Carrot Berlikum Royal

Do-it-yourself carrots are especially tasty and healthy. In this case, the first step on the way to harvest is the selection of seeds. Given the variety of existing varieties, it can be difficult to determine the best one. In this case, the opinion of experienced farmers can be very useful. So, Berlikum Royal carrots are popular with experienced gardeners, since the variety does not require special growing conditions, the root crop has excellent external and taste qualities. Carrots of this variety are used, including in dietary and baby food. You can see a photo of the root crop and learn in detail about its cultivation in the article.

Features of carrots

The Berlikum Royal carrot variety was obtained by Dutch breeders. In Our Country, it is included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth region. According to the external description, the root crop belongs to the Berlikum variety of the same name. Its shape is slightly conical, the length is from 20 to 23 cm, the thickness in the section is 3-5 cm, the average weight is 120-190 g. The pulp and core of the vegetable are colored bright orange. You can see the carrots of the Berlikum Royal variety in the photo:

Carrot Berlikum Royal

The taste of the vegetable is high. It is distinguished by its special juiciness and sweetness. The composition of carrots includes:

  • total sugar 9%;
  • solids 16%;
  • carotene 21 g in 100 g of pulp;
  • B vitamins, fatty and essential oils, anthocyanins, lycopene, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, other substances.

The high content of carotene is the “calling card” of the Berlikum Royal variety. It is thanks to him that carrots have a bright color and carry significant benefits for the human body.

Agrotechnics variety

Variety “Berlicum Royal” late-ripening. For the ripening of its fruits, about 150 days are required from the day the seed is sown. That is why the variety is not recommended to be grown in the northern regions, characterized by a short summer period. In mid-latitudes, seeds are sown in late April – early May (depending on weather conditions). This will allow you to remove ripened root crops at the end of September. Variety “Berlicum Royal” is also suitable for sowing before winter in early November.

Seed organizations offer Berlikum Royal seeds in various forms: in bulk, on a ribbon, in glaze. The use of one or another type of seed affects the conditions of sowing and the primary care of crops:

  • using a scattering it is difficult to maintain the required interval between seeds (3-4 cm), therefore, after the appearance of shoots, the crops will need to be thinned out;
  • the tape simplifies the process of sowing carrots and does not require subsequent thinning;
  • the icing on the seeds makes them larger, which makes it easier to sow, and also endows the crop with resistance to a number of diseases.

Carrots should be sown on illuminated plots of land. The best predecessors for culture are tomatoes, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes. The soil should preferably be sandy, the arable loose layer is at least 25 cm.

Carrot Berlikum Royal

Caring for carrot crops is quite simple and involves abundant watering of the ridges once every 1-2 days and periodic loosening of the soil. You can learn more about growing crops here:

Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, carrots of the Berlikum Royal variety will spoil in the amount of 4 kg / m2.

Berlikum Royal carrots have been known to gardeners for many years. At the same time, its popularity only increases over time, because every farmer wants to get an excellent harvest of delicious healthy vegetables without much difficulty. Speaking of Berlikum Royal carrots, we can safely say that this is a world-class variety available to everyone.


Valentina Hryhorenko, 41, Surazh
Like most gardeners, I grow carrots every year. Through trial and error, I was looking for the most suitable variety for myself and a couple of years ago I settled on Berlikum Royal. Carrots are excellent: tasty, sweet, beautiful. The variety is disease-resistant and does not require additional treatment with chemicals. Its productivity is high. In general, I am very satisfied with the variety. I advise everyone to try.
Elizaveta Shestakova, 27 years old, Fokino
A few years ago, my little daughter had health problems and the doctor said that she needed vitamins, especially vitamin A (carotene). I decided to grow it myself in the form of carrots. I was looking for the variety most saturated with this microelement and found information that Berlikum Royal is considered the champion in carotene content. I have never been engaged in vegetable growing before, but at the same time I had no problems with growing carrots. Vegetables grew large, tasty, bright orange. My daughter ate about 1 carrot every day and over time, health problems were resolved. It is worth noting that in winter we did not stop our treatment, since the root crop is perfectly stored without losing sweetness and juiciness.

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