
Adherents of healthy eating have attracted new, previously completely unknown, products to the store shelves. The population got acquainted with spirulina, chia seeds, various types of oils and superfoods. It’s time to deal with carob. This is the most useful substitute for cocoa, which is just beginning to be introduced into our eating habits. Who can benefit from carob? Sweet tooth, who can not live a day without a piece of chocolate, coffee lovers, whose heart gradually begins to “jump” and haters of chicory.

What is carob, how to find it and use it correctly?

General characteristic of the ingredient

Carob is a plant from the legume family (permissible names are Carob tree, Tsaregradsky horns or Ceratonia leguminous). Traditionally, it is cultivated in the Mediterranean, in some places the plant runs wild. The main distinguishing characteristic of carob is the seeds. Each carob fruit has the same weight.

The Bible indicates that the fruit of the siliculose ceratonia was used as an accurate measure of weight.

This phenomenon has long been explained by scientists. Beans contain the polysaccharide polygalactomannan. It is this component that is responsible for the solid structure of the bean and its constant mass – 0,2 grams.

Brief etymological reference

Carob is also called carob (as an alternative name), and the end product that is obtained after processing the fruits of the plant.

The scientific name of the plant genus comes from the Greek language – the words κεράτιον (сerátiοn) and κέρας (ceras). Both terms are translated as “horn”. The term carat, which is characterized by one of the units of measurement of mass, also comes from the Greek κεράτιον (сerátiοn).

The specific epithet comes from Latin. The Latin siliqua means “bean” or “pod”. The names were chosen according to the external features of the plant. Carob fruits gradually twist as they grow and become like a rolled horn.

Another original name for the plant is John’s breadfruit. It appeared due to the characteristic yeasty smell, which is concentrated on the break of the fruit.

Botanical description of the plant

The evergreen tree reaches 6 to 12 meters in height, given the wide crown. The leaves are pinnate and very dense. Small flowers develop, collected in brushes. The calyxes are completely unsightly and fall off very quickly, there is no corolla.

Massive fruits develop from flowers. The average length is from 10 to 25 centimeters, width – from 2 to 4 centimeters, thickness – from 0,5 to 1 centimeter. The beans are painted in a deep brown hue, do not spontaneously open. The fruits, in addition to seeds, contain sweet juicy pulp. It concentrates about 50% of natural vegetable sugar, so it is very fond of the taste buds of the local population.

The sweet pods are harvested, dried, then ground into a powder. Carob is a healthier and more nutritious substitute for cocoa powder because it is caffeine-free and high in unhealthy fats.

Carob seeds are enclosed in the same large pods as cocoa beans. Surprisingly, with similar taste and structural qualities, no family ties have been identified between these plants.

Useful Properties

All the benefits of the product are concentrated in its nutritional properties. The composition of carob includes a large amount of useful fiber, pectin and tannins. Let’s analyze each component separately.


This is an indigestible part of plants that helps the internal organs absorb food products faster, easier and more efficiently. Due to plant fiber, a person feels the very lightness, and not the desire to lie down on the sofa, after a nutritious meal. It is great invigorates, gives energy and satiety.

Moreover, fiber is responsible for:

  • lowering the concentration of bad cholesterol;
  • control of blood glucose levels;
  • regularity and quality of stool;
  • skin health and “fresh” appearance;
  • regulation of hormonal levels and internal microflora;
  • preventing the development of breast and colon cancer.


These are polysaccharides that are formed from galacturonic acid residues. The substance is concentrated in all higher plants and most fruits. Pectin is used in the food industry under the registered food additive E440. It acts as a thickener in sweets and even medications.

The human body perceives pectin as a kind of prebiotic and performs the following functions:

  • enhances the protective function of the intestine and kills pathogenic microflora;
  • boosts and strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the level of bioavailability and absorption of minerals/vitamins from foods;
  • helps the body recover from therapy with potent antibiotics;
  • prevents bowel cancer;
  • harmonizes the hormonal background;
  • reduces the intensity of allergic symptoms;
  • reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increases resistance to stress and reduces the concentration of cortisol (the same stress hormone);
  • forms a strong muscle corset, fights excess subcutaneous fat and helps to maintain the highest quality result.


This is a group of phenolic compounds that are characterized by plant origin. The components form strong bonds with proteins, polysaccharides and biopolymers. It is tannin that gives the fruit a tart, slightly astringent taste.

The substance inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms both inside the human and plant organisms. The tart taste of tannin deters animals from eating fruits and plants. The substance is safe and does not contain poison at all, but only the smell is enough for animals to smell the catch. Inside the human body, the component carries out a real cleaning of harmful microflora. Tannins kill harmful microorganisms and have an antiseptic effect.

Why carob is healthier than cocoa

An unbridled desire to eat a chocolate bar, a heavy piece of chocolate cake, a liter cup of cocoa or coffee can overtake at any moment. Chocolate is one of the most important gastronomic weaknesses of mankind (judging by the pace of development of the industrial sector and the amount of goods sold). The main ingredient in all chocolate derivatives is cocoa. Raw cocoa beans are a real superfood that stores a huge supply of vitamins and minerals. But what ends up in food or in stores is processed cocoa powder, which is loaded with sugar, low-quality fat, and dozens of completely unnecessary industrial advances. Another argument against cocoa is caffeine. This powerful stimulant is inherent in cocoa by nature, but has a huge list of contraindications.

