Carrot Dayana

Carrot Dayana is one of those varieties that can be planted not only in spring, but also in autumn (for the winter). This advantage makes planting and harvesting possible even in the most remote corners of Siberia. It has good taste, high yield, excellent storage, does not require special growing and care conditions.

Carrot Dayana

Description of the variety and its characteristics

Dayana is a mid-season variety, productive. The vegetation period is 110-120 days. Root crops have an elongated cylindrical shape. The weight of one vegetable ranges from 100 to 170 grams.

Sowing seeds can be carried out both in early spring and in mid-November. The carrot variety Dayana is more suitable for sowing for the winter.

During the period of growth and maturation, the plant does not need special care. It is enough to carry out timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and thinning. To stimulate the development and accelerate the ripening of root crops, growth stimulants specially designed for carrots can be used.

Important! Carrots should not be fertilized with fresh manure, much less plant seeds in it.

With this method of fertilization and planting, there is a high probability of the death of the main root crop and the development of lateral processes, which leads to the formation of a branched or twisted vegetable.

Harvesting is carried out in autumn. Root crops keep well. Special storage conditions are not required. It is enough to observe the temperature regime and maintain the optimal level of humidity in the storage room.

Due to its sweetish taste, the Dayana variety is perfect for cooking:

  • juices;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • dishes intended for baby food;
  • conservation;
  • salads.

Carrots are the richest source of carotene and vitamins, which is why the cultivation of such a healthy and tasty vegetable is very popular among amateur gardeners and professional farmers.


Irina, 25 years old, Moscow
I became a mother a year ago. The problem for most mothers is the introduction of complementary foods. I didn’t have this problem, thanks to Diane’s carrots. The vegetable is juicy, sweet, and keeps well even in the refrigerator. She cooked everything from it for her son – from juices and mashed potatoes, to vegetable soups and salads. Dayana carrots have become a real lifesaver for me.
Olga Ivanovna, 56 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I have been growing carrots in my garden for many years. Variety Dayana planted last year for the first time. The seeds were planted for the winter. I was very worried about whether the variety could overwinter in the garden. Everything worked out. Seedlings appeared in spring. She took care of the plant as always: watered, loosened, fertilized. Carrots grew large, even, one to one, exactly like in the picture with seeds. The yield is high, which especially pleased me. The vegetable tastes sweet. I make vegetable juices from carrots, add them to cabbage when canning. For juice, Dayana was just perfect. Due to the large size of the root crop, the raw material does not need to be prepared for a long time and is very easy to process. Planted again this year.

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