Carrot Canada F1

Carrot Canada F1 is a mid-late hybrid from Holland, which stands out from other varieties with increased yield and unchanged quality during storage. He feels great in the climatic conditions of central Our Country and is absolutely not afraid of heavy soil. This is one of the new hybrids, but, despite this, it is already quite popular among vegetable growers, especially vegetable growers of the Chernozem region, because of its reliability and stable yield. According to their reviews, there is no better variety than Canada F1 for such lands!

Carrot Canada F1

Variety description

To develop the Canada variety, the varieties Flakke and Chantane were required. Variety type – Shantane. The root crop is quite large (about 20 cm, in girth ≈4-5 cm). On average, the weight of one fruit is 120-180 grams, but sometimes it grows up to 0,5 kg. The shape is semi-conical with a pointed tip. Canada carrots have bright orange flesh with a small core that is indistinguishable from the flesh. The fruit itself is very smooth, without flaws. Thanks to these qualities, the carrot simply has an excellent presentation, which indicates that this variety is of commercial interest. Root crops reach ripeness in 125-130 days from germination. Carrot variety Canada F1 is distinguished by a significant content of carotene (≈22 mg per 100 grams) and juicy, sweet fruits. A characteristic feature of Canada carrots is their high yield – up to 7,7 kg per 1 sq.m.

Main characteristics

Carrot Canada F1

  • guaranteed big harvest;
  • excellent taste;
  • very high content of carotene;
  • good keeping quality during storage;
  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • Possibility of cultivation on heavy soil.

In addition, the Canada hybrid is resistant to diseases such as cercosporosis (leaf disease) and flowering. Another distinguishing feature of Canada F1 carrots is that even with late sowing, the harvest will be excellent, as this carrot often overtakes other varieties in growth.

Carrot Canada absolutely calmly tolerates a lack of sunlight, it does not show excessive demands on the soil. It will grow on heavy black soil and on a clay site (i.e., where other varieties will not grow), although it prefers sandy, slightly acidic and light loamy soils. She loves very much when she is planted on the spot after tomato, onion or potato plantings.

Important! Carrot varieties Canada does not tolerate planting in soil mixed with fresh manure.

How to sow, water and thin out

Most importantly, do not thicken.

Advice! Since the seeds germinate rather slowly, it is better to sow them as early as possible, somewhere in the twentieth of April or at the very beginning of May.

The sowing itself is done in this way:

  • before sowing, water the bed moderately and apply mineral fertilizers;
  • no more than one hundred pieces of Canada F1 carrot seeds should go per 1 sq.m;
  • make a groove no more than 1 cm deep, leave about 20 cm between them;
  • it is desirable to sow individually at a distance of ≈0,5 cm seed from seed;
  • mulch with peat;
  • it is desirable to cover with covering material before the first shoots.


A couple of weeks after the shoots appeared, it is necessary to carry out the first thinning of Canada carrots, making the distance between them ≈1,5-2 cm. When 5-6 leaves appear in the outlet, you need to thin out again. Now between the carrots there should be at least 6-7 cm. Be sure to weed and loosen between the rows.

Advice! To make piece sowing, it is recommended to make a do-it-yourself seeder for Canada carrot seeds.

Suitable, for example, a plastic box made from a chocolate egg eaten by a child. With a red-hot needle, you need to make 1-2 holes according to the size of the seed, pour seeds into it and that’s it – the seeder is ready!

You can purchase a ready-made planter for carrot seeds at a gardening store.

Carrot Canada F1

Ascended carrots can easily be attacked by a carrot fly. To prevent this, appropriate treatment of the beds should be carried out. For example, sprinkle with onion or garlic infusion, a decoction of tomato tops. And in order to prevent the laying of eggs, sprinkle the aisles with dry mustard or tobacco. It is best to make a carrot bed next to the onion. The carrot fly does not tolerate the smell of onions, so it will fly around carrot plantings.

Attention! You should not get too carried away with watering the carrot beds. Carrot Canada F1 does not tolerate stagnant water.

Harvest dates and storage

Harvesting in central Our Country takes place in the middle or at the end of September. You need to choose a dry sunny day – this is very important, otherwise the shelf life of Canada carrots can be significantly reduced. The first harvest is obtained at the second thinning sometime in July. Even though the fruits are not yet large enough, they are quite suitable for eating or making excellent carrot juice rich in vitamins. This variety of carrots is suitable for harvesting using any mechanisms, such as a cultivator.

Winter storage rules

Since this variety has a remarkable keeping quality, long-term storage is about it!

  1. It is absolutely impossible to wash carrots before storing them. From experience, fruits with the remnants of the earth are less susceptible to spoilage.
  2. Fruit should be sorted: small, broken, uneven and with traces of damage from pests sent for processing. Put whole, even and beautiful root crops in containers, sprinkling each row with slightly damp sand or sawdust.
  3. You can also use plastic bags, but load them with no more than five kilograms of carrots.
  4. The storage place for carrots Canada should be dark and dry, temperature 0 + 3 ° C, humidity not more than 95%.

Carrot Canada F1

If these conditions are met, carrots will be perfectly preserved until the next harvest, without losing their taste and commercial qualities.


Ekaterina Luzhkova, d. Pavlodar
Carrot Canada F1 – just a wonderful variety! Even on our “clogged” soil gives excellent yields. I plant this carrot after harvesting the cabbage. And since I water it quite often, the earth after it is usually tight, “clogged”, and not all plantings tolerate such soil. And Canada, at least that!
Galina Kudryavtseva, Surgut
Canada planted this year for the first time. I was very surprised when I began to thin it out in July. I did not expect at all that I would receive such large fruits for this period. Extremely satisfied with the result! Variety Canada F1 did not disappoint!
Introducing the carrot variety – “CANADA”

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