “Stay” by the group “312”, the future husband heard me and fell in love …

Now we have three children: two of my relatives, and my husband’s daughter lives with us, whom I consider my daughter. I have an active life – I have been working in real estate for 16 years, participating in various events. But participating in “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” can be an interesting event, and I want to try myself! At the casting, I read a short poem of my own composition and sang the song “It’s light in my room.”

Anna Soboleva, 33 years old, lawyer

– The universe is abundant. I made a wish for the New Year: on February 14 to meet the man of my dreams. And on February 11 we met. On that day, I left the house with the intention of meeting him. Already at 6 in the morning we met, from the first day of the meeting we began to live together, a year later we got married, and for 5 years we have been together. We have three children, the eldest daughter came to the casting with me. And the youngest twin girls in a week will be one year old. Dad stayed with them, so he supports me.

Over the past 10 years, I have come a long way – from a career woman to a mother with many children. I was an avid career woman, and that ruined my first marriage. After it, I had to draw great conclusions about myself, about life, about what is important to me. A woman creates around herself what is in her heart and head. The harsh childhood, the political situation in the country, our realities have created a generation of women for whom the most important goals in life are: “We are achieving, we are able, we will show, we can do it ourselves.” The girl should not be like that, but with a slight moron on her face, with an eternal smile, with burning eyes. Satisfied, happy women create a society of strong men. The main thing is to evaluate and say “thank you” on time, ask on time. If women were more grateful, there would be more happy men around.

Now my priority is family, although it is important for me to be professionally in demand. I have an active life position: I combine work, home, doing women’s practices, participating in marathons, drawing pictures, embroidering with beads.

It was my youthful dream to get into the “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” contest. But for some reason I used to think that I was not in the format, and this is a huge step out of my comfort zone. And now I am doing this for myself, for my children, so that they know: a woman should live a bright, tasty life, love herself, give others the opportunity to enjoy it.

At the casting, I just told about myself. And my skills and abilities will be able to reveal at events during the preparation for the final.

Ksenia Chashchina, 36 years old, sales director

Ksenia (left) with a friend

– My husband and I met at work: he courted me for several years, finally, I gave up, and now we have been living together for 5 years. We have three children: a son Vyacheslav and one-year-old twins Masha and Nastya.

I have many friends girls who participated in “Mrs. Yekaterinburg”, where they took first places and became “Vice-Mrs.” I really wanted to reach them! Therefore, I was going to go to “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” for more than one year. But that time was not enough, then she became pregnant, nursed. And this year my husband said: “Everything, come on, go.”

I’m not afraid of the scene: I’m an actress by profession. Once I got an acting education, but at that moment I wanted something more, and I went into another sphere. I go in for sports – bodybuilding.

My younger children already go to kindergarten, and they have a caring nanny, so I have time to prepare. I really want to show the whole city that I can, and for my children to be proud of me!

Daria Nurikhanova, 19 years old, attends an evening school

– Two years ago, after the New Year, my mother and I were visiting, and the future husband came there to his relatives. So we met. The husband is from Chelyabinsk, but he never returned. We have been together for two years, and now – the child turned out. Son Timur is 6 months old. My dad and mom help us babysit him.

Now I’m on maternity leave, I don’t even think about my future profession. I am fond of sports – swimming, boxing. In my free time I like to draw by numbers, create pictures by numbers with beads.

Dad saw the announcement of the casting for “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” in the running line, called me and said: “Go, you’re a mom.” While communicating with the jury, I told about myself and danced.

Elena Konovalova, 37 years old, HR director of a confectionery factory

– I am the spouse of a soldier. We arrived in Yekaterinburg from Bashkortostan. We met my husband when we were studying: he is a cadet, I am a student. We met at a dance: I am a girl who always smiles, and he came up right away. Love broke out quickly – I don’t like to pull. They graduated from the institute, and by distribution with my husband got here, in a military town. We have an adult daughter.

Like many women, I am fond of makeup, cooking, sports. Since I work at a confectionery factory, I definitely eat sweets. And the figure must be supported by sports. I chose weightlifting – I lifted up to 120 kg!

I always loved the stage, participated in “skits” at the institute. Therefore, I decided to devote time to myself and participate in “Mrs. Yekaterinburg”.

Yulia Arbuzova, 25 years old, lawyer

– It so happened that I am not married now. I have a daughter Valeria, she is 1 year old. My beloved mother helps me. She participated in 2005 in “Mrs. Yekaterinburg”, became “Mrs. Yekaterinburg fashion”. And now she passed the baton to me. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than being a mom!

At the casting, my daughter and I read a verse of our own composition, and the jury asked me to dance. My daughter and I also baked a cake to show everything that we can do.

Anna Ledovskaya, 32 years old, design engineer, designer

– Our history with my husband is long-standing – we have known each other, probably, for about 15 years. He worked and studied with my older sister. Each had its own life, rarely met at common events. And our love happened about 4 years ago: his old love left him, and mine too, and we found each other. They have been married for 2 years. Our son is 1,4 years old.

I am on maternity leave, but sometimes it gets boring, and to be a positive woman, to give joy to the family, you need a lot of emotions. Such contests as “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” just charge you with the necessary emotions. My experience of performing on stage is limited to the case when my friend participated in the Miss NPO Automatics contest, and I was at her dancer’s place.

At the casting, I showed slides to the jury – photos of what I do in life, a photo of a child, I told about myself. The jury was already tired, they said: “Surprise us!” I had prepared a song “Wake up and Sing” – just in the subject. It seems to have cheered up.

Alena Fertistova, 31 years old, traffic police officer

– We have known my husband since school. Then they started dating. This year we celebrated the anniversary of the family – already 10 years together. My husband, like me, is also a traffic police inspector. We have two children – a son Roma, 9 years old, and a daughter Liza, 1 year 9 months.

I go to the “Mrs. Yekaterinburg” contest not only as a woman and a mother. My work is inseparable from life, I live it. Every day I carry out activities aimed at preventing accidents with children. This is the main goal in my life, and I want to use the opportunity to change the negative attitude towards traffic police officers in society.

My relatives are used to the fact that I lead an active lifestyle. I like to do something with my own hands, for example, decorate frames. Recently I made repairs in the apartment myself. I love reading and conducting various events.

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