Caregiver: a real story with elements of mysticism

😉 Greetings to regular readers and lovers of mysticism! The Nurse is a mystical story based on real events. The woman hired herself as a nurse for an elderly neighbor, but something strange was clearly going on in her apartment …


Galina, her daughters – Liza and Katya, Liza’s husband, granddaughter Natalya and the cat Grisha – were crowded into a barrack-type village house. And now Katya has given birth, though without a husband.

“Well, nothing,” thought Galina. – It’s good that I gave birth. The girl is already in her third decade, it’s time to have a child, and her husband is the tenth thing. And then, depending on which one comes across: it’s good if he’s decent, and if he’s bad, then it’s better without a man at all. “

Here is Galkin’s husband, Leonid, he seemed to be a good man. Yes, only then, in a neighborly way, he began to help Baba Masha, who lived on the floor above, right above them, and soon went to live with her daughter Anna. Maybe it’s for the best, because six months later he drank himself to death with Anna.

But Galina then did not even realize that Baba Masha hated her with all her heart because her man had gone to Anna, and because he drank with her, and in general for the very fact of Galkin’s existence.

Interesting offer

Once Galya and her daughter Katya were moving furniture to make room for a newborn boy’s bed. For this I had to sacrifice a bedside table and drag it to the barn.

On the way in the courtyard, they met the son of Masha’s woman, Romka. True, he was once a Romka a long time ago, and now he has become Roman Sergeevich, a great man, important and in a good position. In the village, the neighbors know everything about each other.

So Galina knew that Baba Masha had recently had a blow, and Romka’s wife said that she would not go to look after her at gunpoint. Then Roman Sergeevich promised his neighbors:

– I urgently need a nurse. Whoever inspects my mother, I’ll leave her apartment.

The loss of the inheritance did not bother him at all – the man is clearly not poor. He also promised to pay the nurse’s salary.

On such conditions, all the neighbors agreed to inspect Baba Masha. In the village, salaries are small, but here – both an apartment and a salary. Despite the fact that the grandmother was mischievous and picky, the neighbors vied with each other to offer their services, but Baba Masha did not want anyone but Galina.

– Galya, I will pay you three times more than you earn, – Roman persuaded.

Undoubtedly, this was a very good chance for Galina to improve her living conditions. For the sake of an apartment, she was ready to look after anyone, but not for Baba Masha … They had a serious conflict.

– Well, then ask Anka, let her inspect, – the woman dismissed, – after all, the daughter is still.

– What are you! – Roman protested. – What kind of nurse is she ?! She drinks! She has nothing to do with her mother. Do not be afraid, I will register the apartment for you right away. You are an honest, decent woman, you will not wait for her death, like others, in order to quickly get an apartment.

Therefore, she chose you as a nurse, and she probably wants to clear her soul in front of you for everything, – Roman assured, looking Galina straight in the eyes. And the woman agreed.

Hard work

They made a deal, and Galya moved to Baba Masha. I put everything in perfect order: washed all the corners, removed the cobwebs everywhere, knocked out the carpets. Although it was easier to buy everything new – the apartment turned out to be so neglected.

Baba Masha weighed under a hundred kilos. Every day Galina had to wear it in the bath – the old woman loved water procedures very much.

“You’re getting paid for this,” she reprimanded her nurse, “work it out while I’m alive.

And the nurse silently fulfilled all her whims. And Baba Masha did everything in spite of it, if they brought her tea with sugar, she demanded without sugar. And vice versa.

Calm and hardy Galina coped. But besides the main work, the old woman constantly demanded attention to herself: “And talk ?!” But Baba Masha was more interested in the personal life of her nurse and was angry when she went about her business or ran to her apartment on the first floor to feed the cat.

Thanks to good care, the grandmother went on the mend, became more cheerful, turned pink, a healthy shine appeared in her eyes.

– Why are you taking care of her so? Do not be foolish! – a neighbor whispered to Gale. – The more you shake over it, the longer it will last. This old hag specially chose you as a nurse in order to make fun of you in the end.

Unusual request

During her rather long life, Baba Masha really drank a lot of Galina’s blood. She complained that Galina’s children were shouting under her windows. Then Leonid brought her daughter together. And now she also hated the cat.

But, despite all this, Galya conscientiously performed her duties. She flatly refused to fulfill only one desire of Baba Masha – her request to go to bed next to her.

– I’m scared at night alone, the cats come, lie down next to me – the old woman begged.

– I’m in the next room, why be afraid? Just shout, I’ll come right away. And then you snore, but I can’t sleep like that – Galya made excuses.

“Here, take my pillow then,” said Baba Masha, otherwise your pillow there is completely uncomfortable.

The nurse yielded to the old woman and took one of the pillows offered. I replaced the pillowcase and went to sleep on it in the evening. And Baba Masha that evening was especially talkative, somehow suspiciously polite, and before going to bed she even hugged the nurse.

Night guests

At night Galina felt stuffy, and she opened the window wide open. The pillow was soft, but the woman felt some discomfort.

Caregiver: a real story with elements of mysticism

“It’s impossible to sleep even on grandma’s pillow,” thought Galya. – And how to live in her apartment later? Forgive me God! Give her long years of life, ”and she crossed herself, frightened of her sinful thoughts.

There was silence in the room, behind the wall you could hear the snoring of Baba Masha. A cat meow was heard in the yard.

“What if the children forgot to start Grishka for the night?” – the woman worried. Got out of bed, put on a robe and went out into the yard. There was no one in the yard. “Probably imagined,” she thought, and returned.

The woman went to bed and was already dozing when she suddenly heard someone’s cautious steps. Soft paws slapped on the floor as if kittens were running around the room. But where do they come from here? The woman was perplexed.


As soon as Galya was about to get up to sort out the situation, one of the kittens jumped on the bed, and she felt his soft fur on her cheek. Suddenly he pressed against her neck, began to press harder and harder, and Galya realized that she was being strangled!

She wanted to throw the kitten off her, but could not even move – her whole body seemed to be paralyzed. He squeezed her neck harder and harder. At that moment Galina saw the yellow eyes of two more kittens, who were sitting on the bed and looking at her. The woman became really scared, she began to choke.

Out of despair, Galina began to recite the only prayer she knew. The kittens hissed viciously. Gathering her last strength, she somehow crossed herself. She soon realized that her body was gradually beginning to obey her. The woman backhand struck the creature sitting on her neck and began frantically to cross herself.


When the suffocation was relieved, she jumped out of bed and turned on the lights everywhere: in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the hallway and stopped in front of the door of Baba Masha. There, too, it was necessary to look. The nurse tried to open the door, but could not – it seemed to be locked from the inside. Then the woman was seized by real horror, but she could not do anything.

In the morning, Baba Masha asked the nurse:

– What’s with your hair?

Galina looked in the mirror and was stunned – there was a gray strand in her brown hair!

– Did you hear anything at night? Or have you seen it? – she turned to Baba Masha.

– Yes of course. The cats came again, – answered the old woman and broke into a strange smile.

A neighbor on the site, hearing this terrible story, said to Galina:

– Burn this pillow as soon as possible!

Galya did just that – she burned a pillow in the courtyard of the house. When she returned, she found Baba Masha in a terrible state – all disheveled, with a mad look and with her hands scratched in blood.

And a few days later the apartment was at the complete disposal of Galina. But she could not live there: she sold it, and she herself moved to a neighboring village, then she took the children. The living conditions of this family have improved significantly. But the woman cannot forget this story until now.

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