Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Who doesn’t want to grow juicy carrots in central Our Country? However, everyone’s needs are different, and the ripening time for different varieties of carrots varies. Let’s talk about which varieties are best grown in the middle lane and which carrots are considered the best. The definition parameters are given below.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Principles for choosing carrot seeds

Coming to the store for seeds in winter, each summer resident determines the selection criteria for himself. However, newcomers to this business do not easily cope with their primary tasks. As for the carrot itself, you should be interested in such qualities as:

  • duration of storage;
  • ripening speed;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • productivity;
  • taste qualities;
  • disease resistance.

Among them, it is necessary to determine those that are of paramount importance. For central Our Country, this will be the speed of ripening, resistance to low temperatures and productivity. Few people want to spend time growing for the sake of one kilogram of carrots. s love this vegetable very much, it contains a huge amount of vitamins.

Carrots, traditional for Our Country, have a bright orange color, sometimes a little lighter or a little darker. This shade appears due to the presence of beneficial carotene.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the packaging is closed, breathable, and the manufacturer of the seed is on everyone’s lips. Buying seeds from unverified suppliers is quite dangerous, you can get a completely different result than you planned.

A few words about storage

Growing carrots on their own, every gardener dreams of keeping them longer in order to eat them fresh and get the maximum benefit in autumn and winter. Fresh carrot salad for the New Year, mashed potatoes for children – we need all this during a period of lack of vitamins.

Often we make mistakes in storing carrots, but do not forget that early-ripening varieties are generally not suitable for this. It is better not to plant them if you want to keep carrots in the cellar longer.

Suitable for storage:

  • mid-season varieties;
  • late varieties.

In order for the storage of carrots not to cause trouble, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  • storage temperature should be +2 degrees;
  • air humidity should be approximately 95%, without fluctuations;
  • you should not rely only on the fact that the variety has good keeping quality, this rule does not work if the carrots are harvested too early or too late.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

For long-term storage, ripe root crops without damage and completely healthy are suitable. You can not dry them in the sun, only in the cool and shade.

When choosing the same variety, pay attention to:

  • reviews of other gardeners;
  • its popularity among all others.

We will consider a large list of carrot varieties with high keeping quality and excellent qualities for successful cultivation in the middle lane.

Top Grades

To date, there are a large number of varieties and hybrids that are successfully grown throughout the country, with the exception, perhaps, of remote northern regions.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

For each variety, we will determine important parameters so that it is convenient for the summer resident to appeal to facts. We will also show photographs of carrots.

To select carrot varieties for central Our Country, consider mid-season varieties that are resistant to low temperatures and diseases.


This variety of carrots is well known to gardeners, it is considered one of the best. The yield is high, the root crops are conical in shape with a blunt end. Their size is from medium to large (500 grams) depending on growing conditions.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Shantane ripens in 120-150 days, has good taste and is perfectly stored. The variety is resistant to cracking, which allows you to save a large number of fruits by the time they ripen in September.

“Queen of Autumn”

This is one of the unique frost-resistant varieties, perfect for the middle zone of the country. It occupies a special place on store shelves, as it is in great demand among gardeners.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Carrots are very beautiful, with a thin skin. Bright orange color indicates a high content of carotene. The plant easily tolerates frosts (down to -4 degrees Celsius), this is very important, because already in August in some regions the temperature can drop. There is no need to save the harvest. Under the right growing conditions, from 1 square meter you can collect up to 9 kilograms of a wonderful crop, which is stored for a long time and has excellent taste. The ripening period is limited to 130 days.


Another popular variety. It is produced by many agricultural firms, trying to offer only the highest quality, selected seeds. The video below shows the seed of one of these companies.

