Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

Housewives are accustomed to using carrots as an addition to main dishes, salads and soups. Such a root crop is also prepared as a single snack, seasoned with various spices. However, not everyone knows that a delicious jam is obtained from such a vegetable. Carrot jam will appeal to true gourmets.

Preparation of ingredients

Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

Due to the natural sweetish taste, the root crop is ideal for making treats. Often housewives add lemon, and then absolutely everyone will like the combination of acid and sweetness. It is noteworthy that in the finished jam, the carrots will look like candied fruits, that is, they will become translucent.

There are different ways to prepare the ingredients. Housewives prepare root crops at their discretion. Some cut carrots into pieces, others chop it partially or completely in a blender. In order for the pieces to be whole, it is better to pick up young and small-sized root crops.

When ready, the jam is thick, so it is often used as a filling for baking.

Video “Recipe for carrot jam”

From this video you will learn how to make delicious and healthy carrot jam.

Best recipes

The article presents step-by-step recipes with which you can make delicious and fragrant jam. The healing properties of the vegetable and other components will also be preserved. You can cook a carrot delicacy without much time.

with geranium

Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

To prepare delicious carrot jam with geranium, you need to take 12 ml of tartaric acid, 5 leaves of geranium, 1 kg of sugar, 800 g of carrots and 550 ml of water.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Peel and wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Boil four times, each time boil for 10 minutes. It is important that the root crop completely cools down during breaks.
  3. Mix water with sugar, cook the syrup while stirring.
  4. Pour boiled carrots, throw geranium leaves, tying threads to them in advance.
  5. Boil until all ingredients are translucent. Remove the leaves and remove the pot from the heat.
  6. Add acid and mix well.
  7. Roll up while the jam is still hot.


Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

To prepare a traditional jam, the hostess needs to stock up 1 kg of carrots, 400 ml of water, 1,2 kg of sugar, vanilla and 3 g of citric acid.

Cooking steps:

  1. Combine water and sugar, put on fire and boil.
  2. Boil 5 minutes, stir.
  3. Peel the carrots and cut into thin strips.
  4. Place the root crop in a separate container, pour hot syrup.
  5. Put on fire and cook until the carrots are soft.
  6. Remove from stove and leave for 8 hours.
  7. After cooling, put back on the stove, cook the mixture until it thickens.
  8. Turn off and add the remaining components.
  9. Pour the mass into containers, roll up, wrap.

with lemons

Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

Carrot jam with lemon is a real treat. 1 large lemon, 1,5 cups of sugar and 400 g of carrots are enough for him.

Preparing jam is just as easy:

  1. Grind vegetables – chop into strips or grate.
  2. Grind the lemon, to give a pleasant aroma, it is better with zest.
  3. Place the carrots in a container, cover with sugar, leave for an hour to extract the juice.
  4. Put on fire, boil and add lemon.
  5. Boil for 20 minutes – so the lemon will give juice, and the sugar forms a syrup.
  6. To obtain confiture, you need to grind the jam at this stage using a blender.
  7. Boil again, arrange in jars and roll up in the usual way.

With oranges

Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

Do you want the jam to give off citrus notes? Carrot jam with orange is a useful find for many housewives. The list of ingredients consists of 570 g of sugar, 1 lemon, 85 g of ginger, 2 oranges, 6 g of ground cinnamon and 500 g of carrots.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Peel the root vegetables and grind with a blender.
  2. Remove the zest from the oranges, finely chop, remove the pits.
  3. Peel and grind the ginger root in a blender.
  4. Put all the ingredients in a container, cover with sugar.
  5. Mix and leave for 24 hours.
  6. Put on a small fire, boil.
  7. Boil until the mass thickens, that is, about an hour.
  8. After 10 minutes, add cinnamon, cover with a lid.
  9. Pour the hot mass into sterile jars, close.

With apples

Carrot jam: recipes for making carrot treats with lemons, oranges, apples, geraniums for the winter

We recommend preparing a delicious and fragrant treat with a delicate taste. The following ingredients will come in handy: 300 g of juicy apples, 400 g of sugar, 250 g of carrots and 1 lemon.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash and cut apples into cubes, peel if desired.
  2. Wash the root crops, dry and grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix vegetables and fruits, cover with sugar, leave for 3-4 hours.
  4. Grind citrus fruits with a blender or grate, add to the prepared mixture.
  5. Place the container on the stove, cook for 50 minutes after boiling.
  6. When ready, the jam is like jam, so pour the thick mass into jars and roll up.

Sugar treats can also be closed for the winter, stored in the refrigerator under nylon lids.

Author: Svetlana Golitsina


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