Carrot Marmalade F1

Hybrid varieties of carrots are gradually leaving behind their parents – ordinary varieties. They are vastly superior in yield and disease resistance. The taste characteristics of hybrids deserve special attention. Taking the best from two common varieties, they can greatly impress the gardener with their taste. Marmalade F1 belongs to such hybrids-discoveries. It is one of the sweetest bred hybrid varieties in the world.

Carrot Marmalade F1

Characteristics of a variety

Carrot Marmalade is mid-season. This means that the gardener should not wait for the first carrots before August. But this expectation is fully compensated by a rich red-orange harvest.

The carrot of this hybrid has the shape of a cylinder with a blunt tip. All carrots are approximately the same in size, no more than 20 cm. The average weight of a root crop will be about 200 grams. The core of this hybrid variety is almost absent. The taste of carrot Marmalade is excellent. It is quite juicy and incredibly sweet. It is ideal for fresh consumption, cooking and juice preparation. In addition, the increased content of carotene in root crops makes Marmalade one of the best varieties for children. It also goes great as a diet food.

Carrot Marmalade F1

In addition to its increased productivity, Marmalade still has something to brag about. It has excellent resistance to major carrot diseases and excellent shelf life.

Important! A distinctive feature of this hybrid variety is that it does not throw out a flower shoot before the second year of vegetation. This noticeably distinguishes Marmalade from other varieties that are susceptible to this phenomenon.

Recommendations for growing

Despite the fact that the Marmalade hybrid variety is quite unpretentious, the place for planting it must meet the following criteria:

  • good illuminance;
  • loose and fertile soil.

If there is no place on the site that meets these criteria, then you can plant carrots after:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • port.

Marmalade carrot variety can be planted both in spring and before winter. The best time for spring planting will be the end of April – the beginning of May. The first thing to do is to prepare furrows with row spacings of no more than 20 cm and a depth of 2 cm. Seeds are lowered into them and covered with earth. It is better to mulch the finished bed to protect the seeds from temperature changes. 

Advice! It is not worth strongly compacting the ground – this can contribute to the formation of a crust through which it will be difficult for seedlings to break through.

The first shoots of carrots appear for a very long time, within three weeks.

It is recommended to thin out carrots of the hybrid variety Marmalade. This is done in 2 stages:

  1. Two weeks after germination.
  2. With a root diameter of 1 cm.
Advice! The optimal distance between shoots after the second thinning should be at least 5 cm.

Care of young plants should include:

  • Watering. At the same time, it is important to know the measure. The lack of moisture will make carrots more rigid, and its excess will contribute to the growth of the green mass of the plant.

    Carrot Marmalade F1

  • Weeding and loosening. These procedures are carried out together. There are no special requirements for weeding. But loosening should be careful so as not to damage the root crop.

    Carrot Marmalade F1

  • Additional fertilizing. When choosing a fertilizer for carrots, there is one taboo – fresh manure. Its application both to the soil before planting seeds and to existing plants is highly undesirable.

    Carrot Marmalade F1 

Harvesting takes place in August, September or early October. Unharvested before frost, the crop will be stored much less. Only whole, undamaged root crops should be left for storage.

Sowing before winter is done in a similar way – in the furrows, followed by mulching.

Important! It is necessary to plant before winter at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. This is usually the end of October – the beginning of December.

When planting before winter, the first crop of carrots can be harvested in April – May.


Galina, 41 years old, Astrakhan
I was inspired to buy this variety of Marmalade by the rave reviews of my neighbors. I planted the seeds in May – they all sprouted. Maybe because we are in the south and there are no frosts, maybe the seeds are just good. I always plant carrots a little with a margin, so I only thin out seedlings once. We tried the first carrot in August. She really turned out to be very juicy and sweet. She didn’t make it to September. Everyone who passed by the beds certainly pulled out a couple of things. So we didn’t see well-ripened carrots, but they are very tasty even when they are young. I recommend Marmalade carrot variety, especially for those who have children. They were our main eaters.
Anna, 30 years old Pereslavl-Zalessky
The variety is excellent, I have been planting for several years. Marmalade is quite unpretentious and very productive. From the care we had only watering. Due to the mulch in the form of dry green manure, there was no point in weeding carrots. Root crops are like sugar and are stored for a long time. You can use them in cooking, but they taste much better fresh. We collected them at the end of September.

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