Carefree childhood?

Psychologists from the universities of Ohio and Zanesville (USA), having interviewed 600 children from 7 to 12 years old, found out that they are most worried about waiting for exams, resentment from brothers and sisters, quarrels with friends, fear of being ridiculed and not coping with a large amount of work. at home.

Natalya Kundukhova

What worries today’s children? Psychologists from the universities of Ohio and Zanesville (USA), having interviewed 600 children from 7 to 12 years old, found out that they are most worried about waiting for exams, resentment from brothers and sisters, quarrels with friends, fear of being ridiculed and not coping with a large amount of work. at home. Psychologists compared the data obtained with the results of studies conducted in previous years: like their parents, children are afraid of loneliness and unpredictable reactions of adults to their words and actions. The rhythm of life in the XNUMXst century has become a new reason for fear. Many children are worried about the fact that they constantly do not have time: to run from one lesson to another, complete all the lessons and … play.

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