Carrot varieties with a blunt end

Carrots growing in fields and household plots can be different: orange, yellow or even purple. In addition to color, this vegetable differs in shape, most often there are conical or cylindrical roots, but there are also round carrots. Another distinguishing feature is the tip of the fruit. It may be blunt or pointed.

This article will consider varieties of carrots with a blunt tip, describe their main advantages and features.

How to grow carrots

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

In order for the carrot to ripen on time, it must be properly planted and properly cared for.:

  1. Land for carrots has been prepared since autumn. The site needs to be dug up or plowed to a depth of at least 30 cm. If this is not done, the root crops will be short and crooked, as the vegetable loves loose soil. Through the hard, crumpled earth, the carrot will not germinate, it will become curved and ugly.
  2. In autumn, you can fertilize the earth. For this, it is better not to use mineral fertilizers – this vegetable does not like them. Nitrogen, phosphorus, compost fertilizers are more suitable.
  3. Carrots are sown either in late autumn or in mid-spring, when a constant positive temperature is established.
  4. Before planting, it is better to soak the seeds in water or in a growth accelerator – so the plants will sprout faster and more amicably.
  5. When two true leaves appear on each plant, the carrots need to be thinned out. Root crops do not like thickening, at least 5 cm should be left between them.
  6. After 1-1,5 months after sowing the seeds, a root crop begins to form. At this time, plants especially need regular watering and loosening the soil.
  7. Harvest depending on the selected variety and the timing of its ripening – on the 80-130th day after sowing the seeds into the ground.
Advice! You need to store the carrot crop in a dry and cool place (for example, in the basement). Experienced gardeners advise laying root crops in wooden boxes with sand.

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

How to decide on a variety

The most suitable variety is the one that is adapted to the climatic features of the region.. So, in Siberia, you need to plant carrots that are resistant to low temperatures and have a short growing season – from 80 to 105 days.

Almost all varieties of carrots are suitable for central Our Country, because this crop is unpretentious either to air temperature or to the composition of the soil.

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

When choosing a variety of carrots, you need to consider the timing of its ripening. After all early vegetables not only ripen faster, they have a number of features:

  1. Less pronounced taste and aroma.
  2. Bad “storage”.
  3. The main purpose is fresh consumption, cooking various dishes.

For winter storage, canning and processing, it is better to choose a mid-season or late variety.. These carrots will be able to lie until the next garden season, while retaining most of their beneficial qualities and nutritional properties.

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

Attention! When choosing between hybrids and varieties of carrots, it should be taken into account that experts note the best “keeping quality” and a more pronounced taste in domestic varieties. But foreign hybrids can boast of resistance to external factors.

«Nandrin F1»

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

One of these foreign hybrids is the Dutch selection of carrots “Nandrin F1”. It belongs to early ripening – root crops are ready for harvesting after the 100th day of vegetation.

Carrots grow large – the mass of one root crop can reach 300 grams. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the end of the fruit is blunt. The length of each carrot reaches 20 cm, and the diameter is about four centimeters. The peel of carrots is smooth, has a bright reddish-orange hue.

The fruit has practically no core – the inner part practically does not differ from the outer. The pulp is suitable for processing, canning or fresh consumption, the taste of carrots is excellent, it is juicy and fragrant.

The Nandrin F1 hybrid can also be grown for sale, the fruits have the correct shape and the same size, retain their presentation for a long time, and are not prone to cracking.

The rapid ripening of root crops suggests that carrots do not tolerate long-term storage very well, it is better to eat them as soon as possible. But this hybrid can be grown in the conditions of a short and cool northern summer.

For planting seeds, you need to choose areas well lit by the sun, with loose soil. In addition to timely watering, thinning and loosening the soil, this carrot does not require any special care.

“Type top”

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

This variety of carrots belongs to the medium-early ones – the root crops ripen approximately on the 100th day after sowing the seeds. The fruits grow quite large, the length of one can reach 20 cm.

The shape of the root crop resembles a perfectly even cylinder with a blunt tip. Carrots are painted in a bright orange hue, its peel is smooth and uniform.

Root crops will grow large and juicy if they are grown on rich and loose soils, watered and fed frequently and plentifully.

Attention! Any carrot does not like the neighborhood of weeds. During the period of formation and ripening of the root crop, weed crops can draw all nutrients and moisture from the soil, carrots will not be large and beautiful. Therefore, all weeds should be promptly removed from the beds.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

For the first time this variety of carrots appeared in France, but domestic breeders have put a lot of effort into improving and acclimatizing it to local conditions. Today, “Shantane” is considered a carrot variety, which includes several similar varieties and hybrids.

Root crops have the shape of a cone, the tip of which is blunt. The average length of the fruit is about 14 cm, the diameter is large. The pulp of this variety is juicy and crispy, with a slightly pronounced core.

The taste of the fruit is at its best – the carrot is fragrant and very tasty. The amount of sugars and carotene exceeds the average values, which makes it possible to process vegetables and prepare diet meals, purees and juices for baby food from them.

Different varieties and hybrids of the Shantane variety may have different ripening periods, among them there are both early-ripening and late-ripening varieties. There are also carrots intended for cultivation in different regions of the country: from the southern regions to Siberia and the Urals.

