Carrot Abledo F1

Late varieties of carrots are designed for long-term storage. She has enough time to accumulate the necessary nutrients, strengthen the core. One of the well-known late-ripening varieties is Abledo. For its qualities, it is worth considering this carrot in more detail.


Carrot Abledo f1 is a disease-resistant hybrid intended for cultivation on the territory of Moldova, Our Country and Ukraine. It is rich in carotene and keeps well for six months.

Experts advise growing this carrot hybrid in the Central region of Our Country. Of course, you can grow “Abledo” in other areas. Late varieties grow especially well in the south of the country.

Carrot Abledo F1

This hybrid belongs to the Dutch selection, belongs to the Shantane variety. To learn more about Abledo, consider the table.


To finally decide on the choice of variety or hybrid, gardeners carefully study the detailed information on the label. Below is a table of parameters for the Abledo hybrid carrot.



Description of the root crop

Dark orange in color, conical in shape, weight is 100-190 grams, an average length of 17 centimeters


For long winter storage, juicing and raw consumption, excellent taste, can be used as a universal hybrid

Ripening rate

Late-ripening, from the moment of germination to technical ripeness, 100-110 days pass


to major diseases

Peculiarities of growing

Demanding on looseness of the soil, on sunlight

Cleaning period

August to September


High-yielding variety, up to 5 kilograms per square meter

In regions with insufficient sunlight, this hybrid ripens 10-20 days later. This must be kept in mind.

Carrot Abledo F1

Growing process

Carrot seeds must be purchased in specialized stores. Agrofirms carry out disinfection of seed material. Sowing is carried out in moist soil. Later, you need to carefully monitor the watering and avoid excessive soil moisture.

Advice! Root crops do not like waterlogging, including carrots. If you flood it, it will not grow.

Seeding scheme 5×25, the Abledo hybrid cannot be planted too often so that the root crops do not shrink. The sowing depth is standard, 2-3 cm. If you carefully study the description, you can understand that this carrot is very tasty:

  • the sugar content in it averages 7%;
  • carotene – 22 mg in terms of dry matter;
  • dry matter content – 10-11%.

For those who are faced with growing carrots for the first time, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the video on caring for this root crop:

Carrot care from “A” to “Z”.

Additionally, you can make root top dressing, loosen the ground. Be sure to remove weeds. However, in order to finally decide whether the Abledo hybrid is suitable for you personally, you need to study the reviews of those summer residents who have already grown such carrots.

Carrot Abledo F1

Testimonials from truck drivers

Reviews speak volumes. Since our country is large, the regions differ significantly in weather conditions.

Maria Vanina, Tula
We grow “Abledo” for the second year, sowing seeds in May. Carrots are durable and tasty. I first encountered this hybrid when I learned that this carrot is sold in the market in the fall. She lies very well. We conducted an independent experiment: if the seeds are germinated in advance, they germinate better, you will get about 95% in the form of beautiful carrots. If you just sow, then guaranteed 80 percent will rise. In my opinion, this is the only negative.
Vasily K, Voronezh
Our family does not need a lot of carrots, so I buy two bags of Abledo and plant them in the country in May. I harvest in September. For some regions, it makes no sense to grow late varieties, because they ripen for a long time. I know that early maturing varieties are highly valued in the Urals, but they are poorly stored, and Abledo lies until spring. Of course, sometimes you have to sort it out, but we also do the same with potatoes. Carrots are tasty, juicy, used everywhere. It is convenient to clean, as the root crops are long and even. Orange color. By the way, the packaging indicates that Abledo can be grown in greenhouses.
Vera Kochetova, Nizhny Novgorod
Carrots “Abledo” were grown last year under the film. Usually we take early-ripening ones, but I liked this one due to keeping quality. They kept it in the cellar for the grandchildren, so that in winter there would always be vitamins on the table. Carrots are tasty, the yield is good. Germination failed a little, about 90% of carrots sprouted.


Carrot Abledo F1

The Abledo hybrid is ideal for the Central Region, where it is included in the State Register. The only negative is the need for seed germination and a long ripening period, which is more than compensated by excellent keeping quality.

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