Carl Sagan “Science in Search of God”

Linor Goralik read Professor Carl Sagan’s book Science in Search of God.

Science in Search of God is a book compiled on the basis of the lectures of Professor Carl Sagan (1934-1996), a physicist, astronomer, a great connoisseur of the history of religion and a very famous popularizer of science. It seemed to me that this book is able to help the reader in trying to understand one of the most, perhaps, the most difficult contradictions that every thinking person faces: if there is a God, why do the postulates of almost any religion fit so poorly with scientific facts? And if there is no God, why does the world around me so often give me a breathtaking sensation that can only be called religious delight?

Sagan offers the reader a picture of the world in which science does not contradict the feeling of life as a miracle, and faith is an incentive to study the world around us. You can, of course, disagree with Professor Sagan. But even then, Science in Search of God can provide an impetus to see the questions that baffle us from a whole new angle. And maybe, thanks to this, you will find your own answers.

Linor Goralik is a writer, poet, translator. Author of the study “The Hollow Woman. Barbie World Inside and Out” (UFO, 2005), fairy tales “Martin Doesn’t Cry” (UFO, 2007), “Agatha Comes Home” (Gayatri, 2008), several collections of poetry and prose.

Carl Sagan “Science in Search of God”, Amphora, 352 p.

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