Carrot “Karotel” – Pumpkin

“Karotel” is represented by a small, very sweet carrot. The variety is resistant to flowering and a large number of major diseases. It ripens in just 110 days, but will not lie for a long time. As a rule, it goes for juices, mashed potatoes, for frying and marinating. With proper cultivation, it will consistently produce 7 kilograms per square meter. Loved by gardeners for unpretentiousness. “Karotel” is not a capricious variety, and the speed of ripening allows it to be grown in open ground before the onset of cold weather.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country


Carrots “Boltex” are also suitable for long-term storage and are unpretentious in growing in our beds. What is its advantage? If standard carrots like loose light soils, then this variety is easy to grow for those who have heavy soil on the plot. Suitable even for heavy black soil, which does not affect the yield. Stably from 1 square it turns out to collect at least 5-8 kilograms. The carrot itself is dense, sweet and juicy. Resistance to major diseases additionally allows Boltex carrots to be annually in the top ten sales leaders in central Our Country.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Advice! When choosing an imported new variety, do not set the goal of growing as rich a crop as possible. The fact is that today, more and more often, foreign novelties are presented in the form of even beautiful carrots, but with a low yield and carotene content.

The best varieties of carrots for growing in Our Country are presented on our website and collected in accordance with the rating of seed consumption by gardeners themselves.


Everyone who has been growing carrots for more than a year knows the names of these varieties firsthand. Losinoostrovskaya is one of them. Despite the fact that the ripening period is quite short (from 80 to 104 days), this carrot is well stored under the right conditions.

It is distinguished by its beautiful appearance, excellent taste, resistance to coloring. The carrot itself will not be large, and the yield will be about 7-7,6 kilograms per square meter, subject to the planting pattern. The video below shows which root crops are obtained when grown in open ground.

Carrot Losinoostrovskaya

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Important! Flowering is a deviation in the development cycle of carrots. Not only carrots suffer from it, but also other root crops.

The further north you live, the more likely the occurrence of flowering as a disease. That is why the resistance of the variety to it is important for central Our Country.


Grow “Nantes” and in Ukraine, and in Moldova, in Our Country and Kazakhstan. The variety has been known for a long time and is widely distributed in the form of variety types of Dutch selection. It is grown commercially and is used to prepare baby food. Carrots are leveled, beautiful and tasty. True, it does not lie for long, but when growing a variety type, this period can be increased.

The ripening period from the moment the first shoots appear will be 100 days. Despite the fact that the roots are medium-sized, a yield of 6,5 kilograms is an excellent result.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country


For those who want to get an ultra-early carrot harvest, the Artek resistant variety is suitable. He is not afraid of white rot, and maturation does not exceed 85 days. For some regions of Our Country, this is very important, because a short summer is the first reason for refusing to grow root crops on their plots. High yield and high palatability make this variety one of the most popular.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

“Moscow winter”

Resistance to such a disease as flowering distinguishes this variety. It grows well under standard carrot conditions and produces a rich harvest. Root crops are perfectly stored all winter, while not losing their taste, which is very important.

The ripening period varies from 67 to 98 days. Seeds are planted in open ground at a distance of 4 centimeters from each other.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country


Quite a popular variety from Polish breeders, which can be grown in our climatic conditions without fear of losing part of the crop. Carrots of excellent quality with a high content of carotene and sugars will appeal to children and adults. It ripens in 90-120 days, which makes it possible to attribute it to mid-season varieties. The root crops themselves are quite large, in one kilogram there are 4-5 carrots. The yield is at least 3,8 kilograms per square.

“Flakke” refers to the largest carrot varieties both in length and in root diameter. If “Nantes” in this list takes the fourth line, then this variety is the seventh, one of the highest. At the same time, its pulp is not coarse.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

“Vitamin 6”

A mid-season variety will keep well, but not for a long time. Carrots are rich in vitamins, have a beautiful appearance and red-orange color. The fruits are protected from blooming and cracking, which makes them of high quality, and in the process of ripening, the gardener does not lose part of the crop.

