Carrot Nioh 336 is a variety that has stood the test of time, while at the same time it withstands competition with new species. Valued for its high content of carotene. Also, the species is characterized by rapid adaptation to any climate. But in order to achieve maximum productivity from the variety, you need to follow certain rules for planting and further caring for the root crop.

Carrot variety Nioh 336: description, photos and reviews

The content of carotene in Niioh 336 carrots reaches 23%

The story of

Breeding work on the creation of this root crop variety was carried out at the All- Research Institute, which is its originator. The basis for Niioh 336 carrots was the Vitamin 6, Hybrid 5 species. The creation process took several years, and as a result of careful selection according to individual indicators, the characteristics were significantly improved. In 1973, an application for variety testing was submitted. Based on its results, Nioh 336 was included in the State Register.

Description of the Niioh 336 carrot variety

This type of root crop is a variety. Its seeds can be used for subsequent planting, but after 3-4 years they need to be renewed.

Carrot Nioh 336 is characterized by a regular cylindrical shape with a blunt tip. The length of the root crop reaches 18 cm, and its diameter is 4-5 cm. The average weight of carrots is about 110 g.

The flesh is bright orange, juicy, crispy. The core is small, about 26-35% of the total root diameter. The taste of Nioh 336 carrots is pleasant, sweetish. The leaf socket is erect, 50 cm high. The plates are lanceolate, long-petiolate. The tops have a rich green tint.

Important! The roots of this variety are completely immersed in the soil.
Carrot variety Nioh 336: description, photos and reviews

The surface of the fruit is smooth with bright eyes.

Characteristics of Niioh 336 carrots

To obtain a high yield of Nioh 336 carrots, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the variety. This will create favorable conditions for the growth and development of root crops.

Ripening period

Carrot Niioh 336 belongs to the category of mid-season species. Her growing season is 98-113 days. When planted in the second half of April, in early May, the crop ripens in late July, mid-August. If you plant a variety of carrots Nioh 336 before winter, then the root crops ripen two weeks earlier.

Carrot yield Nioh 336

The variety is characterized by good yield. From 1 sq. area, you can collect 8,3-9 kg of root crops. Moreover, Nioh 336 carrots are characterized by stability and yield even in unfavorable seasons.

Disease and pest resistance

The variety is characterized by increased resistance to common crop diseases. However, mistakes made in care and sudden changes in weather conditions reduce the immunity of carrots. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend not to ignore preventive treatments in order to minimize the likelihood of developing fungal diseases.

Variety Nioh 336 is susceptible to attack by pests. Damage at the stage of growth and ripening of root crops can be caused by a carrot fly, psyllid, gall nematode, bear and other insects. To prevent this, you need to use special drugs when the first signs of their vital activity appear.

Growing regions

Nioh 336 is characterized by good adaptability to adverse weather conditions. And even in areas with risky farming, the variety shows high productivity.

This root crop is recommended for cultivation in regions with a temperate and cool climate, namely in the Central, Middle and Lower Volga, North-Western, East and West Siberian, Volga-Vyatka, Far East.

Important! Carrot Nioh 336 is not suitable for growing in the southern regions, as the culture is demanding on moisture.

Advantages and disadvantages

This variety, like others, has strengths and weaknesses. To achieve high performance in its cultivation, you need to take them into account.

Carrot variety Nioh 336: description, photos and reviews

Grade Nioh 336 is resistant to cracking

The main advantages:

  • adaptability to adverse climatic conditions;
  • stable, good yield;
  • disease resistance;
  • versatility of application;
  • suitability for long-term storage, transportation;
  • marketability of root crops;
  • high content of carotene;
  • excellent taste;
  • cold resistance.


  • the need for regular top dressing, loosening the soil;
  • Possible pest attack.
Important! The variety is not subject to bolting and coloring.

Features of planting and care

Niioh 336 carrots can be planted in spring and before winter. In the first case, planting should be carried out after the snow melts, when the ground warms up to + 5-8 ° C, and in the second – in October-November two weeks before frost.

For this variety, you need to choose flat open areas on which water does not stagnate. Nioh 336 carrots show good performance when planted in loamy and sandy soil with a neutral level of acidity. The site must be prepared in advance. It must be dug up and humus added at the rate of 5 kg per 1 sq. m, as well as superphosphate (25 g) and potassium sulfide (15 g) for the same area.

Nioh 336 carrots should be planted in rows, keeping a distance of 20 cm between them. The optimum depth level is 2 cm. Carrot seeds are characterized by slow germination, and seedlings appear with mass growth of weeds. And since a crust regularly forms on the soil in spring, for full development, the sprouts need access to oxygen to the root. To ensure this, it is necessary to mix Nioh 336 carrot seeds with radishes, lettuce or peas. Their early shoots indicate rows, which will allow timely loosening of the soil and removal of weeds between them.

For successful cultivation of the root crop, thinning of seedlings is necessary. There should be at least 4 cm between shoots.

Carrots of this species need regular watering in the absence of seasonal rains. But at the same time, it does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil. Moisten the bed with the culture should be twice a week.

Variety Nioh 336 responds well to potash fertilizers, but reacts poorly to organics. Root top dressing should be carried out twice a season, using potassium sulfide 25 g per 10 liters of water.

Carrot variety Nioh 336: description, photos and reviews

Carrot Nioh 336 does not need hilling

Important! The best predecessors for a root crop are potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers.

Pest and disease control

As a preventive measure against late blight planting of carrots Niioh 336, it is recommended to treat with the preparation “Fotafox” at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water. To protect the root crop from root rot, colloidal salt 20 g should be used for the same volume of liquid. To prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, you should apply “Skor” 1,6 ml per 8 liters of water. Spraying the tops with a solution of “Khomus” 35 g per bucket of water will prevent damage by anthracnose.

When signs of pests appear, plantings should be treated with such preparations:

  • You decide;
  • Aktara;
  • Splendor;
  • Actellic.

To combat the bear, you need to lay boiled grain bait soaked in the Bi-58 solution when planting in the holes.

Harvesting and storage of crops

Nioh 336 carrots can be harvested in a bunch two months after germination, and for long-term storage – in late August, early September. It is necessary to dig up root crops with a sharp yellowing of the tops. Harvest time should not be delayed, as this can lead to the growth of absorbent root shoots and the appearance of bitterness in taste.

Before laying in storage, root crops should be cleaned from the ground with a rag and slightly dried in the shade. Carrots should be laid in wooden or plastic boxes, shifting layers with wet sand, sawdust, coniferous litter. Optimal conditions: temperature +2 °C and humidity 90-98%.

Important! Only healthy root crops without signs of rot and damage should be placed in boxes.
Carrot variety Nioh 336: description, photos and reviews

Large specimens of carrots are stored longer than small ones.


Carrot Nioh 336 is a variety that has a stable yield, even in years when other types of crops show low productivity. This allows him to maintain high popularity among gardeners for many years. At the same time, the species does not need complex care, and root crops are characterized by excellent keeping quality.

Reviews of gardeners about carrots Niioh 336

Irina Stepnova, Bryansk
I have been growing this variety for ten years. I like its unpretentiousness, excellent taste. Root crops grow even and long. But for this, you should constantly loosen the soil between the rows. Water Nioh 336 carrots in doses, as needed. Harvest is well stored in a cool, dry cellar.
Sergey Glukhov, Kaluga
I grow different varieties of carrots in the country, I change them periodically, but Nioh 336 remains unchanged. This species, even with minimal care and adverse weather conditions, always gives a good harvest. Root crops have a reddish-orange color, smooth, juicy, sweet in taste. I use them for fresh consumption and juicing.

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