Caries is dangerous not only for the teeth

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There are many reasons for the formation of caries, and this is just below. The first symptom of caries classified as initial caries is enamel demineralisation manifested by a spot on the tooth. At this stage, it is possible to restore the original state, i.e. bring it to the state of remineralization. At this stage, the doctor can still intervene non-invasively by using various preparations that allow you to restore the original state.

Dental diseases and their impact on well-being and health have been going on for centuries. Their commonness depends on the development of civilization. Famous painters, such as Leonardo da Vinci, showed their faces with a gentle smile, without showing their teeth. Back then, caries was a disease of the European elite. King – Sun – Louis XIV lost his teeth while still in his prime. He was no exception. Toothlessness was common among the high society for a simple reason: sweets were eaten en masse, while awareness of personal hygiene was practically non-existent. The aforementioned Louis XIV rarely washed, but changed his shirts 5 times a day. The teeth could not, unfortunately, be replaced with new ones.

The first symptom of caries classified as initial caries is enamel demineralisation manifested by a spot on the tooth. At this stage, it is possible to restore the original state, i.e. bring it to the state of remineralization. The doctor can still intervene non-invasively by using various preparations that allow you to restore the original state. If we do not take countermeasures in time, the stage of simple caries takes place. In the thinned structure of the enamel, bacteria cause further destruction, the deepening of the cavity in the dentin, i.e. the tissue between the enamel and the pulp of the tooth, called the nerve by laymen. When the bacteria reach the pulp, they cause inflammation. This is already the stage of complicated caries, and here the symptom is always pain. If the patient takes painkillers instead of going to the dentist, the pulp may die and the tooth stops hurting. The effect, however, can be dire. Bacteria enter the body. An abscess often develops in the apical area of ​​the tooth, and with less resistance or malignant bacteria, phlegmon may develop, i.e. bacterial soaking in the entire area. The outflow of infected blood from the infected part takes place, among others. through the orbital foramen, and from there it goes to the base of the brain. Infected blood travels to various organs, including the heart. There, it causes inflammation of the valves, and can cause inflammation of the entire heart muscle, which always leads to severe disability, and sometimes it ends in death.

Hence, tooth decay is a serious disease that is favored by a poor diet, especially the consumption of large amounts of products containing simple sugars. Excess sugar is a cariogenic factor in children, especially in the absence of fluoride. There are many causes of caries, and the most important is prevention. Today we know a lot, but not everything, about caries prophylaxis, hence there are various “prescriptions for prophylaxis, that is, actions aimed at preventing caries. In all medical and encyclopedic sources, fluoride is mentioned as the most effective, single factor in reducing caries in appropriate doses. Countries where fluoride is used endogenously boast excellent results in caries prevention.

Mieczysław Król, dentist, Polish Smile Association

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