Carrot for a donkey: how to learn to motivate yourself

Do you know the parable about the carrot and the donkey? Remember how it ended? The donkey performed his usual work more enthusiastically, seeing a carrot in front of him, and not a raised stick. We are not donkeys, but positive motivation works better than punishment for us too. Actions related to achieving the desired eat up less energy than those fueled by fear.

The strength of positive motivation is explained psychologically: it is easier not to overcome oneself by doing “necessary” (to whom?) things, but to do what brings us visible benefit. In addition, there is a physiological explanation: the anticipation of a pleasant provokes the production of dopamine, which causes a surge of energy, and fear, in turn, is associated with adrenaline, which mobilizes, but exhausts.

Motivation without effort

Why has the transition to remote work become a demobilizing factor for many? Because the “all-seeing eye” of the authorities stopped following us. And it became clear what tasks are really interesting, and what we do out of necessity.

Creating a logo, writing an article, tailoring a suit, setting up advertising – any of the processes can turn into both a routine and an exciting activity. Depending on whether it meets the inner need for self-expression and self-realization or not.

If so, a kind of flow state occurs. “I want – I do.” And we are filled with the energy of the process itself. Do you want motivation to arise naturally, without the use of special techniques and exercises? Find something that you like and that corresponds to important values ​​and life principles.

Focus on results

Without knowing where we are going, the forces quickly run out. You need to focus energy on the “carrot” in front and act in a direction, and not run in a hurry anywhere. There is no secret ingredient. To push for initial action, set the right goals.

5 signs of a goal that gives rise to motivation:

  • She is positive – not to get rid of excess weight, but to become slim and get in shape, not to leave work, but to get a new profitable and interesting position. The main principle is not an escape from, but a movement towards.
  • She is crisp and clear. With it, you can build a simple trajectory of movement. The brain chooses what is expedient and directs reserves to where they create the greatest effect.
  • She is significant — responding to personal needs, and not to the imposed attitudes and stereotypes of society. Only in this way will it be possible to prove to the brain that the game is worth the candle so that it begins to work actively.
  • She is in your control. – you are 100% independent of the actions of others when moving towards the goal.
  • She is eco-friendly – keeping unchanged those aspects of life that you do not want to change.

How to get into a state of high efficiency

Motivation = energy. To be motivated means to be in a resource. For vigorous activity, the brain must be in good shape. There are many tricks and techniques for entering a resource state, or a state of high efficiency. One of the simplest is the Sorting Gate. These are six questions that can measure the value of any event or action to create a motivating mindset:

  1. Where?
  2. Who?
  3. For what?
  4. What?
  5. How?
  6. What time?

These questions are the filters through which we perceive the world around us. You will understand which of the gates is yours – learn to formulate the right goals and choose an environment where you will feel full and energetic. Let’s analyze the principle of technology with an example.

Imagine that you are talking about a vacation with several different people. Everyone will talk about something different.

Someone will cite as an example the story of an acquaintance, friend, relative. People will often appear in the story. It filters the world according to the “Who?”

Another will focus on things: hotels, bought a T-shirt, sunscreen. This is the “What?”

The season will be important for the third: in the summer you can sunbathe, in the winter you can ski down the mountains. Model “When?”

The fourth is geography: he loves Europe, but cannot stand Turkey. This is the “Where?”

The fifth – the events and the emotions, reactions, impressions they evoke: while I was riding the bus, they played the guitar in the back seat. His perceptual model is “How?”

The sixth will start with why he needs a vacation: the opportunity to forget about business and stress, feel real, tan and gain strength. Model – “For what?”

Now choose any broad topic: the same vacation, hobby or relationship – and make up your story. Better write it down. See what dominates it by focusing on the sort gate. Most often, a person has two or three key models, the rest are also used, but less often. These are the filters through which reality is perceived.

At the same time, meditation and breathing practices work well: breathing at the expense, in the rhythm of the heartbeat, diaphragmatic – it involves not only the lungs, but also the diaphragm, the upper abdomen.

A healthy lifestyle will also help: it releases hormones in your body that help you stay in a high-performance state.

New – the path to hidden reserves

Recently, it was found that developing new skills helps to strengthen the connection between the left (rational) and right (creative) hemispheres of the brain. Why is it important? Interhemispheric interaction increases the efficiency of the brain, reveals its potential and additional reserves. We adapt to changes faster, get tired less, and show ingenuity.

To stay in good shape, do not “get stuck” in the ordinary and familiar, but alternate different types of activities, try and experiment.

Self-motivation is the result of an open mind and the ability to be in a team

Motivation and a positive attitude arise faster in a team of like-minded people with similar interests, values ​​and goals. In such an environment, when discussing or completing tasks together, activity is born naturally.

In the synergy of resources and ideas, new tasks and solutions motivate us personally. And successful people around, like “carrots”, move forward. Together we will achieve the incredible.

About the Author:

Oksana Nabok — expert in change management and organizational development, lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, managing partner of a consulting agency train your brain and the online educational project Leadership School. Her blog.

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