Many gardeners grow early ripe vegetable crops to provide their family with fresh vitamin products. Carrots are no exception. Sweet root vegetables always come first. Carrot Tushon is just the culture that you should pay attention to. The variety was tested in 2006, it was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Federation three years later.

Carrot variety Tushon: description, photos and reviews

The core of the Tushon variety is almost invisible, it has the same orange color as the pulp

History of breeding

The originators of the Tushon variety are the breeders of the Poisk agricultural company. Co-author – the head of the farm from Stavropol, Irina Timofeevna Karakay. Breeders bred a variety for gardeners in Central Our Country.

Attention! In the Uzbek language, the word “tushon” means “sleep”. This is really a waking dream, given the taste of carrots.

Description of the Tushon carrot variety

Tushon carrot is one of the representatives of the Amsterdam variety type. The plant is unpretentious, cold-resistant, does not freeze at a temperature of -3 ° C.

Possibility of obtaining seeds

Since Tushon is a variety, you can get your own seeds. To do this, you need to plant root crops collected in the fall in the spring. The inflorescence consists of small white flowers collected in an umbrella. A pollinator is not required, as carrots are a bisexual plant. Seeds ripen by autumn. Experienced gardeners put a paper cap on the umbrella before ripening so that the seeds do not spill out.


Carrots of this variety have short, strongly dissected green leaves. They are attached to ribbed petioles. The bush is represented by a semi-spreading rosette.

Shape and size

Tushon root crops of the correct cylindrical form. The apex is rounded, the tip is rounded-obtuse. By the time of harvest, carrots grow up to 20 cm in length, in diameter – up to 25 mm. Weight on average 80-200 g. Root crops are smooth, eyes are almost invisible.

Important! The skin is thin, bright orange-red, it, like the root crop, contains a large amount of useful substances, therefore it is recommended not to peel the vegetable in the usual way, but simply rinse thoroughly.


Soft pulp of the same color as the skin, and throughout the volume. The stem is almost invisible. Root vegetables contain from 5,5 to 8,2% sugars, which gives the vegetable a sweet taste.

Carrot variety Tushon: description, photos and reviews

In 100 g of Tushon carrots there are 11,9-17,8 mg of carotene, which gives the vegetable a rich color.

Characterization of Tuchon carrots

Of course, gardeners pay attention to the photo, the description of Tushon carrots, but this, as a rule, is not enough when choosing a crop. Other parameters need to be known, such as maturity and yield, resistance to diseases and pests.

Ripening period

Three months after germination, you can start harvesting carrots. Although the thin “fingers” that children love so much are pulled out of the ground after 65-70 days. In the State Register, the variety is considered an early culture, although the originators called Tushon mid-season.

Productivity of carrots Tushon

The variety type Tushon is recommended not only for private farms, but also for cultivation on large areas. The farmer is happy to cultivate an early vegetable. 1-29 tons of delicious root crops are harvested from 41 ha. If we talk about summer residents, then they receive up to 6 kg / sq. m.

Comment! The yield depends on weather conditions and compliance with agricultural standards.

Disease and pest resistance

Vegetable growers who have been dealing with Tushon carrots for more than one year note the resistance of the variety to many crop diseases and the ability to withstand pest attacks.

Of course, the key to success is the observance of agricultural technology. It is better to plant Tushon carrots, like other varieties of culture, after tomatoes and zucchini, beans, beans and peas.

Landing regions

The originators recommended growing carrots in the Central regions of Our Country. But after some time, the territory expanded significantly, now even in the northern regions you can see beds with Tushon carrots. This variety is grown in Ukraine and Moldova.

Application area

Tushon variety of universal culinary purpose. Root crops are suitable for salads, cooking second courses. Children are happy to “sharpen their teeth” with carrots. Vegetables make a delicious puree.

Carrot variety Tushon: description, photos and reviews

Tasty juice is often prepared from the Tushon variety for dietary and baby food.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a new variety of carrots, gardeners pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the variety. This parameter is also important.

