Carrot Winter Nectar

Carrots “Winter Nectar” enjoys special attention of vegetable growers.

Carrot Winter Nectar

An excellent mid-late variety, with high yields and relatively low requirements for agricultural technology. Such qualities are very much appreciated by novice gardeners who still do not have enough experience and knowledge to grow whimsical varieties. In carrots, the most valuable is always juiciness, taste and ability to be stored for a long time. These parameters are perfectly collected in the “Winter Nectar”.

Advantages of the variety

It is useful for gardeners to know the main advantages that Winter Nectar carrots have:

  1. Age category. You do not have to look for a replacement for early or winter sowing if you choose Winter Nectar. Mid-late varieties perfectly tolerate any type of planting. It is equally easy to get young “beam” root crops or juicy ones for winter storage.
  2. Standard farming technique. For a good harvest, it will be enough to fertilize and loosen the soil before sowing the seeds. Seeds do not need to be soaked. Some manufacturers offer seeds on a tape, which is very convenient. The tape is placed in a moistened groove to a depth of 2 cm and sprinkled with earth. To get early full-fledged shoots, the beds are covered with a film, especially at night. If you purchased the seeds on a tape, then further thinning of the seedlings will not be required. In the following time, you need to water the carrots in a timely manner, loosen the soil, and feed them with fertilizers (mineral). The amount of dressing depends on the composition of the soil. On good fertilized soil, Winter Nectar carrots do not even require additional nutrition. Sowing begins at the earliest possible time – at the end of April, with winter sowing – the end of October. The planting depth is 2,5 cm, the row spacing is kept at a rate of 20 cm. The plants are thinned first with a distance of 1,5 cm, then again, leaving 4 cm between the carrots.
  3. Excellent taste options. Carrots are juicy, sweet, the core is not felt. Root crops do not crack, suitable for making juices, culinary masterpieces, blanks and freezing.

Every gardener who has ever grown a crop of carrots “Winter Nectar” was completely satisfied with the result. And, most importantly, with minimal effort spent during the season. This is evidenced by the reviews of the vegetable growers themselves:


Tatyana Perova, Voronezh region.
I grow “Winter Nectar” every year. I decided not to experiment, because this variety completely satisfies me. I collect enough root crops for both summer and winter. I don’t create special storage conditions, but the carrot lies almost until the new harvest.
Valentina Vasilyevna, Moscow
I am an experienced gardener. I plant several types of carrots – my grandchildren are very fond of juice and pies. “Winter Nectar” is a very tasty carrot. Juicy and sweet, the name fits perfectly. I don’t even want to give up on this one. Helps out every year. Agricultural technology is classic, even without special skills you can not be afraid to be left without a crop.

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