Subject to the growing conditions, you can collect up to 10,5 kilograms of excellent carrots from one square meter. It is quite large, used in cooking both fresh and for preservation and stewing. It grows well in the middle lane and is included in the list of “The best varieties of carrots for growing in Our Country.”

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

«Nandrin F1»

This hybrid is one of the varieties of “Nantes”, which we talked about above. All of them outwardly repeat its appearance, but are supplemented with the help of selection with various qualities. This hybrid is loved by our summer residents.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

It ripens in just 75-100 days, which makes it possible to successfully obtain an excellent and high-quality crop in the middle lane, even with limited illumination. This hybrid is often found on the shelves of vegetable shops and markets, carrots are well stored, it turns out even. Disease resistance is an added bonus.

“Autumn King”

This variety belongs to the late ones, so not every summer resident will take up its cultivation. The ripening period from the moment the first shoots appear is approximately 130 days. Root crops are large, resistant to major diseases. If planted in Our Country, you will have to shift the timing of sowing seeds by a month. It is used in cooking and conservation. The flesh is quite tender, but the shelf life is long.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country


This hybrid is quite popular in the country and gives a stable harvest. The only negative is that it is demanding on soils:

  • loose sandy;
  • light loamy.

The arable layer should be deep, and the area should be lit. The ripening period is limited to 130 days. The warmer the summer, the more sun on the site, the faster the crop will ripen. The sowing scheme is standard. A harvest of about 6 kilograms is always waiting for the gardener.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country


It matures in just 112 days, and the yield of the hybrid reaches 6-6,7 kilograms per square. This is a good number.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Root crops are tasty, have a bright orange color, they are very tasty, tender, and are well stored. The video below shows the harvest of this hybrid.



Speaking about the best varieties of carrots for growing in Our Country, one cannot but talk about these root crops. They turn out large orange and quite tasty. “Monastyrskaya” is demanding on the soil, ripens in 130-140 days, but can be stored all winter. If at the same time the storage conditions are observed, then there will be no losses.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

It is ideal for growing in large volumes in the fields, and not just in the garden. Most often used for dietary and baby food.


An excellent early ripe variety with a high content of sugars and carotene. It has a conical shape, the color of carrots is dark orange. Carrots are quite large, strong, it is well stored due to the fact that the root crop has a large core.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

The root crop reaches maturity in just 87 days, which is a very short time. This variety requires moderate watering, does not tolerate drought. If all conditions are met, then the yield will be one of the highest (7-9 kilograms per square).


This hybrid was bred by French breeders for cultivation on an industrial scale. It can be harvested from the field with a combine, it is perfectly stored and has a number of excellent qualities:

  • resistant to low temperatures;
  • stored for a long time;
  • has excellent taste.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

The term of maturation is 120-130 days. Seeds are sown in April, the average yield reaches 5 kilograms per square.

“Peasant Woman”

The mid-season variety “Peasant” ripens within 120 days, no more. Root crops are strong, juicy and large. The harvest is average, but the carrots sprout and ripen together. The variety is resistant to flowering and other diseases.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country

Carrots are very beautiful, it is good to use them for juices, for making baby puree, for canning. The landing pattern is standard, care as well. The only thing that culture is demanding on is lighting.


The Nastena variety, which is resistant to flowering, is widely used in Our Country. It is considered one of the best for growing in the middle lane due to its resistance to standard diseases. The maturation period does not exceed 105 days. The core of the carrot is small, due to this the fruits are very juicy, but they will not be stored for a long time. Root crops are processed, pickled, frozen.

The crop often reaches 6-6,5 kilograms, this requires timely watering and sunlight.

Carrots: varieties for Central Our Country


Each summer resident chooses his own variety of carrots for cultivation. For someone, an early harvest is important, for someone – the juiciness of carrots, someone chooses varieties for long-term storage. The main thing that unites all of the above varieties is durability and high yields. Even those varieties that ripen within 130 days are not inferior to early ripe ones in taste. They are just a little less sweet. Choose yours.

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