Career at home?

Working at home, we cope with our official duties as well as, and in some ways even better than our colleagues who work in the office. Indeed, far from the team, it is easier for many to concentrate on work.

Working at home, we cope with our official duties as well as, and in some ways even better than our colleagues who work in the office. Indeed, far from the team, it is easier for many to concentrate on work. But a career in such a situation is unlikely to be successful, according to research by the international consulting firm Korn / Ferry*. The fact is, working from home robs us of that important social interaction that employees have in the office. They argue and solve problems together, exchange ideas and support each other in different situations. It is difficult for the boss to keep in his field of vision an employee who is closed to him personally – he sees only the result of his work. Probably, social invisibles, still striving to advance in the service, should take care of more versatile communication with the team.


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