Carrots of Nantes: characteristics, description of the variety
Carrots are a healthy product containing vitamins A, B, C and E. It is important for gardeners that carrots are unpretentious in cultivation, have a high yield and good taste. For some, it is also important that the carrots are marketable. Carrots “Nantes” are suitable both for personal use and for sale due to their good properties.
Description of the carrot variety “Nantes”
This variety of carrots is mid-season, bred in Russia and recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia and other countries. This variety is only suitable for outdoor cultivation. The first fruits appear after 80 days.
The first crop of carrots “Nantes” appears after 80 days
Carrots have a bright red-orange color with rich pulp. The average length of the fruit is 16 cm and the weight is between 90 and 160 grams.
Carrots “Nantes” contain 19 mg of carotene per 100 g
When the carrots are ripe, they protrude 2–4 centimeters above the garden bed. Because of this, the part of the root crop located above the garden becomes slightly green or purple.
Characteristics of carrots “Nantes”
In addition to being good looking and great for sale, carrots also:
- Contains a large amount of vitamin A – about 19 mg – which is good for eyesight.
- Yielding. Experienced gardeners say that from 1 sq. meters usually collect about 6 kg of fruit.
- Has a long shelf life. It doesn’t matter if you sell the crop or keep it for yourself, an important criterion when choosing a carrot variety is the length of storage. Carrots of the “Nantes” variety are stored for a long time without losing their appearance. Therefore, it is suitable for transportation and sale.
- Delicious. Carrots have a pleasant sweetish taste and juicy pulp. Suitable for both fresh consumption and for cooking or preparations for the winter.
Due to its characteristics, this variety is popular with gardeners. Many of them plant it on their plots annually.
This variety is excellent for transportation, as it does not lose its presentation.
It is better to plant carrots at a time when the probability of frost return is minimal, and the soil has already warmed up enough. Remember that this strain does not tolerate the lack of sunlight.
Watering is recommended every 10 days.
Also, carrots are demanding on soils and grow best in light soils. Therefore, think in advance about the type of soil on your site. If your soil is not suitable for these carrots, then it is better to opt for another variety.
By planting this variety of carrots in your area, you will end up with beautiful fruits with great taste and a high content of vitamin A. But do not think that this variety is ideal. Despite the taste and excellent properties, this variety is whimsical to sunlight and soil type. Therefore, analyze in advance your type of site and consider whether you can provide the necessary care for the carrots.