Carlsberg (“Carlsberg”)

Carlsberg is the key brand of the global corporation Carlsberg Group, which is included in the TOP-5 of the largest brewing companies in the world and occupies the first position in Eastern Europe. The headquarters is located in Copenhagen. Since the death of company founder Jacob Jacobsen in 1887, the Carlsberg Foundation has been the majority owner of the company. The product portfolio also includes Tuborg, Holsten, Kronenbourg, Grimbergen, Baltika, Somersby cider and over 500 local beers. At the end of 2016, Carlsberg’s total sales amounted to 116,9 million hectoliters of beer. According to the Euromonitor agency, Carlsberg brands own over 31% of the Russian beer market.

Historical reference. The merit of founding the brand belongs to the Dane Jacob Jacobsen, who built a brewery in a remote area of ​​Copenhagen. The name of the entrepreneur’s son is encrypted in the name and the location of the plant is on a hill: Carlsberg is translated as “Karl’s hill”. The first brewing took place in 1847, and 20 years later, with the first barrel sent to Edinburgh, the history of the export of Danish beer began. Since 1904, Carlsberg has been honored to supply its products to the Danish royal court, which is reflected in the brand’s emblem, decorated with a crown.

Son Karl followed in his father’s footsteps: after studying the traditions of brewing in Germany, he returned home and headed his own branch of the brewery, calling it Ny Carlsberg (“New Carlsberg”). For several years, the new company overtook the old one in terms of sales, but the elder Jacobsen was dissatisfied with the quality of its products and tried to challenge the legitimacy of its release under the Carlsberg brand in court. Shortly before the death of the founder of the brand, the family conflict was resolved. “New” and “Old” Carlsberg merged to create Carlsberg Breweries. Carl, who headed the company, began his activities with the introduction of an 8-hour working day and the creation of a pension fund for employees.

Carlsberg (“Carlsberg”)
The brand is named after him, he developed the brand after the death of his father

In the XNUMXth and XNUMXst centuries, the concern is consistently expanding the geography of export deliveries, building factories and producing Carlsberg beer outside of Denmark, increasing its stakes in brewing companies in Asia, Eastern and Western Europe.


World Beer Championship:

  • 1996 – Silver (Carlsberg Imperial Stout) medal.

The International Brewing Awards, Лондон:

  • 2002 – Silver (CARL’s Special) medal.

International Taste & Quality Institute, Brussels:

  • 2006 – Gold (Carlsberg Elephant) medal and Superior Taste Award.

Great Moscow Beer Festival:

  • 2004, 2005 – “Best Licensed Beer” (Carlsberg Pilsner).

International competition “Best beer and non-alcoholic drink of the year”, Moscow:

  • 2004 – Grand Prix (Carlsberg Pilsner) and gold (Carlsberg Light) medal.

International competition “St. Petersburg beer auction”:

  • 2005 – Gold (Carlsberg Pilsner) medal.

International Forum “Beer”, Sochi:

  • 2005 – Silver (Carlsberg Pilsner) medal.

International competition of beer and brewing malt, Kiev:

  • 2011 – Grand Prix (ТМ Carlsberg) for the high quality of licensed beer;
  • 2016 – Silver (Carlsberg Light) medal;
  • 2017 – Gold (Carlsberg Pilsner) medal.

Putra Brand Awards, Kuala Lumpur:

  • 2014 – Gold Award (Carlsberg Pilsner) Putra Brand Icon;
  • 2017 – Gold Award (Carlsberg Smooth Draft) Putra Brand Icon.

World Food Uzbekistan, Tashkent:

  • 2011 – Gold medal (TM Carlsberg).

Beverage Testing Institute, Chicago:

  • 2012 – Silver (Carlsberg Elephant) medal, “Highest Recommendations” rating.

Stockholm Beer and Whisky Festival:

  • 2016 – Bronze (Carlsberg Porter) medal.

New World Beer & Cider Awards (New Zealand):

  • 2017 – Silver (Carlsberg Elephant) medal.

Danish Design Centre:

  • 2007 – Jacobsen beer packaging graphic design award.

Types of Carslberg beer

Carlsberg, 5%

The flagship variety of the brand, which has been brewed since 1904 and has practically become part of the Danish cultural heritage. At the same time, a recognizable logo was created with a hop leaf and a red and gold crown, which symbolized the use of only natural ingredients as raw materials for beer, as well as proximity to the Danish royal court. The color is straw-yellow, when poured into a glass, a finely bubbled and stable foam is formed. The bouquet is expected for a classic pilsner: malty, with tones of hops, hay, coniferous forest, sorrel. In the refreshing taste, hop bitterness is most pronounced, the aftertaste is powerful and dry, with a hint of malt. The lager goes well with baked meat, shrimp salad, capers, and neutralizes the salty taste of marinated herring, which is popular in Danish cuisine.

Carlsberg Elephant, 7,2%

The legendary beer of the brand, which in 2019 will celebrate its 60th anniversary. This robust Bockbier-style beer was first brewed in 1959 and has not only gained popularity in beer circles, but has become a true design icon. This was due to the emblem designed by the popular graphic artist Kjeld Nielsen, which depicts a funny blue baby elephant, similar to a character in a children’s fairy tale. Subsequently, it was replaced by an elephant, the prototype of which was the granite sculptures at the base of the Elephant Gate near the headquarters of the Carlsberg group.

The color is honey-gold, the foam is pale beige, abundant and slowly settling. The aroma is dominated by a malt theme, caramel-honey and citrus tones sound in the background. The taste palette is rich with notes of corn, banana, melon, nuts, pine needles. It is recommended to chill well before serving. It is combined with spicy and fatty dishes: fried eel, duck with honey sauce, hummus.

Carlsberg 47, 7%

Christmas beer, the first brewing of which was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Carlsberg in 1972. It is released annually in early November and is available for sale until the New Year. The color is chestnut brown, with reddish highlights. The seasonal “bock” has a higher alcohol content than traditional varieties, which makes its aroma and taste more intense. The basis of the bouquet is the tones of almonds, honey, orange peel, juniper branches. Roasted malt, pistachios, brown sugar are felt in a round and sweet taste. The degree in the beer is well integrated – warming and soft. It can serve as a base for hot winter cocktails.

Carlsberg Citrus, 2,8%

A novelty in the brand line is a light fruity beer with a refreshing citrus aroma, created for summer parties. A low-alcohol lager recipe containing Caribbean and Persian lime juice was developed by the Carlsberg UK team based on the results of an independent study of consumer tastes. Carlsberg Citrus took the place of the discontinued Carlsberg Edge lemon beer, which was almost twice as strong. The product launch was accompanied by a massive advertising campaign in the print media and on television, resulting in sales of Carlsberg Citrus exceeding forecasts. The bouquet and taste are dominated by tones of tropical fruits, hop bitterness is almost not felt. The drink goes well with fried fish, chicken curry, bacon, pizza.

Carlsberg (“Carlsberg”)

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