Carrot varieties: characteristics
There are now a large number of seeds and various hybrids of carrots. And if experienced summer residents have already chosen their favorite varieties and plant them every year, then it is difficult for beginners to understand such a variety.
The best varieties of carrots are distinguished by their high taste, long shelf life and unpretentiousness.
The best varieties of carrots should have good taste, long shelf life and immunity to disease.
All carrots are divided into:
- Early ripening carrots – these are varieties, from the moment of planting which takes 2-3 months before the harvest.
- Mid-season carrots – from the moment of planting to harvest, it takes from 3 to 4 months.
- Late ripening carrots – more than 4 months pass from the moment of planting to the first harvest.
Also decide in advance for what purpose you will grow carrots: for personal consumption or for sale.
When choosing a variety, deviate from your goals: growing for sale or for personal use
People who grow carrots for sale pay attention to characteristics such as appearance, shelf life and ability to transport without losing their presentation. However, these varieties are sometimes less resistant to disease and not as tasty as others. Often, such gardeners prefer to plant foreign varieties that were bred in other countries.
If you decide to grow carrots for yourself, then pay attention to the taste, the content of vitamins and minerals, and immunity to diseases.
Characteristics of carrot varieties
So, according to reviews and recommendations of experienced gardeners, the following varieties of carrots are considered the best:
- “Nantes”. This is the most common variety grown in Russia. This carrot has a bright orange color. The taste of carrots is slightly sweet, the pulp is juicy. The weight of the fruit ranges from 100 to 160 grams, and is about 15 centimeters long. From the moment of planting to the receipt of the first fruits, it takes 3–3,5 months.
- “Queen of Autumn”. Another popular variety in demand among gardeners. It takes 3 months from the moment of planting to the moment of receiving the first harvest. In length it reaches 20-22 cm, and the weight of carrots ranges from 100 to 150 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases, is distinguished by its red-orange color and good taste.
- “Vitamin”. It is in demand due to its good taste and high content of vitamins and minerals. From the moment of planting to the moment of harvest, 2,5–3 months pass. Weight about 150 grams, size about 16 cm.
- Losinoostrovskaya. An old variety that is in great demand among gardeners. In size it reaches 16-18 centimeters, and the weight of carrots is from 100 to 170 grams. Differs in good appearance and excellent taste. Also, carrots contain 18 mg of carotene per 100 g.
There are many more carrot varieties and hybrids. These have been tested by many gardeners. If you want to choose a different variety, then choose carefully. It is better to ask your friends and acquaintances, so as not to be mistaken with the choice.
The article does not present all the varieties that you can find in the store, but only a small part of them. But the carrots listed in the article are in demand and time-tested. Having planted it in your garden, you will definitely get a high-quality and tasty harvest.