Caspian Sea

Kaspiy is a Dagestan cognac made from the most famous Georgian white grape Rkatsiteli in the wine world. One grape variety in a blend is unusual, more often cognac spirits are made from several varieties. For the first time, the drink appeared on the market in 1970, 75% consists of eight-year-old cognac spirits, and the remaining 25% are spirits with an exposure of more than 10 years. The KVVK classification, indicated on the label, applies to vintage and collection varieties and means “Aged Cognac of the Highest Quality”.

Historical reference. JSC “Derbent Cognac Plant” was created on the basis of a winery built in 1861 in Derbent. Although the current owners of the enterprise in their presentations always mention Peter I, who ordered the planting of new varieties of grapes on the lands of Derbent, Catherine I, during whose reign white and red wines were produced here. But it was in 1861 that the gardeners of Derbent received benefits for winemaking and the smoking of spirits, and then they built a small winery, which by the end of the 90th century became a major Russian distillery center with an income exceeding the expenses of the entire region – XNUMX thousand rubles.

In the 20s of the last century, the equipment was updated at the plant, before the Second World War they started a reconstruction, but did not have time to complete it, so a full-scale reorganization took place already in the 60s. It was then that the winery became a combine.

Today it is a full-cycle enterprise with its own vineyards, workshops for processing and bottling finished products, ground and underground storage facilities. The plant has its own laboratory, which is engaged in both product quality control and the development of new brands. The assortment of the plant includes 8 brands of vodka, 14 types of wine, 5 types of brandy. But the main type of product is cognac: 14 types of ordinary, 18 types of collection and 7 types of vintage. The most famous of the cognacs is the branded, collection Derbent. But the vintage “Kaspiy” is no less famous, it has 4 gold and 2 silver medals, received at Russian and international exhibitions.

Over the past 10 years, the plant has been reconstructed: the distillation shop has been modernized, 5 new bottling lines have been installed, a shop for the production of fruit and berry varieties of vodka and a shop for rectified alcohol have been built, and a carton shop has been put into operation. In this workshop, packaging boxes for gift editions of drinks are made. In 2015, we covered the line for processing apples grown in southern Dagestan and opened a new tasting shop.

The plant’s products are represented in all regions of Russia, it has platinum, gold and silver medals of All-Russian and international competitions. The last significant victory was the gold medals and the Grand Prix of Golden fish vodka (“Golden Fish”), dry red wine “Merlot-Shalbuzdag”, white “Dagestan Sherry” at the XXXVII international competition in Yalta “Golden Griffin – 2017”.

Characteristics of cognac “Kaspiy”

A noticeably oily drink of amber-golden color with a slightly pungent honey-anise aroma, with hints of lime and green apple. Rounded spicy-tart taste with hints of vanilla, cocoa and ginger. The finish is anise-spicy, with a mildly astringent woody tartness.

Cognac Caspian is recommended as a digestif – pure, warmed up to + 20-22 ° C, and with ice. But according to Dagestan traditions, cognac can be drunk at dinner or at lunch. It goes well not only with apples and grapes, but also with meat dishes and snacks, especially those cooked over an open fire and retaining the smell of smoke.

Caspian Sea

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