
Clove is a fairly popular spice, actively used in cooking, confectionery and food production. The properties of cloves have found their application in both folk and traditional medicine, as well as cosmetology and perfumery.

Due to its rich chemical composition, it has a rather strong effect on the body, so there are some contraindications and restrictions on the use of this fragrant spice.

Where did the carnation come from and how does it grow

Carnation is an evergreen plant of the myrtle family. The height of the clove tree can reach 12 m. Initially, they were grown to decorate royal palaces: their pyramidal peaks look majestic and beautiful.

Very soon it was discovered that the inflorescences of a tropical tree contain a lot of oil and exude a spicy pleasant aroma. They began to decorate houses with carnation branches, and add flowers to baths. And only then did they learn to dry the inflorescences and use them as a seasoning.

In fact, the spice familiar to us today is the dried unopened inflorescences of cloves. There are certain rules and time of their collection.

The tropical Moluccas are considered to be the birthplace of cloves. It was from there that the evergreen tree gradually spread to other countries.

Today, most trees with pyramidal peaks grow on the island of Pembe: there are at least 4 million of them. A spicy aroma literally hangs in the air, and even the water there has this specific aftertaste.

Method of obtaining

Clove spice is the unblown inflorescences of the clove tree. They begin to collect them at the moment when the inflorescences have already gained strength, but have not yet blossomed. At this time, the buds contain the maximum amount of nutrients and have a valuable aroma.

Buds are harvested by hand using special scrapers. Inflorescences are removed only from trees older than 6 years. Drying does not require ovens or other equipment. The buds are simply dried in the sun, packed in bags and boxes and sent to all corners of the world.

Smaller packaging (the one that can be seen on store shelves) is carried out directly in the countries that are dealers of raw materials.

Considering that each clove tree produces a very generous harvest, and the process of collecting and drying the spice is not expensive, the fragrant seasoning has an affordable price.

Interesting about the mysterious spice

The quality of the spice can be checked at home. This does not require complex chemicals or special devices. It is enough to know some of the properties of dried clove inflorescences.

Pour ordinary clean water into a glass or a cup of transparent glass and throw a couple of dry buds there. A quality spice containing enough oil will sink to the bottom or float vertically with the top up.

Dry inflorescences should be fragile and brittle. If they are elastic, then this is a sign of poor-quality drying or preservative treatment. If you run a dry bud over clean white paper, a quality sample will leave a clear oily color.

Under the condition of proper storage (in a dry sealed container), the spice can be stored for several years. Buy whole buds as the powdered spice has a very limited shelf life.

The benefits of clove spice lies in its healing properties due to the action of eugenol, the main component of clove oil. [1].

Eugenol helps to eliminate spasms, restores the normal functioning of the urinary system, helps to get rid of diarrhea and increased gas formation, fights viruses and bacteria, accelerates wound healing [2].

In the food industry and cooking, cloves are used as a fragrant spice. It is added to meat, marinades, sauces, soups, canned food, drinks and even confectionery.

Its spicy-spicy aroma is strongly pronounced, so you should strictly follow the recipe and do not exceed the recommended dosage.

More about the composition

There are legends about the medicinal properties of cloves. [3]. The spice is part of many dietary supplements, is considered an official remedy in Great Britain. The benefits of cloves are due to its chemical composition.

The nutritional value is 332 kcal per 100 g. Including 6 g of protein, 20,1 g of fat and 27 g of carbohydrates.

Each unopened bud contains [4]:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins – A, B, C, PP;
  • minerals;
  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ash.

Application in the food industry

Cloves as a spice are actively used in the production of liqueurs and canned food. Spicy and burning aroma is felt well in both cold and hot dishes. However, with prolonged heat treatment, its taste and smell become less pronounced. It is the hat that gives the finished dish a rich aroma, and the stalk itself gives a pleasant point.

Cloves are an indispensable component of many aromatic mixtures, such as curry, garam masala and others. Such spices are great for meat and fish dishes, vegetable stews, sauces, cereals. Canned fish, meat and vegetable products also often contain dried clove inflorescences.

Despite some sharpness, cloves are often used in the production of confectionery dishes – puddings, creams, jellies, sweets. This spice pairs well with cinnamon.

In the manufacture of liqueurs and other alcoholic beverages, it should be borne in mind that under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the taste and aroma of spices are enhanced.

Impact on the human body

The benefits and harms of cloves today have already been sufficiently studied. First, consider all the healing properties of spices. The active use of spices in cosmetology, pharmacology and medicine is due to its balanced mineral composition. [5].

Potassium has a positive effect on brain function, increases efficiency and improves memory. Regular inclusion in the diet of dishes with the addition of cloves has a positive effect on the condition of the vascular walls and is an effective prevention of heart attacks and strokes. [6].

It also contains magnesium in large doses, which increases the body’s resistance to stress and contributes to the normalization of the functions of all vital organs and systems. Additionally, magnesium is involved in the absorption of calcium, which helps strengthen bones. [7][8].

The spicy and slightly burning aroma increases appetite and stimulates the production of a sufficient volume of gastric juice. Fans of this spice are much less likely to suffer from colitis, constipation and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract [9][10].

The antiseptic effect of cloves helps to fight many problems and ailments of the oral cavity: caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis, bad breath. Today, research is underway on the ability of spices to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. [11]. There is already evidence that the seasoning helps cleanse the body of free radicals, which are the cause of malignant tumors. [12].

However, there are contraindications for this healing spice. Pregnant women should avoid cloves completely or reduce their consumption to a minimum, as it stimulates the contraction of the walls of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage or the development of abnormalities in the fetus.

Some diseases of the digestive system also require restrictions on the use of cloves: gastritis, ulcers, etc. [13]. Doctors do not recommend eating dishes with cloves for children under 3 years old.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Internet resource Sciencedirect. – Love.
  2. ↑ WebMD Internet resource. – Clove.
  3. ↑ Wiley online library. – Immunomodulatory activity of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Salvia officinalis L. and Syzygium aromaticum L. essential oils: evidence for humor‐ and cell‐mediated responses.
  4. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Whole cloves.
  5. ↑ BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. – Aphrodisiac activity of 50% ethanolic extracts of Myristica fragrans Houtt. (nutmeg) and Syzygium aromaticum (L) Merr. & Perry. (clove) in male mice: a comparative study.
  6. ↑ Health website Healthline. – 8 surprising health benefits of cloves.
  7. ↑ Online doctor database – Health benefits of cloves, uses and its side effects.
  8. ↑ Taylor & Francis open journal. – Clove (Syzygium aromaticum Linn) extract rich in eugenol and eugenol derivatives shows bone-preserving efficacy.
  9. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Eugenol-rich fraction of Syzygium aromaticum (clove) reverses biochemical and histopathological changes in liver cirrhosis and inhibits hepatic cell proliferation.
  10. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Gastrointestinal effects of Syzigium aromaticum (L) Merr. & Perry (Myrtaceae) in animal models.
  11. ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Chemical constituents of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and their antioxidant activity.
  12. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Clove (Syzygium aromaticum): a precious spice.
  13. ↑ Medicine information website – Clove.

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