Caries – causes, risk factors, treatment. How to prevent tooth decay?

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Caries is a bacterial disease of the teeth. Untreated, it not only damages teeth, but can also cause many systemic diseases. In Poland, it is a broad social problem. Despite the fact that it can be effectively prevented and the existing one can be cured, over 90% of patients suffer from it. Poles. Check if you are at risk.

Caries – causes

Caries is a disease involving the demineralisation (decalcification) of the tooth tissues. In the initial stage, hard tooth tissues, enamel and dentin are damaged. Untreated, it reaches deeper parts of the tooth – the pulp – and destroys its entire structure.

Organic acids produced by bacteria in the mouth are responsible for the development of caries. These bacteria cause not only acidification of the oral cavity environment, but also participate in the formation of dental plaque.

Dental plaque is a yellowish coating that adheres closely to the teeth, most of the mass of which is bacteria. Food for bacteria is mainly sugars supplied with food.

The cariogenic effect of sugars is different. Refined sugars added to food products are the most dangerous, but also natural sugars found in, for example, fruit, are important. Already 10 minutes after the consumption of sugars, especially sucrose or fructose or glucose, due to their decomposition by bacteria, the pH in the oral cavity drops to the value of 5.0 (and below), i.e. to the threshold at which enamel demineralization occurs. An important factor causing caries is the time at which the pH value is lowered and the teeth are susceptible to demineralisation processes.

The correct bacterial flora of the oral cavity allows you to maintain the LACTIBIANE Buccodental Probiotic against oral infections and caries. As a result, it supports the prevention and treatment of caries and inflammation of the oral cavity.

See also: Why do teeth deteriorate?

Caries – symptoms

In the initial stage of caries, a whitish spot appears on the tooth enamel. Over time, the spot becomes rougher and becomes darker in color. If left untreated, the lesion reaches the dentin and “softens” it. A cavity is formed that can react to external stimuli: heat, cold, sweet and sour drinks and foods (not to be confused with dentine hypersensitivity).

The lesions then reach the pulp of the tooth and cause inflammation in it. Persistent pain occurs. Neglecting caries at the initial stage of its development may result in serious problems.

Find out more: Inflammation of the tooth pulp

Factors increasing the risk of caries

In addition to the main factors causing caries, such as bacteria, carbohydrates and tooth susceptibility, there are a number of others that directly or indirectly increase the risk of its occurrence.

Such a factor is, for example, xerostomia, i.e. deficiency (reduced secretion) of saliva. Saliva in the mouth, apart from the role it plays in digesting food, is the basic protective barrier for our teeth. Substances contained in saliva stabilize the pH. This means that after eating food, saliva restores the proper pH over time, thus protecting our teeth against the formation of plaque and, consequently, against caries.

At the same time, as a carrier of calcium ions, phosphates and fluoride, it participates in the enamel remineralization process, i.e. in spontaneous reconstruction. The lack of saliva in the mouth causes the bacteria to multiply rapidly. Xerostomia can result from damage to the salivary glands.

Medicines are another factor that increases the risk of caries. Some medications, if taken for long periods, cause a lack of saliva (dry mouth). Such drugs include bronchodilators, diuretics, antidepressants, antihistamines, anxiolytics, analgesics (morphine, methadone, codeine) and cytostatic drugs.

Caries are also favored by syrups and lozenges containing sugar. The dentition is also adversely affected by antibiotic treatments, which not only destroy the natural bacterial flora, but can also accumulate in the enamel if they are administered at the stage of permanent teeth development (tetracycline). The enamel is also destroyed by aspirin held in the mouth due to the lowering of the saliva pH.

Diseases also contribute to the formation of caries. People with acid reflux are at increased risk. Acidic gastric contents flowing back into the esophagus can cause dental problems, including tooth decay. Also, in people with diabetes with high blood glucose levels, the risk of caries and other oral diseases is very high.

Malocclusion, incorrect positioning of the teeth in the dental arch (wedging, crowding), tightly fitting teeth – they hinder the proper maintenance of oral hygiene and promote the formation of dental plaque. It is similar with the unusual structure of the teeth (deep grooves, flat contact surfaces).

Another very important one cariogenic factor is improper diet and bad eating habits. A diet low in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and insufficient amount of vitamins D, A, E and C can cause hypoplasia (enamel underdevelopment). It should be added that the development of teeth begins in the early fetal period, so the correct mother’s diet is important for the health of the baby’s teeth.

We refer to products that are cariogenic as “cariogenic”. They contain fermentable carbohydrates and have a sticky, soft consistency that easily adheres to the teeth. Such products include raisins, chips, donuts, sweetened cheese, bars.

A very bad habit that destroys our teeth is frequent snacking of sugar-containing products between meals. This exposes the teeth to the long-term adverse effects of organic acids. Considering the importance of saliva, it is important to keep your body hydrated. And it is inadvisable to drink frequently small portions of fruit juices or sweetened tea with lemon, but only pure water.

One of the main causes of tooth decay is poor oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed after each meal, at least twice a day. That is why it is so important to eliminate the habit of snacking between meals. To clean your teeth, you should use a toothbrush with a properly selected head that can reach all surfaces and floss. Don’t forget to clean your tongue at the same time. Fluoride toothpastes and rinses help remineralise the teeth.

Adequate oral hygiene is important even until infancy. At Medonet Market you will find the Neno Denti Electronic Toothbrush for Children. Buy it now, as it is now available at a promotional price.

And of course, the group of people exposed to caries includes all those who do not check the condition of their teeth during check-up visits to the dentist. Usually we are not able to notice the initial changes caused by caries.

