Shantane carrots have been popular with vegetable growers for over 70 years. The culture is grown in open ground throughout Our Country. Root crops are characterized by high nutritional value, transportable, long-term storage. Vegetables are versatile. The variety became the progenitor of many varieties of , Dutch, Japanese selection.
The story of
Shantane carrots were created by French breeders at the beginning of the 1943th century, later it formed the basis as a variety standard for numerous varieties. The latter are united by general characteristics, appearance and taste. The culture is named after a city located in northern France. Carrots were brought to Our Country in 2461. After two years of experimental cultivation, the variety was included in the list of the State Register as Shantane XNUMX.
Description of the Shantane carrot variety with a photo
The plant has been cultivated for many years in farm fields and personal plots. The characteristics of carrots have stood the test of time. Shantane is considered the most popular and sought-after variety among vegetable growers in all regions of Our Country.
The plant is cold-resistant, with standard agricultural technology. Vegetation is stable, the fruits are not deformed in hard ground. This varietal representative of the culture gives a full-fledged planting material suitable for further reproduction.
Description of Chantane carrots:
- The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, with a rounded blunt end.
- The surface is slightly wavy, uniform, bright orange.
- On the cut, the thickness of the bark is twice the core, the color of the parts is the same, these are factors that determine the high quality of the variety.
- All Shantane fruits are leveled in one area, there are no illiquid carrots, on average, diameter is 6 cm, length is 12-15 cm, weight is 100-150 g. Weight and size depend on the thickening of the planting. The more free space, the larger the root crop.
- The structure of carrots is dense, juicy, without hard fibers, resistant to cracking.
Shantane tastes sweet. Carrots are of universal use, they are consumed fresh, mashed, juiced, added to preservatives and culinary dishes.
Characteristics of Shantane carrots
The stress-resistant variety does not respond to changes in day and night temperatures at the beginning of the season, suitable for spring and late autumn planting. During germination, carrots calmly respond to -4 0C, full vegetation is possible at +3 0C.

Shantane is not demanding on soil composition, soil density, watering
To accumulate a sufficient concentration of sugars and form a standard mass, a large amount of ultraviolet light is needed. Carrots do not tolerate shade and an area with stagnant water, otherwise they are completely unpretentious in their care. Shantane is grown as an annual crop, but several specimens can be left to obtain seeds.
Ripening period
Shantane is classified as a medium-late variety. Root crops ripen in September or early October. Biological ripeness is reached in 90-110 days. Everything depends on weather conditions. In the South, the collection will be earlier than, for example, in Siberia. You can not leave the fruits for a long time in the garden, bitterness appears in the taste, the shelf life is reduced. Therefore, from the moment of seed germination, 15 weeks are counted and the crop is harvested from the site.
Shantane carrot yield
The fruiting index of the variety is always stable, the yield of marketable products is 98%. Deformed and forked root crops are rare. With a correctly chosen site, collection from 1 m2 is 5-6 kg, on farm fields 410 centners per hectare. Given the fact that the length of the carrot is medium in size, Shantane is classified as a high-yielding variety.
Disease and pest resistance
The plant has good resistance to infections and parasitic insects. With sufficient lighting and observance of agricultural technology, Shantane grows without problems and does not suffer from botrythiosis, phomosis, cercosporosis, sclerotinia.
If the season turned out to be rainy and cold, carrots may suffer from Alternaria.
The main pests of the culture do not parasitize on Shantan: aphids, fleas. Possible damage to the fruit by a carrot fly.
Growing regions
Carrot is zoned in Western Siberia. Due to its cold resistance and undemanding watering, Shantane is recommended for cultivation in the following regions:
- North and Northwest;
- Central, Central Black Earth;
- Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka;
- Ural;
- Far East.
The culture also showed good fruiting results in the North Caucasus.
Advantages and disadvantages
Vegetable growers value Shantane carrots for their pleasant taste and versatility of the fruit. The unpretentiousness of the culture also affects the choice of seeds for planting.

The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting, it can be grown on an industrial scale
Benefits of Shantane Carrots:
- cold resistance;
- stable high yield;
- unpretentiousness in care;
- transportability;
- long-term storage (6-7 months);
- aligned root crops;
- the optimal percentage of marketable products;
- strong immunity;
- versatility of use;
- high nutritional value and pleasant taste;
- fruit is not prone to cracking and splitting.
Features of planting and care
Self-obtained carrot seeds are recommended to be disinfected in a manganese solution before being placed in the ground. For purchased material, this measure is not relevant. Shantane is sown after the soil warms up to +3 0C. The time depends on the climate in the region. Autumn sowing is possible only in the South. Shantane is planted a week before the first frost.
Algorithm of work:
- A complex mineral fertilizer and organic matter are applied to the dug up area.
- The surface of the beds is leveled, furrows are made 1,5-2 cm deep.
- Lay out the seeds of carrots and water with a solution of “Energen”, fall asleep.

The distance between the rows is left 15-20 cm, this is enough for Shantan
Growing carrots:
- The first two weeks, the soil is abundantly moistened with warm water. When the seeds germinate, watering is reduced, focusing on the condition of the soil. Dry sealing and water stagnation must not be allowed.
- Periodically loosen the aisles and remove weeds with roots.
- When the foliage rises to 5 cm, the planting is thinned out, maintaining an interval between plants of 6 cm.
- Feed at the beginning of growth with a nitrogen-containing agent. In the second half of May they use “Buton”, in July “Effekton-O”.
Fresh organics are not used, because growth will be redirected to the formation of tops by reducing the mass of root crops.
Pest and disease control
Shantana is not recommended to be planted in one area for more than three years. If the crop rotation is not observed, with constant stagnation of water and violation of the rules of care, the culture can become ill with Alternaria.

Black rot causes particular harm to the root crop; infected carrots cannot be stored and eaten
In order to prevent the development of the disease, the foliage is treated in May with Hom. If black patches appear on the stems, after three weeks they are sprayed with Alirin-B. In the second half of July, they scatter “Barrier” near the carrots.
The carrot fly parasitizes on Shantan. The larvae gnaw through passages in the root crop, the areas turn black and begin to rot. It is recommended not to sow carrots thickly, because during thinning, the fly reacts to the smell and lays eggs on the carrot bed. Near the culture, you can plant garlic or mustard, they will scare away adults.

An unpleasant odor emanates from damaged carrots, it is better to discard and discard it.
The parasitic insect is eliminated by treatment with Iskra DE (in the second half of May), after 20 days the procedure is repeated with Inta-Virom.
Harvesting and storage of crops
Remove carrots from the garden in good weather. The soil needs to be dry or slightly damp.
Cleaning algorithm:
- Root crops are dug up and pulled out, holding on to the leaves.
- Remove the remnants of the soil with your hands, do not allow mechanical impact.
- In order not to damage the carrots, cut off the tops, leave about 1 cm.
- Sorted and removed from the site for drying in a well-ventilated place.
Shantane is stored in a dark room at a temperature of +20-4 0C and humidity 90-95%.

Carrots are placed in boxes in layers so that the root crops do not touch and are sprinkled with dry sand
The Shantane carrot is one of the popular crop varieties that has become a variety type for creating hybrid forms with similar characteristics and growing requirements. The cold-resistant plant is suitable for cultivation on an industrial scale and on personal plots in almost all regions of Our Country.