Carob – what is this substance? What can you use it for? What are its health benefits?

Carob is a product obtained from carob pods, from a notched tree. It is used as a cocoa substitute for people who are allergic to this product. It has many health properties. What are its nutritional values? Where can it be used?

Carob – a mysterious substance

Carob, historically, comes from the Middle East. It is a substance that is obtained from the pods of the notch tree. The history of this tree goes back to biblical times, when it was about obtaining food for animals from the fruit of the notch tree. Carob is now found in the wild in the Mediterranean region and its pods are called ‘carob’. It is a species of evergreen tree belonging to the bean family. It produces characteristic pods with edible soft flesh and seeds called carob. That is why the carob tree is also called “St. Jana ”and grows in countries with warm climates. Carob also has other names such as: locust bean and ceratonin. Carob can be found on the shelves of health food stores. It comes in a powdered form, and it looks and tastes like cocoa. It is used just as a cocoa substitute by allergy sufferers.

Carob is produced from:

  1. corrugated gum – (locust bean gum), obtained from the very seeds of Carob, is white-yellow in color. It is used in various products as a thickener; (under the designation E410);
  2. carb molasses – obtained from carob pods, which can be a substitute for honey, toppings or syrups;
  3. Carob in the form of a powder, has a brown color and a chocolate aroma, and the taste resembles sweetened cocoa.

Carob – nutritional values

Carob has many nutritional values ​​in its composition, there are 100 kcal in 280 grams of products. It contains 0,65 g of fat, 0,29 g of saturated fatty acids, 42 g of carbohydrates, 40 g of sugar, sucrose (approx. 30 g / 100 g of powder), less fructose (approx. 6 g) and glucose (approx. 5 g), 42 g of fiber, 4,64 g of protein. Carob is also a supplier of a large group of B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, as well as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A. In carob we can also find iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. However, the content of antioxidant compounds (even up to 18% by mass), such as flavan-3-ole, catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin, gallic acid, epigallocatechin gallate and many others, is of the greatest interest. Carob is a gluten-free and, importantly, hypoallergenic, i.e. non-allergenic product. It can be successfully used by allergy sufferers and people on a vegan diet.

Carob – how does it affect health?

Carob is a substance with a wide range of health applications, it has a beneficial effect on many issues.

It is known for its use as:

  1. antioxidant effect – antioxidant effect, increases the amount of phenols in the body through polyphenols found in the fruit of the plant;
  2. antidiarrheal effect – carob fruits have an antibacterial effect, so using it in polar conditions shortens their duration;
  3. prevents constipation – thanks to the high amount of fiber, carob acts as a specific anti-constipation agent, supporting intestinal peristalsis;
  4. prevents the formation of intestinal cancer – by improving digestion and binding fats;
  5. lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood – thanks to the fiber content, it reduces its level, which has a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  6. reduces the risk of anemia – due to the high iron content in its composition;
  7. prevents osteoporosis – which guarantees the presence of calcium, easily digestible;
  8. helps with colds, sore throats, coughs and other respiratory infections.

How to use carob?

You can buy carob at health food stores, better supermarkets and online stores. Carob flour is suitable for baking cakes and gives them a dark color. Due to the similar color and taste to cocoa, it can be a substitute for it. By the way, it contains less fat than cocoa and is caffeine-free. Ground carob seeds can be used as an addition to cocktails. Carob fruits are squeezed into juice, which can be used as a syrup for canned fruit and as a flavoring additive for alcohol.

Order the Intenson Bio Carob Powder today at Medonet Market.

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