The yield of the variety is quite high – up to 9 kg per square meter. Commercial qualities are good: root crops are beautiful, have the correct shape, retain useful properties and appearance for a long time.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

Carrots belong to late-ripening varieties – root crops reach technical maturity only after the 120th day of vegetation.

The shape of the fruit is a truncated cone with a blunt end. Their size is quite large: the average weight is 210 grams, and the length is about 17 cm. The peel is painted in a rich orange color, there are many small light “eyes” on its surface.

The inside of the carrot is the same bright orange as the outside. The core is small, practically no different from the rest of the pulp in color and taste.

The variety is distinguished by good taste, high yield (up to 7 kg per square meter) and unpretentiousness. Plants are protected from premature stalking, flowering and a number of other characteristic diseases. Another advantage of the “Incomparable” variety is the possibility of long-term storage without loss of useful sugars and carotene.

“Narbonne F1”

Carrot varieties with a blunt end

Hybrid carrot acquires technical maturity by the 105th day after sowing the seeds, which makes it possible to classify it as a subspecies of medium-early varieties. Root crops have the shape of an elongated cone, their diameter is small, and the length often exceeds 20 cm. The weight of each fruit is about 90 grams. The tip of the root crop is blunt.

The surface and flesh of this carrot has a rich orange hue. The fruits are flattened and smooth. The pulp of this variety is juicy and fragrant, the core is small, not differing in taste and color.

Root crops are suitable for any consumption, processing, canning, freezing and fresh storage. The yield is quite high – up to 8 kg per square meter.

Plants are resistant to a number of diseases, premature stalking and fruit cracking.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

An early ripe variety of carrots, not intended for long-term storage. Such carrots will lie without losing their qualities for only 30 days, but they can be frozen, dried, canned or processed in any convenient way.

The shape of the root crops is a cone with a rounded tip. The diameter of the fruit is large, but the length is medium. The shade of the pulp and peel is bright orange. The taste is quite high, the vegetable contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

This variety requires careful care, then the yields will be very high – up to 50 tons per hectare. This allows us to call “Abaco” one of the best commercial varieties.

Plants are resistant to most diseases and are of no interest to carrot pests. The culture tolerates low temperatures and even short-term frosts.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

Another of the early ripe varieties, which allows you to get up to 40 tons of a stable crop in a short time.

Plants are strong enough: the fruits do not rot, rarely get sick. So that this early ripe carrot can be stored fresh, the seeds must be sown no earlier than the 20th of June.

With this approach, more than 90% of the crop can be saved during the winter period – carrots will not lose their useful qualities and presentation. In a darkened and cool basement, carrots can lie for up to six months.

The fruits have a cylindrical shape, they are quite large in size – each weighs 180 grams. The color of the peel and pulp is standard – rich orange.

The taste is high, carrots can not only be eaten fresh, but also frozen, added to various dishes and canned.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

One of the best and most famous varieties is the mid-season Boltex carrot. Root crops of large size, have the shape of a cone with a blunt end. The length of each vegetable reaches 23 cm, the diameter is also quite large. The mass of one carrot can exceed 300 grams.

There is practically no core in the bright orange pulp, the taste of carrots is uniform, rich, juicy. The vegetable is great for cooking any dishes, eating fresh, storing and processing into juices and purees.

Plants are not afraid of root rot, but they are not immune to flowering and insect attacks. Therefore, Boltex carrots must not only be watered and fertilized in a timely manner, but also treated with protective agents.

This is a rare variety of carrot that can be grown in dense, loamy soils. Despite the large size of the fruit, the harvest will be beautiful and even, even if the ground is not very loose.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

A late-ripening variety of carrots, the fruits of which reach technical maturity only on the 138th day after sowing the seeds in the beds.

These carrots can be stored for a very long time – up to nine months. In a cool basement or dark pantry, vegetables will not lose their usefulness, they will remain suitable for fresh consumption.

Plants are very resistant to low temperatures and various diseases. The appearance of root crops is very attractive: the fruits have the shape of an elongated cylinder with a rounded tip. The color of carrots is rich orange. All root crops are even, approximately the same shape and size.

This makes the variety suitable for commercial cultivation, and carrots attract buyers with their excellent appearance.

The taste qualities of the “Emperor” are also on top, carrots are juicy and fragrant, with crispy pulp. Contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

The plant normally tolerates abundant humidity and a sharp cold snap, the fruits do not rot or crack.


Carrot varieties with a blunt end

Late-ripening carrots, giving very high yields – over 65 tons per hectare. To achieve such results, regular watering and properly selected nutrient soil are sufficient.

Cylindrical root crops reach a length of up to 25 cm, and their weight often exceeds 200 grams. The bright orange flesh is juicy and rich in flavor.

Carrots of this variety can be processed, useful purees and juices can be prepared from it. Root vegetables are good both fresh and canned.

A long storage period allows you to keep fresh vegetables throughout the winter. Plants are resistant to many diseases.


Among the varieties of carrots with a blunt tip, there are both early-ripening varieties and vegetables with later ripening dates. The taste qualities of such carrots are quite high: dietary dishes, baby purees and juices are often prepared from it.

If you choose carrots with a long growing season, you can enjoy fresh vegetables all winter. Some varieties may last until the next harvest.

🌱What varieties of carrots are the best #livevitamins🌱

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