Carrot Natalia F1

One of the most popular varieties of carrots is considered to be “Nantes”, which has proven itself well. The variety was bred back in 1943, since then a huge number of variety types have come from it, very similar in appearance to each other. One of them is Natalia F1 carrot. Let’s talk about it in more detail.

Variety description

Carrot “Natalia” is a variety type of “Nantes” Dutch selection. According to the statement of the producers, it is she who is considered the most delicious of all varieties. However, gardeners are attracted not only by taste.

Carrot Natalia F1

For everyone who decides to start growing carrots, it also matters:

  • resistance of the hybrid to diseases;
  • aging speed;
  • yield and technical characteristics of the root crop;
  • cultivation features.

We will raise all these topics and compile a complete description of the Natalya F1 carrot hybrid. To do this, we will write all the indicators in a special table that will be convenient and understandable to any gardener.


Indicator name




Full description of the fetus

Length 20-22 cm, bright orange, cylindrical shape with a blunt tip


Mid-early hybrid, the period from the moment of emergence to technical maturity is a maximum of 135 days

Disease resistance

To standard diseases, well stored

Seed sowing scheme

When sowing, they do not plant very often, maintaining a distance of 4 centimeters, and between the beds – 20 centimeters; carrot seeds are slightly buried by 1-2 centimeters

Purpose and taste

Can be consumed fresh and stored for a long time in a cool place, for example, in a cellar


3-4 kilograms per square meter

Below is a video with an overview of popular varieties of carrots, one of which is Natalya carrots.


Carrot Natalia F1

Due to the fact that this hybrid is intended for a long time to ripen in the ground, it strengthens and can be stored almost all winter, being an excellent source of vitamins and carotene, which is abundant in this carrot. Children eat it with pleasure, as it is sweet and juicy.

Features of growing a variety

Carrot “Natalia F1” is grown in the same way as most varieties of this crop. Prefers soils light, rich in oxygen.

Advice! Carrots do not like manure and an abundance of organic fertilizers. If there are a lot of them, a beautiful harvest will not work, the fruits will turn out to be ugly.

Also, the Natalia hybrid is demanding on moderate watering, it does not like drought. At the same time, do not forget that this culture does not like excessive moisture either. Firstly, it can affect the growth of the root crop, and secondly, it can become fatal.

If the cultivation rules are followed, then “Natalia” will give a good harvest, and the fruits will be friendly, quickly acquire a bright color and the required amount of vitamins.

Carrot Natalia F1


This hybrid is not new, so many have grown it in their gardens. Reviews are quite positive, they can be found in large numbers on the Internet. Some of them are presented below.

Veronika Bogatykh, 56 years old Stavropol region
Most likely, “Natalya F1” will seem late-ripening for the inhabitants of central Our Country, but in our country it grows perfectly, ripens and then is stored until the end of January. We grow this variety for the fifth year in a row, we love it very much.
Natalya Serova, 44 years old Krasnodar city
In my garden, I always plant several varieties of carrots at the same time. I try to try something new every year, and so I grow the Natalia hybrid for three years in a row, and now it is included in the list of those varieties that are invariably present in the beds. Of course, I like the fact that it can be stored for a long time. The early varieties of “Nantes” cannot boast of this. At the same time, carrots remain sweet and juicy. We make juices, three on a grater for salads. Hybrid “Natalia” is worth a try to grow everyone without exception.

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