Carrot juice benefits and harms

Carrot juice benefits and harms

Each coin has two sides, each medicine has contraindications, and carrot juice has benefits and harms. What are they and how to avoid one by getting another? Is carrot juice good for the famous carrot diet?

Carrot juice is rich in vitamins and is beneficial for eyesight, but in large quantities it is harmful to the liver, because the burden of processing it falls on the liver.

Carrot juice – benefits

What exactly are the benefits and harms of carrot juice? Let’s start with the benefits. Carrot juice is the leader in terms of nutrient content. First, it is, of course, beta-carotene, which in our body becomes vitamin A.

It improves vision, strengthens bones, teeth and the immune system. In addition, he is the guarantor that the functions of the thyroid gland will not be impaired. And if you drink carrot juice regularly, then the magic beta-carotene will cleanse the body of toxins.

Secondly, carrot juice is useful for vitamins C, B, E, D and K. Thirdly, it contains manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron … And most importantly – magnesium. Carrot juice is beneficial because it is a natural source of magnesium. And it strengthens the nervous system and lowers the level of bad cholesterol. If you want to improve women’s health, take note of carrot juice. It will perfectly help to improve the quality of breast milk, preserve youth and beauty.

Plus, carrot juice helps you calm down – yes! It can relieve symptoms of overexcitation, give a feeling of calmness. You can also treat skin diseases with carrot juice – as well as with lotions, and simply by drinking a couple of glasses.

Freshly squeezed juice is most useful. Moreover, not all carrots are suitable for juice: it is better to take small or medium-sized carrots, but not large ones, there are not so many useful substances in them.

Carrot juice – harm

But there can be harm from such a healthy carrot juice. And first of all – from the side of beta-carotene, which would seem to be useful in all respects. The fact is that to assimilate its liver, you have to make significant efforts. So if you drink more than half a liter of carrot juice a day, you can seriously “plant” the liver. Well, and at the same time become red-skinned – excessive use of carrot juice leads to yellowing of the skin of the feet, palms and, alas, the face. In order not to harm yourself with carrot juice, you should drink no more than 250 ml per day.

Also, not everyone will benefit from carrot juice. It is contraindicated

  • with a stomach ulcer;

  • with duodenal ulcer;

  • with increased acidity;

  • in heartburn;

  • with gastritis;

  • in pride;

  • people with diabetes.

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