Check it out: Almost 100 percent Poles have tooth decay. Why do we not care for our teeth?

Caries – treatment

The body itself is able to heal caries using special mechanisms, such as the production of saliva, which is able to neutralize the microbes and dilute the acid they secrete. In addition, there are also minerals in saliva, such as fluoride ions, which make the teeth strong and their surface more resistant to acids.

Unfortunately, the body is not always able to cope with the developing caries on its own, especially when it has developed quite strongly. In addition, everything is hampered by bad habits inherent in human oral hygiene. In such cases, it is very important to react quickly and properly.

You also need to know that caries is one of the infectious diseases and can become infected with it, therefore caries treatment focuses on stopping the multiplication of bacteria and the formation of plaque by them. To achieve this, we should consume as little sugar as possible, because that is what bacteria feed on.

At the time when caries causes cavities to appear in the teeth, one of the methods of treatment is to place a filling in order to stop the cavities from growing.

Various substances are used for fillings, such as:

  1. Composites – these are materials that have been used in dentistry for many years. Their advantage is the possibility of light curing, thanks to which their color can be perfectly matched to the shades of the patient’s teeth, which in consequence means that the composite fillings are simply not visible. In addition, composites are characterized by high durability and excellent bonding to the tooth surface, second only to amalgams.
  2. Cementy glass-jonomerowe -that is, mixtures of several different ingredients ensure the inhibition of the development of caries, among others due to the presence of fluoride in its composition. Unfortunately, glass-ionomer cements are characterized by a dark color and, additionally, quick abrasion from the tooth surface, which necessitates frequent replacement of the fillings.
  3. Amalgamated – that is, a combination of mercury with metal filings or an alloy of several metals. Many people say that the use of this filling is dangerous to our health, as mercury can be released into the body. However, it is important to remember about the bactericidal properties of amalgam, its durability and the speed with which the treatment is carried out. Interestingly, due to its dark color, amalgam is only used in the treatment of molars and non-visible surfaces.

In addition, in the treatment of advanced caries, the so-called root canal treatment. It involves the removal of the tooth pulp, which in practice means its death, but also allows you to keep it. In the case of advanced caries, bacteria slowly reach the pulp, and this causes great pain and, consequently, inflammation that cannot be stopped by any other method.

Check it out: What is the risk of untreated caries?

The course of caries

At the very beginning, the bacteria begin to break down sugars, which creates organic acids such as, for example, lactic, acetic or formic acids, which are responsible for lowering the natural pH in the oral cavity. After a few minutes of eating a sweet snack, our pH level will drop to about 5,0.

This condition causes the demineralization of the enamel, or, more simply, the washing out and dissolution of calcium ions from the enamel. Over time, the enamel becomes porous, so that a white spot appears on its surface, which darkens due to the pigments in the food. These stains are the first stage of caries formation, but at this stage, drilling is not required and the whole process can still be stopped.

It does not change the fact that we should then go to the dentist, because if we do not do it, caries will continue to develop. Over time, more bacteria will penetrate the tooth and destroy the dentin. This will lead to the formation of cavities.

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How to prevent tooth decay?

Caries prevention can be divided into three stages. The first two stages should be realized in childhood, and the last stage is in adulthood. During the third stage, bacteria that colonize the tooth surface should be systematically removed by regular and thorough brushing of the teeth, but also by using a dental floss and mouthwash.

You can increase the effectiveness of cleaning your teeth by choosing the right toothbrush. The Tm-Sonic sonic toothbrush will be a good choice. The device has three operating modes: cleaning, whitening and massage (for the care of the gums). See also the offer of other sonic toothbrushes available on Medonet Market.

You should also use treatments performed in dentists’ offices. In addition, we should bear in mind the limitation of the frequency of sugar consumption and the use of hygiene preparations depending on our age.

In the case of people who are in the so-called group of high caries risk, one cannot forget about procedures such as sealing fissures and furrows on the tooth surfaces or the use of antibacterial preparations containing chlorhexidine. It is also worth maintaining constant contact with the dentist and talking to him about caring for our teeth.

To fully care for a healthy and beautiful smile, try the Cannaderm set of natural oral hygiene preparations. The kit includes toothpaste and a regenerative serum for thrush and cold sores. Their composition includes, among others, hemp oil, clove extract and mint with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

For the daily care of the oral cavity, we also recommend ELMEX – toothpaste against caries, which remineralises the enamel and protects it against caries.

Read more about it: Caries is fought from the first tooth

Caries and periodontitis

If we ignore the deteriorating condition of our teeth and do not go to the dentist at the right time, then in the case of advanced caries, pulp necrosis occurs. Although the tooth no longer hurts in this state, it is still a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria that will eventually cause it to rot (gangrene). It happens that this process does not make itself felt and develops asymptomatically. With time, however, there is tremendous pain that proves the appearance of periodontitis. Unfortunately, then the infection begins to spread through the jaw bones to the rest of the body.

Often, with periodontitis, the pain is not only in the tooth, but in the entire head. In addition, swelling and fever also appear. Due to inflammation, an abscess may also develop, which will have to be cut and then the patient will have to take antibiotics. It also happens that the periodontitis is asymptomatic within the root apex.

At the moment when the pain becomes unbearable, we go to the dentist’s chair, and the doctor tries root canal treatment, which can last up to several months. This is because drugs must be used to fight bacteria while regenerating damaged and damaged tissue. However, when the treatment is ineffective, the dentist performs a surgical cutting and cleaning of the bones, i.e. root apex resection.

Unfortunately, sometimes the tooth cannot be saved and all that remains is to remove it. Most of these situations occur in the case of multi-rooted molars.

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