Carrots: beneficial properties. Video
Both adults and children love to feast on juicy, crispy carrots. Delicious salads, casseroles, soups, desserts, drinks and many other dishes are prepared from it, which, due to the high content of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body in carrots, bring great health benefits.
Carrots: useful properties
Useful substances contained in carrots:
– vitamin C; – vitamin E; – vitamin PP; – vitamins of group B; – vitamin K; – vitamin D; – carotene; – phosphorus; – iron; – potassium; – sodium; – zinc; – iodine; – copper; – magnesium; – cobalt, as well as phytoncides and essential oils.
Healing properties of carrots
The use of carrots is useful for myopia, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, night blindness and rapid fatigability, since it contains beta-carotene, which is converted in the human body into vitamin A. must be present in the daily diet.
As much beta-carotene as there is in carrots is not found in any other vegetable. Beta-carotene strengthens the retina, normalizes vision, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and has a positive effect on lung function.
Holtville, California, calls itself the “Carrot Capital of the World”. This is where the annual Carrot Festival takes place
Carrots and carrot juice are indicated for hypo- and avitaminosis A, anemia, metabolic disorders in the body. Those who suffer from cardiovascular and nervous disorders, polyarthritis, diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver are advised to eat carrots more often. Lovers of crunching raw carrots not only enjoy, but also strengthen the gums.
For colitis, nephritis, intestinal dysbiosis, diabetes mellitus and malignant tumors, boiled carrots are useful. Carrot juice has a diuretic and choleretic effect, improves appetite, increases the body’s resistance to various infections, prevents the deposition of fat in the body.
To improve the quality of breast milk, it is useful for nursing mothers to drink the juice of drinking carrots every day.
Carrot juice drunk on an empty stomach has a mild laxative effect and also helps to get rid of worms. With a loss of strength and anemia, it is useful to eat grated carrots in the morning on an empty stomach, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. For the treatment of rhinitis in children, traditional medicine recommends instilling carrot juice into the nose.
Powdered carrot seeds are taken for kidney stones (three times a day, 1 gram half an hour before meals). A mixture made from:
- juice of 1 lemon
- 100 milliliters of hot boiled water
- 100 milliliters of a mixture of carrot, cucumber and beet juice
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