Cascading hairstyle. Video
Long hair gives you much more room to experiment with hair styles and styles. One of the most popular and not out of fashion haircuts for long hair is cascading. It adds volume to the hair and creates a lighter and more romantic look for its owner.
Cascading haircut hairstyle
Features of a cascading haircut
Owners of long hair often want to diversify their appearance by cutting, but they are not ready to sacrifice the length of their hair. In this case, stylists are advised to pay attention to the cascading haircut, which is rightfully one of the best ideas of hairdressers due to its versatility.
No matter how long your hair is, the cascade will look quite beautiful. Cascades look more natural, soft and feminine, since this haircut does not have such sharp lines as, for example, in a square. It fits any shape of the face and makes the hair look more voluminous. At the same time, the haircut looks most impressive on long and curly hair.
A cascading haircut has its own creation algorithm. First, the hair is divided into clear zones, each strand is pulled back and cut at the desired angle, after which the haircut is adjusted on dry hair. All this allows you to get steps with a smooth transition from short strands to longer ones.
Cascading haircuts that use fake perms take longer to style and are therefore not suitable for all occasions.
Cascading haircut options
There are various options for creating a cascading haircut. The first type resembles a square, however, a ladder is made on the cut line instead of a clear line, due to which the hairstyle acquires a rounded and smooth outline.
The cascade in the second version starts from the very top. At the same time, the ends of the strands are distributed over the entire head and do not converge, like in a square, in one line. For a more charming and feminine look, curl the ends of your hair slightly outward.
Long, curly hair is the perfect base for cascading haircuts. Cascaded curls have a completely chic volume, create an elegant look and a mood of luxury, but require more care
The third option is similar to the second and has only a different direction of curl of the ends, which curl inward and make the appearance more strict and elegant.
The haircut can come with or without bangs, depending on the shape of your face. A cascade with straight and thick bangs that reach the eyebrows will hardly make a round or square face more beautiful. Moreover, such a cascade is perfect for owners of an elongated face. For a round face, bangs should be performed so that it is oblique, opening part of the forehead and visually lengthening it.
You will read about how to remove scars and acne spots in the next article.