The list of carob contraindications is much shorter. The carob bean contains no caffeine, no harmful fats, and no sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives are used to make the powder. The fruit gives a natural sweetness and an unsurpassed chocolate flavor that does not need chemical enhancers. From the powder, you can prepare drinks, your favorite desserts without harm to the heart and figure.

Chemical composition

Energy value of the product (based on 100 grams of powder)
Caloric value222 kCal
Proteins4,62 g
Fats0,65 g
Carbohydrates49,08 g
Ash2,27 g
Alimentary fiber38,8 g
Water3,58 g
Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of powder)
Thiamine (V1)0,05
Riboflavin (V2)0,46
Choline (B4)11,9
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,05
Pyridoxine (V6)0,37
Ascorbic acid (C)0,2
Tocopherol (E)0,63
Nicotinic acid (PP)1,9
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of powder)
Zinc (Zn)0,92
Selenium (Se)0,0053
Copper (Cu)0,57
Manganese (Mn)0,51
Iron (Fe)2,94
Phosphorus (P)79
Sodium (Na)35
Magnesium (Mg)54
Calcium (Ca)348
Potassium (K)827

Features of composition

Carob is not addictive because it does not contain caffeine. The minimum amount of healthy fats protect the internal organs and will not provoke sudden weight gains. What’s more, carob is a great option for those with a sweet tooth and those who like to sweeten their food. 1 tablespoon of the powder contains about 3 grams of natural sugar. It turns out that behind the pleasant sweet taste is not industrial sugar, but nature. The calorie content of the same spoonful of powder is only ⅓ of the calorie content of the same volume of cocoa. Replacing cocoa powder (even dark or reduced fat) will satisfy your taste buds, promote health, eliminate sugar or sweeteners, and gradually lose weight. Another important aspect is the nutrient composition. Carob beans contain 3 times more calcium than cocoa powder.

The product is recommended for people with sensitivity to caffeine, patients with frequent headaches, young children and pregnant women.

Useful properties of dietary supplements and cosmetics based on carob

On the basis of beans, medicines are made that fight disorders of the digestive system. Tablets are able to settle the stool and quickly get rid of heartburn. Chocolate biologically active additives attract not only with taste, but also with a wide spectrum of action. Carob normalizes cholesterol levels and heals the cardiovascular system.

Before taking dietary supplements and medicines, you need to consult with a specialized doctor.

Also, carob-based tablets are responsible for glucose levels and are effective in diabetes. The pharmaceutical industry is rich in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral agents, the taste of which will awaken the taste buds. Such tablets treat severe coughing attacks, clear the throat well.

In some cultures, singers chew carob before performing. Artists confirm that the fruits perfectly clear the throat, relieve inflammation and even strengthen the voice.

What else is good carob medicines:

  • strengthening the skeletal system due to the high concentration of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P);
  • a decrease in the secretion of a hormone that causes a feeling of hunger and, accordingly, farewell to extra centimeters at the waist;
  • cancer prevention;
  • protection from the harmful effects of the external environment.

Use in cooking

Only powder from ripe dried carob beans is used for food. The appearance and smell of the powder is very similar to cocoa. The consistency and structure of the ingredient in the dishes is also identical.

In the industrial industry, not only powder is used, but also whole plant pods. They are processed according to a special technology and a syrup is isolated. Carob syrup is used to make desserts, pastries, and ice cream. To make any recipe using cocoa healthier and better, simply replace the ingredient with carob powder in equal proportions.

Where can the product be useful? The component is used in all varieties of sweets. Remember that carob is much sweeter than cocoa, so add a small amount of powder and taste the dish periodically so as not to spoil it with excessive sweetness. Another important aspect of cooking is temperature. When baking pastries with carob, you need to lower the oven temperature by 10 degrees to avoid burning the dessert.

Carob can be used to make delicious hot drinks like cocoa.

Quick drink recipe

1 cup warm plant milk (walnut is best) and 1 tablespoon carob powder. If there is not enough sweetness or some flavor accents, then add a spoonful of your favorite honey.

Based on carob powder, amazing pancakes are obtained. Replace ¼ of the flour you use for pancakes with carob for a springy texture and rich chocolate flavor. You can make chocolate from the product, add it to fruit smoothies, dairy desserts and even nut-chocolate paste. Pasta recipe: Combine almond and peanut butter, carob, honey, vanilla, and spices/nuts to taste. The easiest and most straightforward way to use the powder is topping. Simply sprinkle it on ice cream, dessert or a cup of your favorite drink, then enjoy a new nutritious flavor variation.

Quick Chocolate Banana Pudding Recipe

This dish allows you to taste carob, to understand how it opens up with other ingredients, to appreciate its taste and versatility.

We need:

  • chia seeds – ¼ cup;
  • almond milk (can be replaced with any other plant-based milk to taste) – 1 cup;
  • vanilla extract – ½ teaspoon;
  • carob powder – 2 tablespoons;
  • banana (mashed in puree) – 3 pcs;
  • Salt – a pinch.


Thoroughly mix all the ingredients in a convenient container and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Carob will give a dish of seemingly standard ingredients, special flavor notes. This quick sweet snack is like the masterpieces of Michelin-starred restaurants. Take advantage of carob fruits, pamper your family and friends not only with delicious, but also colossally healthy sweets.

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