Carla Bruni: “For love, my status was a test”

He was president, she was a supermodel, a singer and his wife. They were predicted to divorce shortly after Nicolas Sarkozy left the presidency. However, their relationship only grew stronger. Meeting with Carla Bruni, who likes to be herself.

Last year, she ceased to be the first lady – and many thought then that neither her extravagant husband, the president, nor herself would be seen in public again. They also said: as soon as Nicolas Sarkozy loses power, Bruni will leave him – after all, she once admitted: “Monogamous relationships seem boring to me.” And Sarkozy will certainly be sad with his wife, who knows nothing about politics. It was rumored that both of them started a relationship on the side for a long time, shortly after their bright and unexpected wedding …

However, even today, six years after the first meeting, they are still together. The Bruni-Sarkozy couple lives in Carla’s Parisian home with her 11-year-old son Aurelien and their common 2-year-old daughter Julia. He practices law and lectures, and she resumed her musical career: her album Little French Songs was released in April this year and even made it to second place in the charts. And Carla Bruni herself was again in the center of attention of the public and the press. However, she speaks about her marriage no less willingly than about her new album. And unless she’s a brilliant actress (which is hard to imagine from the few movies she’s starred in), Carla is just ridiculously obsessed with her husband.

She walks into the Paris hotel where we’re interviewing, and everyone instantly recognizes her, even though she’s wearing jeans and her face, bare of makeup, is covered by a hat brim. It crosses my mind that if, say, Kate Moss married the prime minister or Hillary Clinton released a solo album, they would hardly have come to an interview in a noisy hotel bar without press agents and bodyguards. And Bruni is surprisingly free, joking with me as if we were old friends who walked the catwalk together – intimately and slightly mannered, as do many fashion stars who are accustomed to the society of gay men. She behaves uninhibitedly, in her own way, all the time reinforcing her words with gestures and facial expressions – as if her whole body is participating in the conversation. She often laughs and even laughs, sometimes she objects to herself, but behind all this animation, there is some kind of concentrated attention in her, a special insight – is this not a trace of her passion for psychoanalysis, which she went through for many years?

Three of her revelations

“I don’t think fashion is superficial”

A 19-year-old girl from a wealthy and well-born family, a graduate of an elite private school, she went to the podium from the Sorbonne, where she studied architecture. “Just as there are pompous jerks in the university world, so in the fashion world I met very multifaceted and rich personalities,” says Carla, who earned $ 10 million in the most “prolific” year of her 7,5-year career as a supermodel.

“Psychoanalysis clears up mysteries”

Shortly before the death of her beloved father, Bruni learned that he … was not her biological father. “Even if he were alive, I would still turn to a psychologist,” she assures. – I felt as if bound by something, everything was like a fog. That’s what makes psychoanalysis beautiful: it allows you to see the meaning where there was ambiguity, lies, and look at the world with a brighter look.

“A woman doesn’t have to be a feminist”

The press was surprised: the president’s glamorous, bohemian, essentially apolitical girlfriend, having become his wife and given birth to a daughter, gained sympathy for the “right” views and patriarchal principles. “Children, home, husband – this is such a serious job, and no one appreciates it! complains Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. – I’m not an activist, not a fighter, I love family life. Women have already won enough rights for themselves – so don’t I have the right not to be a feminist?


  • 1967 Born in Turin, in the family of an Italian industrialist and composer. Her mother is an actress and pianist; older sister Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi became an actress; brother Virginio died of AIDS in 2006.
  • 1986 Start of modeling career. Her personal life is novels with Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and other celebrities.
  • 2001 Birth of a son by 23-year-old student philosopher Raphael Antovin.
  • 2002 The first of her four music albums.
  • 2007 Meeting, and a year later – marriage with Nicolas Sarkozy.
  • 2011 Birth of daughter Julia; resumption of a musical career.

Psychologies: Once you confessed to my colleague that you would dream of being a psychoanalyst * …

Carla Bruni: And I have my own office, where I receive under a pseudonym – didn’t you know? (Laughs) No, I really wanted to become a psychotherapist, but I was scared by the thought that I would have to sit in one place all day. I was afraid that I would not be able to listen and hear people while remaining still. But maybe someday I will be able to do it?

Are you still analyzing?

K. B.: Yes, since the age of 28. For eight years in a row I met with an analyst four times a week, then there was a break, and then I resumed the sessions again, not so often. Now I go to him once or twice a week, if possible.

Your therapy has been going on for over 15 years – do you feel you still need it?

K. B.: I’m a perfectionist in a way. And besides, I love this exercise – it teaches me to turn to myself, and it makes life so easy! If any problems arise, you can not wait for solutions from others, but feel that you yourself are responsible for everything – this is very encouraging for me. Those who think that everyone around them owes them – and maybe all people in general – should at least know about it. Better yet, use this method.

Did you offer your husband therapy?

