Carrot Napoli F1

Such an inhabitant of the garden as carrots does not require unnecessary introductions. There is hardly a summer resident who does not have at least a few rows in his garden, planted with red beauty, whose braid carelessly remained on the street. When choosing a variety of carrots, they mainly rely on taste, ripening speed and size.

Carrot Napoli F1

Carrot variety Napoli f1 is one of the recognized leaders of ultra-early varieties. Bred in Holland, through hybrid breeding, the vegetable is not as demanding on climate conditions as it is on soil. The popularity of the Dutch beauty is due to high germination, hardiness, relatively large size and great taste.

Characteristics and requirements

Carrot Napoli belongs to the Nantes type and has the following parameters:

  • the shape of the root crop is cylindrical, slightly turning into a cone;
  • root length – 15-20 cm;
  • mass of carrots Napoli f1 – 120-180 grams;
  • tops – short and strong;
  • root color – bright orange;
  • full ripening period – 90 days (maximum 100);

When planning to plant carrots in your garden, keep in mind that the Napoli f1 variety has the following requirements and ripening features:

Carrot Napoli F1


Weather conditions do not play a big role (with the exception of frost and drought). General climatic requirements are suitable for planting a variety in most of Our Country, where periodic late frosts and prolonged dry weather are excluded. It is also undesirable to have a rainy season (we are talking about long seasons, as in tropical countries).

Pickup time and place

The best period for planting a variety of this carrot is the first half of May. Under it suitable open ground.

Landing conditions

The standard landing pattern is 20×4 cm. The depth is small 1-2 centimeters.

Soil requirement

Light, not waterlogged, slightly acidic soils with plenty of air. The landing site should be loose, light loamy and sandy loam. Clay, heavy soils, too acidic and lands poorly enriched with organic matter are not suitable.

Watering requirement

Variety Napoli f1 is quite unpretentious in terms of watering, but for full maturation and a large harvest, you may need uninterrupted access to water.


Carrot Napoli F1

Caring for Dutch Napoli carrots is not particularly original. Thinning, weeding, loosening between rows are required, all this provides a better influx of resources vital for carrots. Too much nitrogen and water can harm this variety, but potassium is needed in large quantities. Harvesting takes place in two stages:

  • selective cleaning: July and August.
  • main harvest of the variety: from mid-September.

Application and reviews

Different varieties of carrots are suitable for different purposes, one way or another related to cooking or breeding. The main direction of use of Napoli f1 carrots is direct fresh consumption. Juicy and amazingly tasty fruit will be a great addition to any dish, salad and just a good light snack.

Talking about this variety as popular and widespread, allows a large number of positive reviews. Gardeners with experience often note the excellent quality and germination of fruits, tending to one hundred percent.

There are many fans of the smooth, beautiful shape of the carrot, which is quite consistent with the taste. It is noted that the gardener should not be afraid of the small size of the tops, because the dimensions of the root itself will pleasantly surprise.

The only drawback is the short duration of storage, which allows the vegetable to be used as an early product.

Thus, if you chose the Napoli f1 variety carrots, you can be sure of your decision, using the above information, you will get a great vegetable on your site. The main thing to remember is that carrots are early ripe and not intended for long-term storage. Don’t be afraid to experiment and good luck to you and your garden.

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