Carpets entered the design of European homes several centuries ago, but, as before, they are invariably associated with the bliss and luxury of the East. Historically, priority was given to Persian silk carpets with fine and very fine patterns. They were not laid on the floor, but hung on the walls in the most honorable places. Central Asian, Turkish, Iranian and Caucasian products have always been in demand and were popular. And invariably at all times it was believed that the carpet is an exquisite decoration of the interior.
How to use a carpet in the interior
The structure and quality of the carpet is determined by the way it is made and the finished finish. There are the following types of carpets: – woolen and semi-woolen natural; – silk; – polypropylene; – nylon; – knitted; – sculptural. Woolen and semi-woolen natural carpets belong to the category of the most environmentally friendly, comfortable and prestigious. True, their cost is much higher than any others. The colors of woolen carpets may seem faded, not bright enough, but they are durable paints that practically do not fade. Such products are designed to give the room solidity and muted, discreet chic, they communicate the wealth of the owners and the love of solidity. Woolen and half-woolen carpets serve for more than five decades and do not cause much trouble for their owners.
Silk, unlike their woolen and half-woolen counterparts, which are made both by hand and machine today, real silk carpets, like many centuries ago, are made exclusively by hand. The density of weaving is determined by the magical features of silk and an incredibly huge number of knots per square meter. m of the product. In the 1st century, the outlook on silk carpets has changed somewhat: more and more, they are perceived not only and not so much as a luxury item, but as genuine works of art.
Silk carpets are expensive, so practical owners prefer to cover with them less frequently visited rooms (for example, living rooms), and given that they do not cause allergies, they are often laid in children’s and bedrooms
Polypropylene carpets are quite popular among consumers, although their utilitarian properties leave much to be desired: they do not tolerate moisture and direct sunlight, they are highly electrified, quickly accumulate dust and are difficult to vacuum. But, as a rule, they have bright cheerful colors that add variety to the interior, and are cheap. A carpet that has quickly served its life (no more than 3-4 years) can be easily replaced with a new one. Although in fairness it should be noted that some manufacturers managed to establish the production of fairly high-quality polypropylene carpets on a waterproof rubber base. And exquisite designs are also found on them.
In the production of nylon carpets, durable nylon is used. The pile loops and synthetic warp threads are glued together by a mixture of kaolin clay and latex, which gives the product strength and elasticity. However, unscrupulous manufacturers have learned to mix chalk into latex – this significantly reduces the cost of the carpet, but at the same time reduces the quality (the brittle coating does not hold the pile). However, the low quality can be easily established before buying: with a slight bending of the corner of the product, the glue crumbles into small crumbs, but the kaolin with latex will not even crack.
Manufacturers of knitted rugs knit the pile and warp at the same time, which gives the pile fluffiness, flexibility and strength. True, such products are not cheap. Caring for them requires caution, because they are afraid of water, a reasonable way out is to give them to dry cleaning. The service life of such carpets is about 10 years.
Sculptural carpets are handmade using both traditional and modern technologies. In their manufacture, not the classical method is used, but the method of manual tufting, i.e. packing twisted natural or artificial yarn onto the warp using a special pistol. The pile stuffed in this way is fixed from the inside with latex and set on the lining. Then the craftsmen clean, polish and shear the pile according to the given pattern. In sculptural carpets, it is possible to use wool, silk and artificial materials at the same time, a combination of pile and loops of different structures and heights. This allows the pattern to be embossed or sculpted.
Today, the art of deep antiquity peacefully coexists with modern design and the latest achievements of the textile industry. Modernist, often unexpected and stunning features have become traditional in our understanding of carpets. The changes also affected the color scheme – warm tones and midtones are now freely interspersed with bright deep colors. Compositional solutions have also become diverse: from the classics of traditional drawing to primitivism and cubism. The boldness of manufacturers is also striking in the shapes of carpets; today round, oval or polygonal products are almost not surprising.
Soft, semi-soft, hard, bright, restrained – the most diverse carpets in the interior of any room represent the most important detail of home comfort. Fluffy or short pile, thin or catchy design equally create a feeling of warmth and comfort. Such an element of decoration in a room is definitely a symbol of cleanliness, security and peace. Modern designers develop the most interesting carpet solutions, taking into account the sizes, proportions and decorative forms that can fill the premises with a unique charm.
The key to the unmistakable selection of carpets for a particular interior is correctly selected textured, stylistic and color accents in the optimal amount. Here, as they say, overkill is bad, but undershoot is also not good. It is important to keep the golden mean. Only a well-chosen carpet (or carpets, if the room is zoned) will become a truly exquisite interior decoration, give comfort and warmth, and will be the highlight of your home.
A properly selected carpet is characterized by the ability not only to emphasize the dignity of the home, but also to organically correct almost any mistake in the interior. This is possible for the simple reason that the carpet is usually picked at the end of all interior design work. So, for example, in a bright room, the windows of which are facing south, carpets of cold colors will be very appropriate. If, on the contrary, the room is dark, then it will be “warmed” by a carpet in warm colors.
Light carpets visually make the room look larger. A bright diagonal drawing does an excellent job with a similar task. But if it is necessary to visually reduce the area, then a carpet with large geometric patterns will be ideal. A plain dull carpet will favorably emphasize the beauty of the furniture, its color and shape. In this case, its tone should match the tone of the flooring. By the way, the development of the color and stylistic range of premises is the most important and very difficult task that people and, in particular, designers face when decorating an interior with carpets. With tonal solutions, you can create amazing effects.
The correct color scheme creates an image of serenity and tranquility in the home, but at the same time it should not be boring. The interior is refined when harmonious solutions are realized
The carpet is one of the few interior details designed to tie together the entire color spectrum of a room or, in a monochrome design, to bring a color accent. So, for example, in rooms in black and white colors are used carpets of red, pink, purple, yellow and light green shades.
To bring an element of sophistication and comfort to the interior, the carpet can be placed in different ways – covering the entire floor with it from wall to wall, or part of it, highlighting, for example, a seating area. Medium-sized carpets can be independent units of room decor, determining specific areas. Large carpets are capable of shaping the overall look of rooms, while small carpets are ideal for decorating individual (independent) accents in the interior. The main thing is that the carpet should be able to make you feel that you have always had it.