Caries will be cured … with sweets

Caries will be cured ... with sweets

Caries will be cured ... with sweets

German scientists – employees of Organobalance GmbH, have created unique sweets… Their purpose is to destroy oral pathogens and prevent dental disease. In particular, caries.

“Candy isn’t exactly common,” the doctors say. “You will not find sugar in them. But they contain the so-called “killed” sample of the bacteria L. paracasei DSMZ16671. It is needed in candies in order to adhere to harmful pathogens when it enters the oral cavity. Such as, for example, the bacteria M. Streptococci to reduce their effect on the enamel of the teeth. Recall that it is she who spoils, converts all food debris into acid and causes tooth decay. And if you eat a small piece of candy weighing two grams after a meal, you can significantly reduce the concentration of M. streptococci bacteria.… Without harming the bacteria that are good for enamel and teeth. ”

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