“Carnivorous” venereal disease is increasingly common in Britain. The doctor warns

The doctor sounds the alarm: there are more and more cases of donation, or inguinal granuloma, or “carnivorous” venereal disease. Until now, it has mainly been performed in tropical countries, now it is appearing more and more often in Great Britain.

  1. Donovanosis is called a “carnivorous” venereal disease because it leads to the gradual destruction of genital tissue
  2. Initially, it does not cause pain and is therefore difficult to diagnose. Treatment too late can lead to permanent scarring as well as damage to the genitals
  3. Inguinal granuloma, which men are more susceptible to, mostly occurs in tropical countries, but is now being seen more and more by UK doctors
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

Donovanosis is a genital ulcer caused by a bacterium Klebsiella granulomatis. It manifests itself in painful flesh with red lesions on the genitals. As these lesions eventually begin to bleed and the disease gradually destroys the tissuegenital organs, many people call it “carnivorous”.

Donovanosis occurs twice as often in men

The infection slowly destroys genital tissue and spreads beyond the genitals to other parts of the body, including the thighs and lower abdomen. The lesions can develop into ulcers which, if left untreated, become infected, causing pain and an unpleasant odor. The disease affects men twice as often as women. Most people who suffer from donated disease are between the ages of 30 and 40.

Donovanosis is extremely rare and is found mainly in India, South Africa and South America. Recently, it has become famous thanks to TikTok by Dr.Karan Raj. The doctor said the disease was “terrifying” and he was seeing more and more cases in the UK.

Diagnosis and treatment have been reported

In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor takes a swab from the affected part of the body or a tissue sample. Cell culture helps specialists distinguish the disease from other STIs.

You can fight it with the help of antibiotics. Unfortunately, donated disease returns even 6-18 months after a seemingly effective therapy.

Gynecologist Dr. Shree Datta told The Sun that the changes caused by the disease were a known risk factor for viral transmissionHIVand that “severe cases can lead to permanent scarring and damage to the genitals, as well as discoloration and even irreversible swelling”. She added that the use of contraception significantly reduces the risk of contracting the disease.

A STI testing package is available from Medonet Market.

See also:

  1. The seven most common venereal diseases
  2. Embarrassing diseases are not only transmitted sexually. Here are other routes of infection
  3. Patient zero: he had 2,5 thousand lovers, many knowingly infected with HIV

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https://newsconcerns.com/rare-flesh-eating-std-on-the-rise-in-uk-doctor-warns-2/ https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/donovanosis-flesheating-sti-on-the-rise-in-the-uk/news-story/dc85245d45af8c81edc786004765e1d5 https://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2021-11-01/wielka-brytania-rosnie-liczba-chorych-na-donowanoze-miesozerna-chorobe-weneryczna/?ref=aside_najnowsze

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