The pluses, according to the reviews of those who grew Tushon, include:

  • early ripeness and friendly harvest;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • attractive appearance of root crops;
  • the ability to eat without peeling the skin;
  • high yield of the crop;
  • unpretentious variety, easy to grow;
  • resistance to many crop diseases;
  • fruits do not crack, coloring is not observed.

Although there are not so many cons, they are still there:

  • Tushon root crops are not suitable for long-term storage;
  • it is difficult to transport over long distances, because the skin of the vegetable is very thin and delicate.

As can be seen from the characteristics, the Tushon carrot variety has a lot of advantages, so it can be safely grown.

Growing tips

The soil for carrots can be sandy or loamy. The main thing is that it be drained and loose. Ridges for a vitamin vegetable are arranged in an open, well-lit place. Planting is planned for the end of April-May, depending on the growing region.

To get quick shoots, you can germinate Tushon carrots in a sponge. This material holds moisture well, does not mold. The sponge must be new. Just do not wait until the sprouts become large, but immediately sow in a permanent place.

Carrot variety Tushon: description, photos and reviews

Many gardeners use a sponge to germinate small seeds of various plants.

Attention! Tushon carrot seeds can be sown before winter.

Sow the seed in grooves, previously spilled with a solution of birch tar and sprinkled with tobacco dust, to a depth of 1-3 cm. There should be at least 25 cm between the rows. This will allow you to freely process the plantings. To warm the soil and feed future carrots, it is recommended to mulch the ridges.

Further Care

Carrot beds need to be watered often and plentifully. Before germination, it is better to irrigate plantings every day so that the topsoil does not dry out.

Loosening and thinning

It is necessary to loosen the row-spacings, when the rows of carrots are already visible, after each watering. This will keep moisture in and leave the soil loose. Carrots should be thinned twice. First leave a distance of 10 cm, then 20 cm.

Carrot variety Tushon: description, photos and reviews

Even small sweet ponytails are eaten by children with pleasure.


As a fertilizer for large root crops, you need to feed it with a mixture of 20 g of potassium salt, 15 g of double superphosphate and 155 g of urea.

It is also useful to use top dressing with potassium chloride.

Warning! Any mineral fertilizers are used strictly according to the instructions.

Pest and disease control

Despite the fact that Tushon carrots have good immunity, it is not always possible to get rid of insects. To fix the problem, you can use folk remedies or chemistry.

For example:

  • spraying slaked lime, ash and tobacco dust helps get rid of the carrot fly;
  • carrot moths are repelled by spraying carrot beds with infusion of tomato tops;
  • Dekaris is required to kill the nematode.

Before using chemicals, you need to carefully read the instructions.

Carrot variety Tushon: description, photos and reviews

Timely processing of plantings from pests and diseases will help to get an excellent crop of Tushon carrots


Tushon carrots are an excellent variety for obtaining an early vitamin root crop. It is widely used not only by summer residents, but also by farmers, since this vegetable is in special demand on the market due to its taste.

Reviews of gardeners about Tushon carrots

Aleksandra Kostyukevich, Kirov
I have had a dacha for a long time. As soon as summer comes, I go there and take care of the beds. I also sow carrots, several varieties. I take several rows under Tushon. This is an early ripening variety, my grandchildren gnaw on tasty and sweet root crops all summer. The fact that carrots are not stored for long does not upset me, because for winter preparations, the shelf life is not important. I cook delicious juice from Tushon carrots.
Sergey Ivanov, Chita
Gardening is a hobby. I plant different vegetables and herbs. Four years ago I bought Tushon carrot seeds. The description said that it was intended for Central Our Country. But I decided to take a chance. Seedlings turned out excellent, carrots grew quickly. Already after 2,5 months, my children were crunching orange root crops. Now I plant every year, and for the second season with my own seeds.
Andrey Ivanov, Yekaterinburg
I am a beginner gardener, but I definitely sow carrots, including the Tushon variety. Since the fruits are not stored for a long time, I take several rows for this carrot. Children like root vegetables, and the wife prepares a delicious casserole, juice, mashed potatoes from this orange vegetable, and uses root vegetables to make salads for the winter.
Acquaintance with the seeds of Tushon carrots, getting ready for planting

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