Carrot Red Giant

This variety of carrots is perhaps the most popular among all late varieties. Bred by German breeders, the Red Giant is ideal for cultivation in Our Country. Its roots have a universal application, and their size fully justifies the name of the variety.

Carrot Red Giant

Characteristics of a variety

Carrot Red Giant is one of the most late-ripening varieties. When planted in May, root crops can be harvested in August or September. This period is fully compensated by the yield of the variety. It is quite high: up to 4 kg of carrots can be harvested per square meter.

The red giant is not in vain received such a name. Its red-orange roots can grow up to 25 cm long and up to 6 cm in diameter. Their average weight will be 150 grams. The shape of the Red Giant resembles an elongated cone with a blunt tip. A cross section of a carrot reveals a medium-sized core. The red flesh of this variety tastes very sweet and juicy. Due to the composition rich in vitamins, it is very useful for people of any age.

Carrot Red Giant

The Red Giant variety is resistant to many diseases and pests. Its distinguishing feature is a long shelf life without loss of taste and commercial qualities. In addition, this variety is excellent for planting before winter.

Important! Many gardeners note that, subject to the required temperature and humidity, the Red Giant harvest, harvested in August, can be stored until March.

Recommendations for growing

The optimal time for planting this variety of carrots is the end of April – the beginning of May. It is then that the soil warms up to +10 degrees – the minimum temperature at which carrot seeds can germinate.

Important! For planting, it is recommended to choose a well-lit area with loamy or sandy soil. If the soil on the site has a different composition, then a little sand should be added to it. This will dilute the soil a little and create better conditions for carrots to grow.

The red giant is landed as follows:

  • Small furrows are made in the garden. Between them there should be no more than 20 cm, and their depth should not exceed 3 cm. Before planting the seeds, the furrows are shed with warm settled water.
  • When the furrows absorb all the water, you can plant the seeds. However, they should not be planted very often. Landing every 4 cm will be the most optimal. After planting, the furrows are covered with earth.
  • A bed with planted seeds can be covered with foil or mulched. In this case, the film must be removed after the appearance of the first shoots. Mulch is recommended to be left until harvest.
Advice! There should be a space of 5 cm between the film and the bed. This is done in order not to hamper the growth of seedlings.

This variety of carrots is subject to thinning. It is produced in two stages:

  1. Two weeks after germination;
  2. When the diameter of the root crop reaches 2 cm.

Caring for root crops consists in regular watering, weeding and hilling. It is possible to apply fertilizers, especially organic ones.

Advice! Carrots do not respond well to the introduction of fresh manure. To preserve the taste and presentation of the crop, the use of this organic fertilizer should be abandoned.

When disembarking before winter, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • landing is carried out at the end of October at a temperature below +5 degrees;
  • planting depth should not exceed 2 cm;
  • the surface of the beds is mulched with peat.

The harvest of the Red Giant, planted before winter, can be harvested as early as mid-June.


Gulnara, 49 years old, Ryazan
Planted for the first time, and even before winter. Many neighbors told me that it was very risky and it would not be possible to get a harvest. It was nice to see their surprised faces when I picked my carrots in June, which, by the way, grew to a very decent size. Looking at her, it was hard to think that she was sweet. But I was pleasantly surprised by its taste. It keeps quite well. Our carrots lay in the cellar, in boxes with sand. This carrot was a discovery for me, I will plant more.
Svetlana, 46 years old, Tula
Great carrot! This year I bought the same variety, but from a different company. The seeds were in granules – which is very convenient. Seed germination is excellent. The variety has fairly dense foliage, so it is best to either plant infrequently or thin out as it grows. Carrots taste very juicy and sweet. Well kept. I recommend.

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