K. B.: He’s one of those rare people who just doesn’t need it. Internally, he is incredibly flexible and precise, and easy to communicate with. He uses his best qualities and never wastes his life! I think that his intuition always helps him out: it helps him hear himself and others better, teaches him to understand and gives wisdom.

Did you feel it right away, at the first meeting?

K. B.: Yes! We met at a secular party, and he made such an impression on me that I didn’t even notice that he didn’t drink wine at all. Imagine, a Frenchman – and an absolute teetotaler! However, he does not need it, he is already full of fun. He does not tolerate the smell of alcohol, and he never had a chance to enjoy the most pleasant state of light intoxication. (Laughs) Once he decided that wine smells bad and makes people behave like fools. And now he is already 58, and to start drinking, as he says, is ridiculous and too late. By the way, I love pink champagne, but here I am not trying to convince him! Moreover, he is not the type of person who is able to be moderate. I’m afraid if he likes it, then he … well, you understand. So, instead of toasts, poems sounded that evening. More precisely, I myself read poems of my own composition to him. Then I already broke up with the father of my son, and Nicolas had just divorced his second wife. And I really wanted to impress, to show him what a poet I am. After all, he did not yet have a poetess! (Laughs.) As a result, I gave him this sheet of poetry – and imagine, he kept it. And he still keeps it.

You often repeat that it was love at first sight and that you fell in love not with the President of France, but with a man…

K. B.: Well, yes, any wife of the president will tell you that. A high position is a test for love. A very tough test: here you accept either everything or nothing.

Let me doubt: in this case, position and personality seem inseparable …

K. B.: Not for everyone, I assure you. Some, having already reached high positions, seriously wonder how they got to such a life. Although Nicolas really these two components are inseparable. Leadership for him is like an extension of personality. (Laughs.)

What is it like to be the wife of a president?

K. B.: It was quite curious: on the one hand, you feel under heavy guard, and on the other, unusually vulnerable. More defenseless than in childhood! Not on a personal level – my man was always there – but on a global level: it seemed that everyone just wanted to pounce on you, everyone needed something from you. Can’t collect my thoughts!

But then you were already a well-known model, which is accustomed to be in sight …

K. B.: I became famous at the age of 19, but you get used to it only with time. It’s like another person with your name shows up, does weird things that you don’t, and says weird things that you never said. Yes, the experience of fame helped me a lot when my husband was president. I realized: it will no longer be possible to play pranks, this is not suitable for the role of the first lady. Although I like pranks and fun! I’m afraid to take myself too seriously. To life itself, yes, but not to myself personally.

You got married in 2008, just before Nicolas Sarkozy’s first official visit to the UK. And on the day of your arrival, the newspapers printed your old nude photo. How did you take it?

K. B.: In general, I was satisfied – after all, in that photo I am 24 years old. I thought yes, a little embarrassing, but the figure is slender! In fact, I’m fine with artistic photographs of the naked body. The fashion world is devoid of erotica. There is no sex at all, there are many other kinds of desire – but no sexual desire. And that picture was taken for the campaign against AIDS, and other models participated in it. Although they, of course, did not marry the president. (Laughs.)

You and your husband had sons from previous marriages, and you once again became a mother at 43 years old …

K. B.: Yes, I tried everything, and then, as often happens, I stopped trying so hard – and everything worked out. At first I thought that I was sick: I constantly fell asleep, suffocated, climbing the stairs … And a week later I did a home test – and I could not believe my eyes! I… just… So I bought three more. And when everything was confirmed, I thought: “God, You still exist! I wish I had prayed before.” Well, then everything was normal: I quickly got tired, put on weight – like any woman in this position …

However, then you easily lost weight.

K. B.: You are joking? After each child, it took a year. If I had many children, my life would have a different configuration!

Did you feel bad about being fat?

K. B.: No, it’s just uncomfortable compared to what I’m used to. I have a good physique, I can gain 15 kg and not look too fat. But during pregnancy, I felt very ugly. What’s worse is that I didn’t care at all. I’m not particularly flirtatious – but still!

How do you feel about your age?

K. B.: To be honest, this topic scares me. But what can you do? If I were offered a reliable remedy to get my 25 years back, I would not refuse – only it does not exist.

Haven’t you done plastic surgery?

K. B.: No, I do skin care, exfoliation, light therapy, but no surgery. After her, people look strange … and certainly not younger.

Wouldn’t you like to turn back time?

K. B.: I get asked all the time if I would like to move to the presidential palace again. (She leans back in her chair, feigning despair.) It’s a great honor, of course, but it doesn’t depend on me in any way, and I just don’t think about it. Well, if you are talking about something else … Yes, I am afraid of passing time, old age, death – my own and other people. But all this is inevitable. So I just try to fill my life, have time to survive as much as possible. Each of us is able to change our existence, change the country, change the language – in the end, who cares?

1 * Psychologies Magazine France, 2002, № 204.

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