CAS 81 for bees

Honey is a waste product of bees. It is healthy, tasty and has medicinal properties. In order for furry pets to be healthy and supply the owner with a valuable product, maximum efforts must be made. For treatment and prevention, many beekeepers use the medicine CAS 81. Each beekeeper should know the recipe for CAS 81, how it is prepared, used and recommended doses.

CAS 81 for bees

Application in beekeeping

The medicine CAS 81 is intended for the prevention and treatment of varroatosis and nosematosis. The disease is caused by a mite, which carries a great danger to the life of the bee colony. The victims of the blood-sucking insect are drones, adults and unopened brood.

The tick is the enemy of bees and the beekeeper. When infected, the health of insects deteriorates, and for the beekeeper, this is a threat to material well-being. Fighting ticks is not easy, but necessary, as it causes varroatosis.

Varroatosis is a quarantine disease that, without assistance, leads to the death of the entire family. At the first signs of infection, it is urgent to begin treatment and carry out sanitary and hygienic measures.

Beekeepers regularly struggle with this terrible and rapidly spreading disease, which, without timely treatment, can develop into an epidemic and destroy the entire bee colony. To recognize the disease, you need to regularly monitor the behavior of the bees. An infection can be identified by the following signs:

  • individuals are not able to fully function and collect nectar;
  • the parasite weakens the bee, and it ceases to fight with uninvited guests;
  • the appearance of the body of the bee changes;
  • stop the continuation of the genus and stop the emergence of new broods.

In order not to face a dangerous disease, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • before connecting families, carefully examine each individual for the presence of ticks;
  • to keep only viable families, the weak to plant to the strong;
  • keep hives at a height of 30 cm from the ground, in a well-lit and ventilated area;
  • keep the area around the apiary clean and tidy;
  • regularly carry out prophylaxis with CAS 81.

How does the drug for bees CAS 81

The medicine for bees CAS 81, prepared according to the classic recipe, has a long-lasting effect on the tick until the bees use up the carbohydrate feed.

Processing the food, the bees feed on it, and the mites feed on the insects’ hismolymph. CAS 81 enters and destroys the pest through the hemolymph of the bee. The drug has another effect – it does not allow an outbreak of nosematosis.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, the drug contributes to the early spring development of the bee colony. Thanks to spring top dressing, the productivity of the queen bee increases by 35%. Regular use of CAS 81 helps reduce the likelihood of pests by 95%.

CAS 81 for bees

How to prepare CAS 81 for bees

CAS 81 is an herbal remedy made from bitter wormwood and unopened pine buds. The collection of raw materials for the preparation of the recipe is carried out in two stages: during the growing season and during flowering. Kidney collection is carried out from mid-February to the end of March. If it is not possible to find bitter wormwood, it can be replaced with Sievers wormwood, which can also be used as part of CAS 81.

Pine buds are harvested with needles. Only the green part, at least 20 cm high, is taken from bitter wormwood. Flowering wormwood is cut only after the flowering baskets turn bright golden. Inflorescences are removed along with the leaves. Dry the plant in a ventilated, shaded place. Before cooking, the raw materials are crushed.

Even a beginner in beekeeping can prepare the CAS 81 preparation according to this recipe. The main requirement is compliance with the dosage and norms specified in the recipe. Compliance with the rules gives a full guarantee of obtaining a therapeutic effect. Therefore, it is not permissible to prepare a recipe in proportions “by eye”.

To prepare CAS 81, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • pine buds – 50 g;
  • wormwood, cut during the growing season – 50 g;
  • wormwood collected during flowering – 900 g.

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for creating CAS 81:

  1. Prepare dead wood, remove debris, grind and measure the exact dosage.
  2. The plant mixture is placed in an enameled container, poured with soft distilled or rain water in a volume of 10 liters. The medicine is boiled over low heat for 3 hours.

    CAS 81 for bees

  3. The hot solution is infused for 8 hours in a room at a temperature above 20 °C.
  4. To prepare the medicine, strained herbal decoction is diluted in sugar syrup made from water, sugar or honey, in a ratio of 1,5:1.
  5. The broth is diluted at the rate of 35 ml per 1 liter of syrup.

The finished medicine CAS 81 has a dark color and a pronounced wormwood smell.

Important! The cooled broth cannot be used. The required volume is determined from the size of the bee farm.

Dosage, application rules

The medicine KAS 81, prepared according to a proven recipe, is used in the autumn period as a pre-winter feeding of bees. The best time is considered the middle of August. Experienced beekeepers recommend giving UAN 81 in several batches of 6 liters. The dosage depends on the strength of the bee colony.

Also, a therapeutic solution with syrup is used in the spring, immediately after the cleansing flight. Since during this period young animals are intensively growing.

The need for regular feeding of the bee colony is explained by the following points:

  • the tick often settles in the unopened brood, after the appearance of the young, mass infection can occur;
  • the drug CAS 81 has a positive effect on the life of the bee colony;
  • the uterus feels the presence of food, due to which egg production increases.

You can feed CAS 81 in several ways:

  1. You can pour the finished medicine into plastic bags and spread it on the upper tier of the hive.
  2. Spray every frame.
  3. The drug can be added to pasty dressings at the end of winter.

Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use

The drug has no contraindications, it does not cause a threat to the bee colony. You should not be afraid that CAS 81 will get into honey, since all the herbs used by humans are used to treat many ailments.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The CAS 81 medicine cannot be stored, as essential oils, phytoncides and other useful substances evaporate from it. The recipe is cooked exclusively before use.

The prepared raw materials for the creation of UAN 81 are stored in linen or paper bags, in a dry, dark, well-ventilated place, no more than 12 months.


Keeping an apiary is not just a hobby, but a science. After all, there is nothing better than watching the life of little workers and helping them in difficult times. The recipe for CAS 81 will help prevent and save the bee colony from a dangerous disease. In gratitude, furry pets will thank you with tasty, healthy honey and other bee products.

CAS 81 for bees


Ivan Semenovych Puchkov, 50 years old, Kakhovka
I am a beginner beekeeper. Last year I encountered a pestilence of bees. I passed it for analysis, and it turned out that the hive was infected with varroatosis. The treatment was prescribed with chemicals, but I had a doubt whether to use chemicals or not. A neighbor advised me to prepare a herbal preparation CAS 81. I purchased raw materials from a pharmacy, cooked a decoction, diluted with syrup and sprayed each frame. The result pleased. Now I collect grass every year and use CAS 81 to prevent the disease in the spring and autumn.
Ilyin Andrey Gennadievich, 67 years old, Luga
I have beekeeping in my blood, as my great-grandfather, grandfather and father kept the apiary. Since childhood, I know that in order to get high-quality honey, you need to spend a lot of time with furry workers. Familiar beekeepers often encounter a disease such as varroatosis. But such a disease does not threaten my bees, since I spend spring and autumn prevention with CAS 81. I want to give advice to beginner beekeepers: “If you surround the bee family with care, carry out regular preventive measures, keep the hives clean, then the bees will thank you with delicious honey.”
Cooking effective CAS-81 for bees

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